Wall Street Journal: Green Energy costs a bundle | Eastern North Carolina Now

wind and solar are expensive for consumers and industry


Wind and solar power are often called "green energy" but one wonders if that term represents the supposed environmental "benefits" or, on the other hand, of all the "green" (money) the grifters who promote it suck out of the pockets of taxpayers and ratepayers.  The countries that have pushed hardest to "transition" to wind and solar are the ones where electric rates are soaring to the point that they now have the highest electric rates in the world.

In America, the Biden regime has pushed hard to force more wind and solar on our consumers.  President Trump however realizes that affordable energy is essential for a viable and prosperous economy and is skeptical of wind and solar.

The Wall Street Journal has just published a piece by Dr. Bjorn Lombock entitled "Green Energy Costs a Bundle" explaining with data from peer reviewed studies in both Europe and America why wind and solar electricity costs consumers a lot more than conventional energy.  Dr. Lombock is the former Director of the Danish government's Environmental Assessment Institute and now serves as President of the Danish think tank Copenhagen Concensus.


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Big Bob said:
( January 3rd, 2025 @ 2:17 pm )
time will tell
( January 3rd, 2025 @ 11:27 am )
The global warming theory is science fiction and little more than a conspiracy theory by the globalists. As former two term president of the Czech Republic Dr. Vaclav Klaus wrote, climate alarmism is "a budding totalitarian ideology that is the greatest threat to freedom, democracy, and prosperity in the world today."

For the real scoop on climate alarmism, the British TV documentary, "The Great Global Warming Swindle" broadcast nationally in the UK by Channel 4 sets out the real science on the issue: www.youtube.com
Big Bob said:
( January 3rd, 2025 @ 9:50 am )
Not as much as fossil fuel emissions.

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