Air traffic control system deteriorated badly under Biden, partly due to DEI | Eastern North Carolina Now

record number of near misses in 2023; dire warnings in 2023 safety report


In 2023 the number of near misses of commercial airliners at American airports skyrocketed to an all time record.  The string of near misses has continued in 2025. Ultimately, the worst happened in the collision of an airliner and helicopter near the Reagan Washington National Airport killed all onboard both aircraft.

In November 2023, the National Air Safety Review Team published a report to the Federal Aviation Administration that warned that "challenges in the areas of process integrity, staffing, and facilities, equipment, and technology all have ties to inadequate, inconsistent funding,  Together these challenges contribute to increased safety risk, and should be regarded as incident precursor."

So what did the Biden regime do to address these identified safety risks in our air traffic control system?  Nothing.  Their agenda was elsewhere.  What they did do was put out a DEI plan for federal air traffic controllers that demanded hiring more people with serious intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems, deafness, and blindness.

It is not yet known if anyone in the control tower at the time of this collision was a DEI hire, but it has come out that the air traffic controller failed to specifically identify which jet the hellicopter was to fly behind.

More on the crash:


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( February 1st, 2025 @ 12:01 pm )
Dear "Big 'white-people' Bob."
While I try to not judge people by category...
I thoroughly understand your perspective because I hate black supremacist. There are many bad people in the world that need to be checked.

My distrust of you comes from the fact that I'm not sure of your personal definition of "supremacist." I think it is rooted in bigotry.
( February 1st, 2025 @ 8:02 am )
What a bunch of blather by Bigot Bob to promote letting unqualified people be air traffic controllers to endanger public safety just to meet some silly racial quotas.

Racial discrimination is illegal in the US, and DEI is racial discrimination. The FAA should not have followed Obama's and Biden's illegal orders.

Here is a "fact check" on just how bad the DEI was on hiring air traffic controllers under Obama and Biden:
Big Bob said:
( January 31st, 2025 @ 6:23 pm )
Apparently the orange idiot sent an email to all air traffic controllers to quit.
I'm not getting on a plane anytime soon.
Big Bob said:
( January 31st, 2025 @ 6:25 pm )
Love all people. Hate the white supremist.
Big Bob said:
( January 31st, 2025 @ 6:34 pm )
I refuse to normalize this behavior.

Post WWII, Germans were asked how they could stand by and let it happen. They tended to give 2 answers.
1. I was following orders
2. I didn't know.

Today, we know.
Obeying an illegal order is not justifiable.
The "I didn't know", was lame, considering the stench from the crematory stacks but provided plausible deniability the the weak.

Just a reminder, when the dust settles, neither excuse will will absolve us from our actions in the coming storm.
Bubba said:
( January 31st, 2025 @ 11:05 am )
Bobbie wants his racist quotas to take precedence over public safety. He just doesn't care if those racist attitudes kill people.
( January 31st, 2025 @ 10:40 am )
Believe it or not.
Hating White People is RACISM TOO.
Big Bob said:
( January 31st, 2025 @ 10:30 am )
The resistance is growing.
( January 31st, 2025 @ 10:11 am )
Common Sense
No Sense

THIS is where we find/lost ourselves now.
( January 31st, 2025 @ 9:44 am )
There was a discussion on the BO some time back on FAA's DEI program for air traffic controllers, and the concern then was some of the categories they were actively seeking - the blind, the deaf, those with serious mental health problems, and those with intelecctual disabilities. The concern then was that DEI would cause people to DIE, and that may have been a factor here. Dumbing down the requirements and the tests to meet quotas creates a less skilled workforce regardless of whether the specific air controllers on duty were DEI hires themselves.

The air traffick controller clearly gave incompetent instructions to the hellicopter.

There is also the issue of the air traffic control being shorthanded because one controller who was supposed to be on duty was allowed to leave early.

It has also come out now that there was another near miss with a helicopter at this same airport the same night and one the night before.

It is out on social media, and we will have to see if this is true, that the pilot who was actually flying the helicopter was a "male to female transgender", and also that the pilot was flying erraticly and almost hit two other planes before this one. If that is true, it begs the question of whether this was a murder-suicide for political reasons. The helicopter was also clearly flying much higher than was allowed.
Big Bob said:
( January 31st, 2025 @ 8:46 am )
Racist BS

Planes have been crashing since the Wright Brothers but the sleezebag president can’t help make any moment, no matter how tragic, about him and his sick white power agenda.

Classless idiot.
I was actually about to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he really is the pig portrayed in the media.
( January 31st, 2025 @ 7:42 am )
Whether the particular air traffic controller who screwed up was himself a DEI hire or not, the standards for ALL air traffic controllers were relaxed under Obama and again under Biden so that the DEI hires could pass them. Rigorous tests became less rigorous. Air traffic controller is one of those jobs that the key thing in hiring is someone who is best skilled at their craft, NOT someone to meet an arbitrary quota.

I have seen or heard several pilots interviewed who pointed out the instructions to the helicopter by the air traffic controller were downright incompetent.
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