Categorical Class | Eastern North Carolina Now

Categorical Class  

In northeastern North Carolina, and, in particular, here around Beaufort, Pitt and Craven Counties, we are creating an online marketing paradigm centering around the power of our Beaufort County NOW zeitgeist, which is proving to be the "gold standard" of all online publications here in northeastern North Carolina.

Not only did our server go down, but we lost nearly two and one half months of data, in short, posts, well considered posts gone.
Not only did our server go down, but we lost nearly two and one half months of data, in short, posts, well considered posts gone.
Beaufort County Now has had an exemplary year, but November, 2015, after our best month ever, October, 2015, started with a whimper, but finished with a bang to top our best month ever for Unique IPs per day.
Beaufort County Now has had an exemplary year, but November, 2015, after our best month ever, October, 2015, started with a whimper, but finished with a bang to top our best month ever for Unique IPs per day.
It was close, but BCN's October, 2015, month of daily traffic ascended to a level that allowed Beaufort County NOW to capture the 'brass ring' of sustained popularity to monthly best that blowout time of March, 2015, by the slimmest of margins.
It was close, but BCN's October, 2015, month of daily traffic ascended to a level that allowed Beaufort County NOW to capture the 'brass ring' of sustained popularity to monthly best that blowout time of March, 2015, by the slimmest of margins.
Beaufort County NOW (BCN), northeastern North Carolina's only moderated Informational Platform, had yet another second best month in a row, and consistently improved in traffic, or was it our best?
Beaufort County NOW (BCN), northeastern North Carolina's only moderated Informational Platform, had yet another second best month in a row, and consistently improved in traffic, or was it our best?
Beaufort County NOW (BCN), northeastern North Carolina's only moderated Informational Platform, has consistently improved in traffic from the drop in readership after March, 2015, which was the blowout month that 'took our breath away'.
Beaufort County NOW (BCN), northeastern North Carolina's only moderated Informational Platform, has consistently improved in traffic from the drop in readership after March, 2015, which was the blowout month that 'took our breath away'.
What takes an internet publication form a local communication portal - just so one might cry out a few salient ideals - to that community's dominant player, to a regional juggernaut?
What takes an internet publication form a local communication portal - just so one might cry out a few salient ideals - to that community's dominant player, to a regional juggernaut?
Beaufort County NOW (BCN) did not have its best month to date, but it did have it's third best month so far this year, which means it was our third best month since we began it September, 2009. We'll take it.
Beaufort County NOW (BCN) did not have its best month to date, but it did have it's third best month so far this year, which means it was our third best month since we began it September, 2009. We'll take it.
Beaufort County NOW, originating in Beaufort County, has registered four straight months of traffic exceeding 180,000 page views per day, and, henceforth, must NOW claim the mantel of regional publication here in northeastern North Carolina.
Beaufort County NOW, originating in Beaufort County, has registered four straight months of traffic exceeding 180,000 page views per day, and, henceforth, must NOW claim the mantel of regional publication here in northeastern North Carolina.
Building on the preceding two months' incredible traffic may be an understatement of relative grand proportions.
Building on the preceding two months' incredible traffic may be an understatement of relative grand proportions.
Just one month ago, we similarly expressed this singular truth that our traffic was marching forward at a far greater clip than I anticipated, propelling us firmly into the No. 1 spot of all web sites originating from Beaufort County. Now after February's blow-out numbers, our gains are solidified.
Just one month ago, we similarly expressed this singular truth that our traffic was marching forward at a far greater clip than I anticipated, propelling us firmly into the No. 1 spot of all web sites originating from Beaufort County. Now after February's blow-out numbers, our gains are solidified.
"Praise the Lord and pass the hand grenades", Synbiotic Networks Inc. is proud to announce that BCN is now the top website originating from Beaufort County.
"Praise the Lord and pass the hand grenades", Synbiotic Networks Inc. is proud to announce that BCN is now the top website originating from Beaufort County.
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