Results found for bashar al-assad | Eastern North Carolina Now

21 Results found for bashar al-assad

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Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad falsely claimed during a speech this week that there was no evidence that six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.
Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad falsely claimed during a speech this week that there was no evidence that six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.
Iranian spies reportedly offered a human smuggler $200,000 to murder two Iranian-born journalists living in London as part of a campaign to scare Iranian dissidents scattered across the world.
Iranian spies reportedly offered a human smuggler $200,000 to murder two Iranian-born journalists living in London as part of a campaign to scare Iranian dissidents scattered across the world.
Vulnerable Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) made an attempt on Saturday to use former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI) — who recently severed ties with the Democratic Party — to tie her Republican opponent to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Vulnerable Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) made an attempt on Saturday to use former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI) — who recently severed ties with the Democratic Party — to tie her Republican opponent to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Syrian presidency released a statement on Monday confirming that President Bashar Al-Assad and his wife, Asma, have both tested positive for the coronavirus.
The Syrian presidency released a statement on Monday confirming that President Bashar Al-Assad and his wife, Asma, have both tested positive for the coronavirus.
Kurdish forces, facing a well-armed and aggressive Turkey, appear to have turned to the Syrian government — meaning its sponsors in Iran and Russia — for rescue.
Kurdish forces, facing a well-armed and aggressive Turkey, appear to have turned to the Syrian government — meaning its sponsors in Iran and Russia — for rescue.
Two months ago, Britain detained an oil tanker in Gibraltar that was suspected of violating European Union sanctions.
Two months ago, Britain detained an oil tanker in Gibraltar that was suspected of violating European Union sanctions.
Statements from the White House equals national and world news.
Statements from the White House equals national and world news.
As we rebuild America's strength and confidence at home, we are also restoring our strength and standing abroad..
As we rebuild America's strength and confidence at home, we are also restoring our strength and standing abroad..
Since its founding in the 1940s, the White House Council of Economic Advisers has written and delivered a report to Congress on the annual Economic Report to the President. The 2018 report, which was delivered yesterday, covers the President's economic successes to date and our agenda going forward
Since its founding in the 1940s, the White House Council of Economic Advisers has written and delivered a report to Congress on the annual Economic Report to the President. The 2018 report, which was delivered yesterday, covers the President's economic successes to date and our agenda going forward
I recently had the opportunity to interview U.S. Sen. Richard Burr for my public affairs program "Front Row" on UNC-TV
I recently had the opportunity to interview U.S. Sen. Richard Burr for my public affairs program "Front Row" on UNC-TV
Today on Twitter, Senator Tillis shared his thoughts on the Syrian regime’s latest atrocity against his own people, and criticized Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.
Today on Twitter, Senator Tillis shared his thoughts on the Syrian regime’s latest atrocity against his own people, and criticized Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.
"While President Barack Obama and the majority of Democrats in Washington continue defending their decision to bring Syrian Muslims refugees - the majority of whom are Arab males - into United States cities, Christian women in Syria are joining an all-female special forces group..."
"While President Barack Obama and the majority of Democrats in Washington continue defending their decision to bring Syrian Muslims refugees - the majority of whom are Arab males - into United States cities, Christian women in Syria are joining an all-female special forces group..."
With the news media's band of Hillary Clinton sycophants and cohorts looking to destroy any chances for a Trump presidency, Donald Trump is still charging President Barack Obama this week with being the de facto creator of what became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) during his campaign
With the news media's band of Hillary Clinton sycophants and cohorts looking to destroy any chances for a Trump presidency, Donald Trump is still charging President Barack Obama this week with being the de facto creator of what became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) during his campaign
On Monday, in the midst of her presidential campaign complete with her claims of "short circuiting" and continued deception regarding the FBI's email probe, the Democratic Party's presidential heir apparent found herself the defendant in a federal court case
On Monday, in the midst of her presidential campaign complete with her claims of "short circuiting" and continued deception regarding the FBI's email probe, the Democratic Party's presidential heir apparent found herself the defendant in a federal court case
The results of the Democratic Party - with the assistance of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other race hucksters - setting up Hillary Clinton as the black voters big Bwana (Swahili, from Arabic abuna "our leader") is shortening lives and preventing young African Americans from climbing out
The results of the Democratic Party - with the assistance of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other race hucksters - setting up Hillary Clinton as the black voters big Bwana (Swahili, from Arabic abuna "our leader") is shortening lives and preventing young African Americans from climbing out
At least one sniper killed five Dallas police officers and wounded another seven in a racially charged attack that ended when police used a robot carrying a bomb to kill him, the city's shaken police chief said on Friday
At least one sniper killed five Dallas police officers and wounded another seven in a racially charged attack that ended when police used a robot carrying a bomb to kill him, the city's shaken police chief said on Friday
Although the news media and Democrats believe government control of guns owned by Americans is politically necessary, what may be equally important is the investigation into the President Barack Obama-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton illegal weapons deal in Libya that helped to arm the Syrian-base
Although the news media and Democrats believe government control of guns owned by Americans is politically necessary, what may be equally important is the investigation into the President Barack Obama-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton illegal weapons deal in Libya that helped to arm the Syrian-base
Although the news media and Democrats believe government control of guns owned by Americans is politically necessary, what may be equally important is the investigation into the President Barack Obama-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton illegal weapons deal in Libya
Although the news media and Democrats believe government control of guns owned by Americans is politically necessary, what may be equally important is the investigation into the President Barack Obama-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton illegal weapons deal in Libya
Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) and a group of Senate Republicans urged President Barack Obama to pursue additional military options to degrade and destroy ISIS abroad and protect the nation from further attacks against American citizens...
Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) and a group of Senate Republicans urged President Barack Obama to pursue additional military options to degrade and destroy ISIS abroad and protect the nation from further attacks against American citizens...
It is a rhetorical question, so, accordingly, the only acceptible answer to this titular question shall remain, egregiously, yes and HELL YES!
It is a rhetorical question, so, accordingly, the only acceptible answer to this titular question shall remain, egregiously, yes and HELL YES!
Within the last three months the Federal government has moved to allow the confiscation of virtually all private property in the United States, the nationalization of entire industries and the indefinite detention of American citizens.
Within the last three months the Federal government has moved to allow the confiscation of virtually all private property in the United States, the nationalization of entire industries and the indefinite detention of American citizens.


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