Results found for british colonies | Eastern North Carolina Now

10 Results found for british colonies

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What does Independence Day - the 4th of July - mean to you?
Perhaps what Independence Day is all about is to reflect on our history and to rekindle our revolutionary spirit every year... our great love of liberty.
Perhaps what Independence Day is all about is to reflect on our history and to rekindle our revolutionary spirit every year... our great love of liberty.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
Paul Craig Roberts takes a look at the document that holds the states in a Union and questions whether the legal bonds still exist.
Paul Craig Roberts takes a look at the document that holds the states in a Union and questions whether the legal bonds still exist.
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
The first permanent white settler in what is now Tennessee was William Bean, who settled in 1769 on Boone's Creek, near where it flowed into the Watauga River.
The first permanent white settler in what is now Tennessee was William Bean, who settled in 1769 on Boone's Creek, near where it flowed into the Watauga River.
As we initiate this ongoing series, this category on what made this a once great nation, we examine our nation's first document.
As we initiate this ongoing series, this category on what made this a once great nation, we examine our nation's first document.
In a free enterprise system a person can only become rich by creating value or improving the lives of others. A person can only become rich by giving people what they want.
In a free enterprise system a person can only become rich by creating value or improving the lives of others. A person can only become rich by giving people what they want.


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