Results found for chocowinity town board | Eastern North Carolina Now

22 Results found for chocowinity town board

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This was the response from the Anointed One to Eric Cantor just after the inauguration in 2009. The entire statement was; "Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won."
This was the response from the Anointed One to Eric Cantor just after the inauguration in 2009. The entire statement was; "Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won."
Those of us who had good social studies teachers know that our system of government is a democratic republic. It is not a democracy.
In a major development in the ongoing debate about building a new jail, the County received a letter today that advised the USDA staff of the Rural Development department of the USDA's state office that the USDA would not fund a loan to build the jail without a vote of the people.
In a major development in the ongoing debate about building a new jail, the County received a letter today that advised the USDA staff of the Rural Development department of the USDA's state office that the USDA would not fund a loan to build the jail without a vote of the people.
Duke Energy, along with its consultants, unveiled their analysis of the Chocowinity Industrial Park to about three dozen community citizens Wednesday (7-9-14). It was an eye opener.
Duke Energy, along with its consultants, unveiled their analysis of the Chocowinity Industrial Park to about three dozen community citizens Wednesday (7-9-14). It was an eye opener.
In the ongoing saga of local government over-reach with a pinch of politician disdain for the democratic process of allowing the electorate to participate in a general obligation bond, Chocowinity gets sued by its citizens..
In the ongoing saga of local government over-reach with a pinch of politician disdain for the democratic process of allowing the electorate to participate in a general obligation bond, Chocowinity gets sued by its citizens..
A group of citizens has filed a lawsuit against the Town of Chocowinity in an attempt to correct what the suit alleges was a violation of the law in the June 3, 2014 decision of the Town Board to amend the town's zoning ordinance to permit a jail.
A group of citizens has filed a lawsuit against the Town of Chocowinity in an attempt to correct what the suit alleges was a violation of the law in the June 3, 2014 decision of the Town Board to amend the town's zoning ordinance to permit a jail.
Lying is a tough subject for most of us to talk about. The absolute, unvarnished truth can cause a lot of trouble. All of us are guilty, at times, of not telling the whole truth.
Lying is a tough subject for most of us to talk about. The absolute, unvarnished truth can cause a lot of trouble. All of us are guilty, at times, of not telling the whole truth.
We keep hearing that things being done by the Anointed One and his administration are "not legal".
We keep hearing that things being done by the Anointed One and his administration are "not legal".
The following video clips cover the entire Chocowinity Town Board public hearing and the subsequent board action on the proposed zoning ordinance change to allow a jail as a special use in the Chocowinity Industrial Park.
The following video clips cover the entire Chocowinity Town Board public hearing and the subsequent board action on the proposed zoning ordinance change to allow a jail as a special use in the Chocowinity Industrial Park.
It began with restricting the number of people allowed to be in the meeting room to the number usually allowed, in spite of the fact that many more showed up to listen and/or speak than has been true in recent memory.
It began with restricting the number of people allowed to be in the meeting room to the number usually allowed, in spite of the fact that many more showed up to listen and/or speak than has been true in recent memory.
The Chocowinity Town Board will hold the fate of a 15% tax increase for all taxpayers and renters in Beaufort County in its hands when it meets Tuesday (6-3-14).
The Chocowinity Town Board will hold the fate of a 15% tax increase for all taxpayers and renters in Beaufort County in its hands when it meets Tuesday (6-3-14).
The Chocowinity Town Board Tuesday night (5-6-14) took a major step forward toward allowing a jail to be built in the Chocowinity Industrial Park.
The Chocowinity Town Board Tuesday night (5-6-14) took a major step forward toward allowing a jail to be built in the Chocowinity Industrial Park.
The video below of the April 23, 2014 Beaufort County Jail Committee meeting depicts a phenomenal event in the history of Beaufort County.
The video below of the April 23, 2014 Beaufort County Jail Committee meeting depicts a phenomenal event in the history of Beaufort County.
The Chocowinity Town Board met for its regular monthly meeting on April 1, 2014. It was a short agenda and the public meeting lasted only 30 minutes.
The Chocowinity Town Board met for its regular monthly meeting on April 1, 2014. It was a short agenda and the public meeting lasted only 30 minutes.
At the recent candidates forum for the Washington City Council one of the questions posed to the candidates was related to how the city and county could cooperate better.
At the recent candidates forum for the Washington City Council one of the questions posed to the candidates was related to how the city and county could cooperate better.
The Chocowinity Town Board, meeting in its regularly monthly meeting Tuesday night (3-7-12) voted to borrow $2,896,000 to upgrade the sewer line running from the existing Bragaw Lane pump station to Cypress Landing.
The Chocowinity Town Board, meeting in its regularly monthly meeting Tuesday night (3-7-12) voted to borrow $2,896,000 to upgrade the sewer line running from the existing Bragaw Lane pump station to Cypress Landing.
The "Godfather of the Chocowinity Recreation Program," Jeff Haddock tendered notice of his resignation as Director of Recreation at the regular monthly meeting of the Chocowinity Town Board.
The "Godfather of the Chocowinity Recreation Program," Jeff Haddock tendered notice of his resignation as Director of Recreation at the regular monthly meeting of the Chocowinity Town Board.
This is a follow-up to an earlier article on the turnout at the Chocowinity Town Board Meeting Tuesday (1-3-12) night and the anticipated Beaufort County Commissioner's meeting next Monday night (1-6-12).
This is a follow-up to an earlier article on the turnout at the Chocowinity Town Board Meeting Tuesday (1-3-12) night and the anticipated Beaufort County Commissioner's meeting next Monday night (1-6-12).
Confusion reigned at the Chocowinity Town Board meeting Tuesday night.
Confusion reigned at the Chocowinity Town Board meeting Tuesday night.
We recently reported on the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling against the Forsyth County commissioners prayer policy.
We recently reported on the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling against the Forsyth County commissioners prayer policy.
At its regular monthly meeting this week the Chocowinity Town Board adopted a new ordinance requiring property owners within the town limits to post street number signs as prescribed by the ordinance.
At its regular monthly meeting this week the Chocowinity Town Board adopted a new ordinance requiring property owners within the town limits to post street number signs as prescribed by the ordinance.
Either Mr. Warren is woefully uninformed, or he is being disingenuous with the Chocowinity Town Board.
Either Mr. Warren is woefully uninformed, or he is being disingenuous with the Chocowinity Town Board.


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