Results found for conservative politicians | Eastern North Carolina Now

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28 Results found for conservative politicians

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Conservative attempts to do away with the longstanding faculty protection may backfire.
Conservative attempts to do away with the longstanding faculty protection may backfire.
Stacey Abrams took the stage at a Lizzo concert in Atlanta, making a last-minute plea for voters to show up on November 8 while reiterating her firm pro-abortion stance.
Stacey Abrams took the stage at a Lizzo concert in Atlanta, making a last-minute plea for voters to show up on November 8 while reiterating her firm pro-abortion stance.
Project Veritas shared an image on social media Thursday claiming an FBI whistleblower leaked a document showing the agency classified “misinformation” as an “election crime” ahead of the 2022 Midterm Elections next month.
Project Veritas shared an image on social media Thursday claiming an FBI whistleblower leaked a document showing the agency classified “misinformation” as an “election crime” ahead of the 2022 Midterm Elections next month.
By now, only the most dishonest or intentionally ignorant observers deny the existential crisis facing higher education.
By now, only the most dishonest or intentionally ignorant observers deny the existential crisis facing higher education.
We’ve heard a lot, in recent years, about a free speech crisis on our college campuses.
We’ve heard a lot, in recent years, about a free speech crisis on our college campuses.
"Prohibits instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, and, in other grade levels, bars discussion that is not ‘age or developmentally appropriate.’”
"Prohibits instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, and, in other grade levels, bars discussion that is not ‘age or developmentally appropriate.’”
On Sunday morning, the day after the massive Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa, Canada, to protest vaccine mandates that would force unvaccinated Canadian truckers crossing into the United States to quarantine once they’ve returned home
On Sunday morning, the day after the massive Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa, Canada, to protest vaccine mandates that would force unvaccinated Canadian truckers crossing into the United States to quarantine once they’ve returned home
An independent expenditure group connected to former Governor Pat McCrory has launched one of the first known mail attacks in the 2022 U.S. Senate race.
An independent expenditure group connected to former Governor Pat McCrory has launched one of the first known mail attacks in the 2022 U.S. Senate race.
The voices of those urging government officials to rely on individual liberty and personality responsibility as the founding principles relate to getting the COVID vaccine are getting louder.
The voices of those urging government officials to rely on individual liberty and personality responsibility as the founding principles relate to getting the COVID vaccine are getting louder.
Jim Geraghty of National Review Online explains how Republicans in positions of political power can avoid self-inflicted wounds.
Jim Geraghty of National Review Online explains how Republicans in positions of political power can avoid self-inflicted wounds.
James Antle of the Washington Examiner focuses on conservative politicians’ decisions about how closely to align themselves with former President Donald Trump.
James Antle of the Washington Examiner focuses on conservative politicians’ decisions about how closely to align themselves with former President Donald Trump.
Leftwing billionaire George Soros just donated $1.5 million to help the nation’s most populous county elect a Black Lives Matter-endorsed prosecutor who promises to lock up fewer criminals.
Leftwing billionaire George Soros just donated $1.5 million to help the nation’s most populous county elect a Black Lives Matter-endorsed prosecutor who promises to lock up fewer criminals.
We're all on the same side. When a white supremacist terrorist shoots up a Walmart filled with innocents in El Paso, we should all be on the same side. We should be mourning together; we should be fighting together.
We're all on the same side. When a white supremacist terrorist shoots up a Walmart filled with innocents in El Paso, we should all be on the same side. We should be mourning together; we should be fighting together.
Campus protests started in the 1960s, but protests on today’s college campuses have a different vibe. While protests in the past pitted students against university leadership, protests in the present are supported and accommodated by presidents and administrators.
Campus protests started in the 1960s, but protests on today’s college campuses have a different vibe. While protests in the past pitted students against university leadership, protests in the present are supported and accommodated by presidents and administrators.
In a recent essay published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley is haunted by a spectre-the spectre of American universities aiding the rise of fascism
In a recent essay published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley is haunted by a spectre-the spectre of American universities aiding the rise of fascism
Do you wonder why political adversaries seem so often to talk past each other rather than produce useful debate on important issues? One reason is that, in many cases, they really aren't talking about the same things.
Do you wonder why political adversaries seem so often to talk past each other rather than produce useful debate on important issues? One reason is that, in many cases, they really aren't talking about the same things.
Conservatives seeking inspiration, guidance, and perhaps a few words of caution can find all that in "Conservative Heroes," the latest book from Raleigh businessman and author Garland S. Tucker III.
Conservatives seeking inspiration, guidance, and perhaps a few words of caution can find all that in "Conservative Heroes," the latest book from Raleigh businessman and author Garland S. Tucker III.
The next time you see or hear a politician, policy analyst, activist, or journalist say that North Carolina’s unemployment rate has fallen “largely” because of workers dropping out of the labor force, ask for a definition of the term.
The next time you see or hear a politician, policy analyst, activist, or journalist say that North Carolina’s unemployment rate has fallen “largely” because of workers dropping out of the labor force, ask for a definition of the term.
Any political movement that can turn out tens of thousands of protesters on a chilly morning in February must be deemed impressive.
Any political movement that can turn out tens of thousands of protesters on a chilly morning in February must be deemed impressive.
Left-wing politicians, activists, and ideologues are desperate to stop and reverse North Carolina's free-market renaissance. They aspire to unseat conservative leaders, invalidate conservative ideas, and repeal conservative reforms.
Left-wing politicians, activists, and ideologues are desperate to stop and reverse North Carolina's free-market renaissance. They aspire to unseat conservative leaders, invalidate conservative ideas, and repeal conservative reforms.
In part I of this two-part series on the shape and direction of education reform in North Carolina, we looked behind the education budget numbers. Now in Part II we discuss this year's legislative steps to address concerns about student achievement, teacher salaries and school vouchers.
In part I of this two-part series on the shape and direction of education reform in North Carolina, we looked behind the education budget numbers. Now in Part II we discuss this year's legislative steps to address concerns about student achievement, teacher salaries and school vouchers.
And while it is a condition of behavior over substance; it is a malady most learned rather than a disorder born.
And while it is a condition of behavior over substance; it is a malady most learned rather than a disorder born.
North Carolina spends $12 million in state tax dollars every year on a program called Customized Training. Run by the state community college system, it provides job training for employees of particular firms.
North Carolina spends $12 million in state tax dollars every year on a program called Customized Training. Run by the state community college system, it provides job training for employees of particular firms.
Today's political lexicon identifies states that vote Republican as red states, while states voting Democratic are blue. Until recently North Carolina was undeniably blue but a current description might color us purple, the result from mixing the two colors together.
Today's political lexicon identifies states that vote Republican as red states, while states voting Democratic are blue. Until recently North Carolina was undeniably blue but a current description might color us purple, the result from mixing the two colors together.
This system worked quite well; they were a great team - Ed was unbeatable and Arthur was to be the ascending Democrat in one local seat or another, after Ed retired, and Ed did one day retire.
This system worked quite well; they were a great team - Ed was unbeatable and Arthur was to be the ascending Democrat in one local seat or another, after Ed retired, and Ed did one day retire.
NC House Rep. Bill Cook is running for NC Senate, District 1, since his NC House District was re-districted into extinction.
NC House Rep. Bill Cook is running for NC Senate, District 1, since his NC House District was re-districted into extinction.


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