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19 Results found for governor of massachusetts

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Sen. Mitt Romney, 76, the GOP presidential nominee who lost the 2012 election to Barack Obama and later became a United States senator from Utah in 2018, said he will not seek a second term in the Senate in 2024.
Sen. Mitt Romney, 76, the GOP presidential nominee who lost the 2012 election to Barack Obama and later became a United States senator from Utah in 2018, said he will not seek a second term in the Senate in 2024.
What does Independence Day - the 4th of July - mean to you?
Perhaps what Independence Day is all about is to reflect on our history and to rekindle our revolutionary spirit every year... our great love of liberty.
Perhaps what Independence Day is all about is to reflect on our history and to rekindle our revolutionary spirit every year... our great love of liberty.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you, Epsteins, for hosting us and for all that you do in so many ways for so many people. There’s truly not much that any of us can do by ourselves.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you, Epsteins, for hosting us and for all that you do in so many ways for so many people. There’s truly not much that any of us can do by ourselves.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
As you know, President Trump has laid out an immigration reform proposal that closes loopholes and provides the necessary resources to secure the border.
As you know, President Trump has laid out an immigration reform proposal that closes loopholes and provides the necessary resources to secure the border.
I leapt from the Uber car at LaGuardia, made my way quickly through security, and boarded the US Airways Shuttle to Washington, D.C. I removed my suit jacket, loosened my tie, and took my seat. Pulling my laptop from my leather briefcase, I opened a spreadsheet to review the layout of the...
I leapt from the Uber car at LaGuardia, made my way quickly through security, and boarded the US Airways Shuttle to Washington, D.C. I removed my suit jacket, loosened my tie, and took my seat. Pulling my laptop from my leather briefcase, I opened a spreadsheet to review the layout of the...
The term “Founding Fathers” of the United States includes many great and courageous and wisely forward-thinking men.
The term “Founding Fathers” of the United States includes many great and courageous and wisely forward-thinking men.
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
I had the opportunity for an audience with Charlotte pastor — and US Senate candidate — Mark Harris on Saturday. (I do have to commend him for not running away in terror after I introduced myself. For some reason, I scare some political candidates.)
I had the opportunity for an audience with Charlotte pastor — and US Senate candidate — Mark Harris on Saturday. (I do have to commend him for not running away in terror after I introduced myself. For some reason, I scare some political candidates.)
Occasionally my friends inquire about my emotional well being, remarking that I may spend too much time dealing with both solvable and unsolvable problems.
Occasionally my friends inquire about my emotional well being, remarking that I may spend too much time dealing with both solvable and unsolvable problems.
I've been busy with final Christmas preparations, so here's a piece from a couple of Christmases ago that I hope will give you a chuckle. Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas.
I've been busy with final Christmas preparations, so here's a piece from a couple of Christmases ago that I hope will give you a chuckle. Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas.
As Americans continue to struggle with a sluggish economy, policymakers could learn useful lessons from a president who served in office more than 80 years ago. That's the view of Amity Shlaes, director of the Four Percent Growth Project at the George W. Bush Center, nationally syndicated...
As Americans continue to struggle with a sluggish economy, policymakers could learn useful lessons from a president who served in office more than 80 years ago. That's the view of Amity Shlaes, director of the Four Percent Growth Project at the George W. Bush Center, nationally syndicated...
It's sadly no surprise to hear of a Washington politician coming down on both sides of an issue. But it is surprising when you find out it we're talking about Renee Ellmers, and the IT is the defunding of ObamaCare.
It's sadly no surprise to hear of a Washington politician coming down on both sides of an issue. But it is surprising when you find out it we're talking about Renee Ellmers, and the IT is the defunding of ObamaCare.
Is it just me, or is our Second District congresswoman sounding a lot like Barbara Boxer? Or perhaps our first -- or soon to be -- ex-wives?
Is it just me, or is our Second District congresswoman sounding a lot like Barbara Boxer? Or perhaps our first -- or soon to be -- ex-wives?
On January 16, 2013, President Obama signed 23 Executive Orders which he claimed are aimed at reducing gun violence.
Governor Mitt Romney embraced his first presidential debate, with vigor, and an enthusiastic optimism to project the truth, unfiltered and unencumbered, and thus intellectually bloodied Candidate Obama, and his office of new socialistic ideals for his odd vision of an Obama shaped America.
Governor Mitt Romney embraced his first presidential debate, with vigor, and an enthusiastic optimism to project the truth, unfiltered and unencumbered, and thus intellectually bloodied Candidate Obama, and his office of new socialistic ideals for his odd vision of an Obama shaped America.
According to the latest polls, President Obama is far more likeable than Republican candidate Mitt Romney who still hasn't won over the GOP conservative voters.
According to the latest polls, President Obama is far more likeable than Republican candidate Mitt Romney who still hasn't won over the GOP conservative voters.
Hammering forcefully at what he called President Obama's "raid" on Medicare, divisive re-election tactics and economic policies that have put America on the edge of a fiscal cliff, GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan told a Raleigh crowd Wednesday it is imperative to elect Republican challenge
Hammering forcefully at what he called President Obama's "raid" on Medicare, divisive re-election tactics and economic policies that have put America on the edge of a fiscal cliff, GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan told a Raleigh crowd Wednesday it is imperative to elect Republican challenge


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