Results found for international group | Eastern North Carolina Now

14 Results found for international group

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USDA says foreign-owned wind energy projects account for much of the increase.
Impact of species introduction, invasion and changing fish populations
Impact of species introduction, invasion and changing fish populations
Switzerland‘s two largest banks are poised to merge in a deal regulators sought to help create stability as volatility rocks financial institutions around the globe.
Switzerland‘s two largest banks are poised to merge in a deal regulators sought to help create stability as volatility rocks financial institutions around the globe.
Nearly two dozen people arrested in connection to the violence at the future site of a police training center in Atlanta on Sunday face domestic terrorism charges, according to authorities.
Nearly two dozen people arrested in connection to the violence at the future site of a police training center in Atlanta on Sunday face domestic terrorism charges, according to authorities.
A new study found that even the “best” evidence for child sex changes is of extremely low quality and should not be relied upon as justification for medically transitioning minors.
A new study found that even the “best” evidence for child sex changes is of extremely low quality and should not be relied upon as justification for medically transitioning minors.
While the term “gender identity” has exploded in popularity as a way for transgender individuals to express the feeling of “misalignment” with their bodies, a group of scientists says that there is no empirical evidence for its existence in biology.
While the term “gender identity” has exploded in popularity as a way for transgender individuals to express the feeling of “misalignment” with their bodies, a group of scientists says that there is no empirical evidence for its existence in biology.
The Canadian psychology association clashing with Dr Jordan B Peterson over his social media statements has embraced radical gender theory in recent years, even hosting a speaker who told members it is a “microaggression” to offer counseling to clients seeking sex changes.
The Canadian psychology association clashing with Dr Jordan B Peterson over his social media statements has embraced radical gender theory in recent years, even hosting a speaker who told members it is a “microaggression” to offer counseling to clients seeking sex changes.
WPATH removes minimum age recommendations for minors to obtain medical treatments and suggests that parents may be excluded from making medical decisions if they refuse to affirm their child’s transgender identity.
WPATH removes minimum age recommendations for minors to obtain medical treatments and suggests that parents may be excluded from making medical decisions if they refuse to affirm their child’s transgender identity.
New data from the UK shows gender clinic referrals have doubled since previous year
New data from the UK shows gender clinic referrals have doubled since previous year
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) kicked off its 27th annual conference in Montreal on Saturday night with a keynote address from Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, who identifies as a transgender woman.
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) kicked off its 27th annual conference in Montreal on Saturday night with a keynote address from Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, who identifies as a transgender woman.
Abby Smith and Josh Siegel report for the Washington Examiner on the latest sweeping pronouncement from an international group worried about climate change.
Abby Smith and Josh Siegel report for the Washington Examiner on the latest sweeping pronouncement from an international group worried about climate change.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that American International Group (AIG) will establish a technology center in Mecklenburg County.
Governor Pat McCrory and North Carolina Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that American International Group (AIG) will establish a technology center in Mecklenburg County.


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