Results found for martin sheen | Eastern North Carolina Now

4 Results found for martin sheen

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Socialist Liberals are in such a grieving process that they can not accept the Trump presidency, which leaves these intellectual, emotional children but one recourse - to act out, and act out badly.
Socialist Liberals are in such a grieving process that they can not accept the Trump presidency, which leaves these intellectual, emotional children but one recourse - to act out, and act out badly.
There is going to be a dramatic uptick in unemployment as soon as Obama leaves office.
There is going to be a dramatic uptick in unemployment as soon as Obama leaves office.
After a doctor's appointment recently, while sitting in the parking lot, I lit up a cigarette and visited the Drudge Report. Upon reading of China's most recent threat to America, I logged onto Facebook and this is what I typed...
After a doctor's appointment recently, while sitting in the parking lot, I lit up a cigarette and visited the Drudge Report. Upon reading of China's most recent threat to America, I logged onto Facebook and this is what I typed...
Among the pagan-inspired customs of the Christmas season now appears to be the ritualistic burning of the straw man. Specifically, I refer to the traditional seasonal column by a sly journalist or political analyst asserting that the exchange of Christmas gifts is a major lose-lose for the economy.
Among the pagan-inspired customs of the Christmas season now appears to be the ritualistic burning of the straw man. Specifically, I refer to the traditional seasonal column by a sly journalist or political analyst asserting that the exchange of Christmas gifts is a major lose-lose for the economy.


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