Results found for principled republican | Eastern North Carolina Now

21 Results found for principled republican

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Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson said on Tuesday that he was dropping out of the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.
Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson said on Tuesday that he was dropping out of the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.
Former Vice President Mike Pence announced on Saturday that he is suspending his 2024 presidential campaign.
Former Vice President Mike Pence announced on Saturday that he is suspending his 2024 presidential campaign.
In a recent article titled "With friends like these, we don"t need enemies", I explained how the Democrats have managed to keep control of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners when they have only two votes.
In a recent article titled "With friends like these, we don"t need enemies", I explained how the Democrats have managed to keep control of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners when they have only two votes.
The two front runners for their party's respective nominations both lost the bid, although former New York Senator tried to claim victory before she literally bolted from the Hawkeye state.
The two front runners for their party's respective nominations both lost the bid, although former New York Senator tried to claim victory before she literally bolted from the Hawkeye state.
The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
And so it continues, and we should all be so proud of the "congressional adults" who passed spending legislation that will keep government open for the next 9 months without a congressional shutdown ... Or Should we?
And so it continues, and we should all be so proud of the "congressional adults" who passed spending legislation that will keep government open for the next 9 months without a congressional shutdown ... Or Should we?
Being a Conservative once meant something positive - a progressive form of thought.
There has been an ongoing smear campaign orchestrated by the local RINOs of the Republican party that have long attacked the conservative members of our county commission: Hood Richardson and me (Stan Deatherage).
There has been an ongoing smear campaign orchestrated by the local RINOs of the Republican party that have long attacked the conservative members of our county commission: Hood Richardson and me (Stan Deatherage).
The Washington Daily News will try their hand at reporting on politics, which well operates under the accurate categorical department of 'better late than never'.
The Washington Daily News will try their hand at reporting on politics, which well operates under the accurate categorical department of 'better late than never'.
We're in the middle of the primary election season. These times are all about internal debates / discussions between party members as they chart the direction of and craft an agenda for their parties.
We're in the middle of the primary election season. These times are all about internal debates / discussions between party members as they chart the direction of and craft an agenda for their parties.
While I am hardly a political animal - don't really have the time for it - I have, over the years, been rather astute in recognizing the obvious, especially the dubious moves of politicians. I see this odd behavior often from Democrats, and sadly, I now see it from some Republicans as well.
While I am hardly a political animal - don't really have the time for it - I have, over the years, been rather astute in recognizing the obvious, especially the dubious moves of politicians. I see this odd behavior often from Democrats, and sadly, I now see it from some Republicans as well.
It is expected that there will be a major fight at the Beaufort County Republican Convention Tuesday night (3-26-13). The current divisions in the Grand Ole Party will likely play out in the election of officers and Executive Committee members. Here's the background.
It is expected that there will be a major fight at the Beaufort County Republican Convention Tuesday night (3-26-13). The current divisions in the Grand Ole Party will likely play out in the election of officers and Executive Committee members. Here's the background.
When I was first elected county commissioner, here in Beaufort County back in November, 1994, I was told I was a brilliant man, and a great communicator, the perfect complement to a Democrat board of county commissioners.
When I was first elected county commissioner, here in Beaufort County back in November, 1994, I was told I was a brilliant man, and a great communicator, the perfect complement to a Democrat board of county commissioners.
And while it is a condition of behavior over substance; it is a malady most learned rather than a disorder born.
And while it is a condition of behavior over substance; it is a malady most learned rather than a disorder born.
Will the RINOs take over the county Republican party?
Larry Britt will never get answers from the Beaufort Observer that satisfy his false curiosity. Larry does not see his questioning as false because he is not principled.
Larry Britt will never get answers from the Beaufort Observer that satisfy his false curiosity. Larry does not see his questioning as false because he is not principled.
The chairmanship will be selected tonight, and it will set the political tone for this board for some time hence.
The run off election from the State primary is now in progress. There are only a hand full of candidates from both the Republican and Democrat tickets.
The run off election from the State primary is now in progress. There are only a hand full of candidates from both the Republican and Democrat tickets.
Ever wonder what happens when leopards change their spots? The answer is "NOTHING" because leopards do not change their spots.
Ever wonder what happens when leopards change their spots? The answer is "NOTHING" because leopards do not change their spots.
NC House Rep. Bill Cook is running for NC Senate, District 1, since his NC House District was re-districted into extinction.
NC House Rep. Bill Cook is running for NC Senate, District 1, since his NC House District was re-districted into extinction.
It is only natural that political candidates like to characterize themselves as being something that appeals to the voters. Advertising companies make a lot of money defining products from tooth paste to politicians with a few innocent sounding, catchy words that stick in peoples minds.
It is only natural that political candidates like to characterize themselves as being something that appeals to the voters. Advertising companies make a lot of money defining products from tooth paste to politicians with a few innocent sounding, catchy words that stick in peoples minds.


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