Results found for sales tax increase | Eastern North Carolina Now

67 Results found for sales tax increase

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In 2013, the new General Assembly held the sales tax at 4.75%, while expanding the base. Consumption-based taxes like the sales tax are more stable and less economically destructive than income taxes which discourage savings and investment.
In 2013, the new General Assembly held the sales tax at 4.75%, while expanding the base. Consumption-based taxes like the sales tax are more stable and less economically destructive than income taxes which discourage savings and investment.
At a forum hosted by the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance on Jan. 9, House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger discussed a host of issues leading up to the 2023 legislative session, which began on Jan. 11.
At a forum hosted by the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance on Jan. 9, House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger discussed a host of issues leading up to the 2023 legislative session, which began on Jan. 11.
But All Five Local Sales Tax Proposals Were Defeated
Local governments turning to bonds and sales tax referendums due to rising interest rates and inflation.
Local governments turning to bonds and sales tax referendums due to rising interest rates and inflation.
A candidate for the Guilford County Board of Commissioners has accused the county government of using public dollars to illegally promote the passage of a $1.7 billion school bond and quarter cent sales tax increase.
A candidate for the Guilford County Board of Commissioners has accused the county government of using public dollars to illegally promote the passage of a $1.7 billion school bond and quarter cent sales tax increase.
Small businesses and struggling taxpayers need relief rather than the Gang of Four stockpiling cash
Small businesses and struggling taxpayers need relief rather than the Gang of Four stockpiling cash
Estimates from the Senate budget proposal’s tax cut plan project a tax savings of roughly $13.9 billion over the next five years.
Estimates from the Senate budget proposal’s tax cut plan project a tax savings of roughly $13.9 billion over the next five years.
The 2020 election is over. Thankfully and finally.
Gov. Roy Cooper’s shutdown orders have produced difficult economic times for North Carolina families and businesses.
Gov. Roy Cooper’s shutdown orders have produced difficult economic times for North Carolina families and businesses.
Charlotte’s Arts & Science Council went to the people of Mecklenburg County last fall to get a quarter-cent sales tax increase.
Charlotte’s Arts & Science Council went to the people of Mecklenburg County last fall to get a quarter-cent sales tax increase.
As North Carolina fights the coronavirus, the General Assembly should take a few simple, smart steps to keep public education on track and the economy afloat, experts say.
As North Carolina fights the coronavirus, the General Assembly should take a few simple, smart steps to keep public education on track and the economy afloat, experts say.
North Carolina voters shouldn’t be asked to approve county sales tax increases on election days where turnout is considerably low, one expert says.
North Carolina voters shouldn’t be asked to approve county sales tax increases on election days where turnout is considerably low, one expert says.
Nearly every election cycle, a handful of counties place a sales tax referendum on the ballot.
Nearly every election cycle, a handful of counties place a sales tax referendum on the ballot.
Mecklenburg County voters on Tuesday rejected a local quarter cent sales tax hike sold as a way to raise funds for area art projects and parks.
Mecklenburg County voters on Tuesday rejected a local quarter cent sales tax hike sold as a way to raise funds for area art projects and parks.
Mecklenburg County voters rejected a plan to raise the sales tax to fund arts and parks.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
In November, voters in other North Carolina communities — including several of the largest in the state — will weigh separate multimillion-dollar initiatives.
In November, voters in other North Carolina communities — including several of the largest in the state — will weigh separate multimillion-dollar initiatives.
Twelve years ago, the General Assembly gave counties the option to ask residents if they wanted more government spending. The county commissioners’ response this year in Mecklenburg? Spend an extra $50 million on the arts and parks.
Twelve years ago, the General Assembly gave counties the option to ask residents if they wanted more government spending. The county commissioners’ response this year in Mecklenburg? Spend an extra $50 million on the arts and parks.
The John Locke Foundation is approaching its 30th anniversary, and the Republican majority in the General Assembly is halfway through its fifth session.
The John Locke Foundation is approaching its 30th anniversary, and the Republican majority in the General Assembly is halfway through its fifth session.
Residents of Roanoke Rapids could vote soon to raise their local sales tax by a full percentage point. Money raised from the 1-cent tax increase would help pay off debt linked to the infamous Randy Parton Theatre.
Residents of Roanoke Rapids could vote soon to raise their local sales tax by a full percentage point. Money raised from the 1-cent tax increase would help pay off debt linked to the infamous Randy Parton Theatre.
In addition to choosing representatives, and deciding six statewide constitutional amendments Tuesday, Nov. 6, North Carolina voters approved more than $1.8 billion in local bonds for K-12 and community college projects, parks and open spaces, low-income housing, and street improvements
In addition to choosing representatives, and deciding six statewide constitutional amendments Tuesday, Nov. 6, North Carolina voters approved more than $1.8 billion in local bonds for K-12 and community college projects, parks and open spaces, low-income housing, and street improvements
Rob Christensen, the venerable political reporter for the News & Observer, offers a future vision of North Carolina as Illinois, with out-of-control spending leading to failing government and bad credit
Rob Christensen, the venerable political reporter for the News & Observer, offers a future vision of North Carolina as Illinois, with out-of-control spending leading to failing government and bad credit
Today the North Carolina House Committee on the Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House will consider House Bill 916 – North Carolina Health Plan
Today the North Carolina House Committee on the Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House will consider House Bill 916 – North Carolina Health Plan
Large majorities of North Carolina voters support enshrining additional rights and responsibilities in the state constitution in the latest polling by the Civitas Institute
Large majorities of North Carolina voters support enshrining additional rights and responsibilities in the state constitution in the latest polling by the Civitas Institute
In May, North Carolina voters will go to the polls, and in at least 14 counties they'll vote on tax increases
In May, North Carolina voters will go to the polls, and in at least 14 counties they'll vote on tax increases
In 2007, the North Carolina General Assembly passed legislation allowing counties to impose an additional quarter-cent sales tax to raise revenue within their jurisdictions
In 2007, the North Carolina General Assembly passed legislation allowing counties to impose an additional quarter-cent sales tax to raise revenue within their jurisdictions
At last count, 12 North Carolina counties will include an increase in the local sales tax on their May ballots
At last count, 12 North Carolina counties will include an increase in the local sales tax on their May ballots
Voters in numerous North Carolina counties will vote for more than candidates in their districts
Voters in numerous North Carolina counties will vote for more than candidates in their districts
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
That $10 pair of pants you find now at your local discount store? Prepare to see the price jump to $12
That $10 pair of pants you find now at your local discount store? Prepare to see the price jump to $12
On the Thursday "What Matters in North Carolina" program, host Mark Shiver spoke with Brian Balfour, executive vice-president of the Civitas Institute, to discuss the proposed Wake County sales tax increase on the Nov. 8 ballots, which will go to fund a mass transit plan
On the Thursday "What Matters in North Carolina" program, host Mark Shiver spoke with Brian Balfour, executive vice-president of the Civitas Institute, to discuss the proposed Wake County sales tax increase on the Nov. 8 ballots, which will go to fund a mass transit plan
Taxpayer advocates, public policy analysts, and Republican Party officials Tuesday slammed a Wake County sales tax referendum and characterized a proposed transit plan as a giant boondoggle
Taxpayer advocates, public policy analysts, and Republican Party officials Tuesday slammed a Wake County sales tax referendum and characterized a proposed transit plan as a giant boondoggle
On June 6, the Wake County Board of Commissioners approved a transit plan. This is not good news
On June 6, the Wake County Board of Commissioners approved a transit plan. This is not good news
As the North Carolina Democrat Party (NCDP) stages its state convention, the North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) is encouraging the media and voters to ask Roy Cooper and Deborah Ross the following questions
As the North Carolina Democrat Party (NCDP) stages its state convention, the North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) is encouraging the media and voters to ask Roy Cooper and Deborah Ross the following questions
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