Results found for missionaries | Eastern North Carolina Now

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3 Results found for missionaries

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Deep in the Amazon jungle, a group of progressive Christian missionaries is hard at work spreading the good news of alternative lifestyles to unreached native tribes. The missionaries hope their efforts will bear fruit as they introduce some gay stuff to previously untouched civilizations.
Deep in the Amazon jungle, a group of progressive Christian missionaries is hard at work spreading the good news of alternative lifestyles to unreached native tribes. The missionaries hope their efforts will bear fruit as they introduce some gay stuff to previously untouched civilizations.
Up to 16 American Christian missionaries and their families, including children, have reportedly been kidnapped by a notorious gang in Haiti’s capital of Port-au-Prince.
Up to 16 American Christian missionaries and their families, including children, have reportedly been kidnapped by a notorious gang in Haiti’s capital of Port-au-Prince.
The leader of the Haitian gang that kidnapped 16 American missionaries has threatened to kill the hostages if his ransom demands, $1 million per hostage, are not paid.
The leader of the Haitian gang that kidnapped 16 American missionaries has threatened to kill the hostages if his ransom demands, $1 million per hostage, are not paid.


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