Comments by Jim Cox | Eastern North Carolina Now

Comments by Jim Cox

It must be obvious to even the dullest minds in government that this is a coordinated attempt to flood the U.S. with millions of illegals with the express intention of not simply reducing the population from 'majority white,' but to reduce the national philosophy to anything other than Western historical, innovative and world leading thinking and culture. In other words, it is a hostile attack upon the leading culture that is the prime mover of technological progress and world leadership. In short, 'they hate white people and want to replace us.' There. It is said and it is blatantly obvious. it isn't 'white culture' that is racist. It is obvious the racism is coming from those who hate Western culture and its success. Face it: if it were not for the dynamism of Western culture, most of the rest of the world would still be mired in tribalism or at best, stumbling along with a medieval culture that still enslaves other groups, (the Chinese and the Uighurs,) or beats and abuses its women, (Afghanistan, et al), or terrorizes a population by living as parasites on others, (name almost any South American or African region. consider the kidnappings in Haiti, the Somali pirates, or el-Shabob in central Africa.) And now we have our own populace trying to cut our throat and destroy any progress made that was brought to the world by the expansion of Western culture. Prepare yourself.
Commented: Sunday, December 19th, 2021 @ 3:02 pm By: Jim Cox
And now watch what happens. Seattle is about to lose 25% of its police and first responders for not providing proof of vaccination. Chicago is about to lose half its police force and a federal judge has issued a gag order on the president of the police union so he can no longer speak publicly about why the union is resisting the vaccination mandate. If enough police and first responders are fired, then that creates a perfect opportunity for the federal leftists to step in with a federal "police force." Another darkly dangerous step into Alinsky's world. A Chinese official, as seen on FOX, made a public statement to some of his fellow Chinese bureaucrats that they had "friends in very high places" in the U.S. government. I believe you can count Obama among them as well as Joe and Hunter Biden. Prepare for major disruptions of your collective lives. Unequal justice of the law is the zeitgeist of the day.
Commented: Friday, October 15th, 2021 @ 8:45 pm By: Jim Cox
And what is more, they want to ignore "natural immunity." Also, it seems they are still continuing to ignore therapeutics such as Ivermectin, which is cheap, effective and does come in doses specifically for human consumption. And yes, hydroxychloroquine; also cheap, effective when used early after onset of infection, and comes in human dosages.
Both are proven effective, non-toxic and already available. Think about this: I believe the ones pushing all this panic stuff are the ones who are getting rich from pushing the vaccines. And if any of them don't have their hand in the till, they're scrambling for political power by keeping (many) of the people scared out of common sense.
Commented: Monday, October 11th, 2021 @ 10:02 pm By: Jim Cox
This is too stupid to be an accident. Of course, the manufactured "emergencies" that are flooding Western civilization with "refugees" that aren't really refugees are just one of the ways the enemies of all of Western civilization and individual freedom are destroying the world around us. Pitifully, there are millions of Americans, mostly white, who uncritically accept the claptrap that Western society is simply "racist" and thus "a bad thing." If they were half, even one quarter as smart as they think they are, they'd understand the civilization they so casually take for granted is directly the brainchild of that same Western civilization.
Commented: Monday, October 11th, 2021 @ 9:44 pm By: Jim Cox
Twenty years ago I joined NCAE as an act of self-preservation, namely, for the legal backing I would get if I were ever accused of anything by student, parent or administration. As soon as the North Carolina Legislature decided to back we teachers by promising us legal insurance, I dropped NCAE. It was real simple...go with who will help protect you. When the State didn't, I went where I could get the help. When the State stepped up to do their duty, I was delighted! Fortunately, I never had to avail myself of those legal services but at least the State was acknowledging my existence and the need for protection from an increasingly litigious society. And I have to add, a great deal of the litigation is spurred on by just the sort of people who are in charge of destroying the country at present, the Democratic Party's misnamed "Progressives!"
Commented: Monday, October 11th, 2021 @ 9:26 pm By: Jim Cox
Brilliant legal insight and application of common sense, which is what the Constitution and our legal and judicial system are SUPPOSED to be.
Commented: Thursday, October 7th, 2021 @ 10:31 am By: Jim Cox
If Republicans are smart here, they'll back restoring Master's Degree pay for those who have earned their degree. It would certainly help pry away some of NCAE's reflexive support for Democrats.
Commented: Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 @ 11:05 pm By: Jim Cox
So where do the patients and laypeople sign?
Commented: Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 @ 10:44 pm By: Jim Cox
"Is he honest, accountable and full of," Scheller said. In what way was President Trump not honest? In what way was President Trump not accountable? And in what way was/is President Trump NOT full of integrity?! In the sentences just prior to this muddled diatribe, Scheller laid out several salient points. "Did he expose the corruption in the DoJ, media and other places...yes. Was he the right person to expose the corruption at that time...maybe," he says. Well, who the hell does he think WOULD or COULD have exposed all that? And now that corruption and rot HAS been exposed by the total failure of the Biden administration AND his beloved military, this "genius" declares he'd rather sit in jail and be released with a dishonorable than be helped by President Trump?! If it were not for the fact that the military that has imprisoned him is dangerously rogue, I'd say let him stay in prison, pension or no pension. So, I'm asking you, Lt. Col. Scheller, in what ways do you think President Trump was dishonest, not accountable, or full of integrity? And while you're at it, in what ways are Biden, the administration, Democrats in Congress and the top military brass ANY of those things? And again, Scheller, in what ways are the FBI, CIA,DHS and numerous others employed by the federal government honest, accountable, or have any integrity at all? I sincerely hope that you're not a product of any of our military universities, because if you're a fair sample of the graduates, we're doomed. I advise you, Mr. Scheller, to review the events of the last five years and re-think your position.
Commented: Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 @ 10:19 pm By: Jim Cox
Certainly it seems to be at least a "trial run" so "they" can have a working model for later demanding such a mark. If "they" can convince millions of workers to refuse to go back to work as long as there is a government check to support them, and if they can continue to mislead and confuse millions more to believe and follow false "science," that reveals a dark and sinister motive, to wit: reduce the masses to following like sheep behind a belled goat, then a simple mark to continue such an easy lifestyle, is certainly an effective enticement.
Commented: Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 @ 11:42 pm By: Jim Cox
Signs of hope yet glimmer.
Commented: Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 @ 11:15 pm By: Jim Cox
Hmmm. Guess I'll just have to trust my naturally acquired antibodies. They won't give me tremors or other "side effects," otherwise known as "collateral damage" or "death."
Commented: Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 @ 11:03 pm By: Jim Cox
Mr. Smith spoke exactly the truth. I won't attempt to add to it simply because I become almost apoplectic when I contemplate the election fraud and the consequent destruction wrought by Biden/Obama and cohorts. Kudos, Mr. Smith! You're a true patriot!
Commented: Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 @ 9:50 pm By: Jim Cox
Not even Joe Biden and the entire Democratic Party put together can actually be this stupid. It simply is not possible that no one in the closed circle of idiots and traitors that comprise this misbegotten excuse for an "administration," could not have known such an abandonment would end in disaster. Of course, if disaster was what was intended, then this could be called a success from that perspective. No, you simply cannot be this stupid by accident. I contend that this was done "with malice aforethought."

Having said that, I believe I'm correct in saying that the CIA and other "intelligence agencies" didn't want to completely abandon our presence. The CIA didn't like Trump because he got things done and done in such a way it made them look like the incompetent "deep state" actors that they are. So, get rid of the strong, clear eyed leader and install a weak one they could control. But not quite so fast. The "Left" wants to destroy America. The CIA wants to run America. Right now, those who want to destroy America are ahead.

Is it just possible that the CIA, finding Joe determined to pull out, that they helped him by introducing chaos, leaving civilians and $85 billion dollars worth of military equipment "in country" so they'd have a club to force Biden to send troops back in? Or at least leave assets in place so the CIA would have equipment there for a counter-insurgency against the Taliban? I know that is crazy but the CIA has gone quite crazy in recent years. Heck, they've even started hiring "minority" single mothers who admit to being mentally ill, to work at CIA hq in Virginia. You think I'm making it up? They have even run recruiting ads with just such a person as their spokesperson! I saw an ad on Tucker Carlson's Fox news evening program. So, food for thought. The inmates are in charge of the institution. Literally. Prepare yourself for the worst case scenario. These people are crazy as hell and DO NOT mean us well!
Commented: Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 @ 7:12 pm By: Jim Cox
This is EXACTLY the same modus operandi used by the Communists in Europe after the Second World War. Stalin gave orders to his party members in all of Europe to infiltrate, demonstrate in the streets, riot, murder, illegally and surreptitiously change "rules" and laws to suit themselves; sow FEAR and discord through misinformation and disinformation; deflect attention to the discredited and defeated threat of German Naziism, and destroy the hope of rebuilding economies all over Europe. In France, the Communist surge was finally quashed when 80,000 Reservists were activated and ordered to shoot rioters. That broke it up. It seems to me that Democrats are doing exactly the same thing with the National Guard in Washington, D.C. at this very moment. Unfortunately, Eastern Europe, which had been 'liberated' by the Red Army and was directly under Stalin's control, were condemned to live under Communist mismanagement for the rest of the 2oth century. There are more than a few parallels between what the Democratic Party is attempting now and what went on in post-war Europe. It remains to be seen if Democrats will succeed in passing controls that would attempt to strip the people of what is left of this Republic of their arms and achieve their goal of implementing a police state.
Commented: Friday, March 26th, 2021 @ 12:11 pm By: Jim Cox
Hmmm. Interesting news, Stan. The plot thickens.
Commented: Saturday, January 30th, 2021 @ 10:51 pm By: Jim Cox
Yeah, we knew they were lying through their rotten teeth. I'll bet if you asked them, (the so-called Senators), they'd claim they told the truth...there's to be $2,000 total! Of course they were twisting things.

And as for Perdue not being on the Senate floor, voting on a Covid-19 relief bill, we know that Pelosi had deliberately held off on allowing a bill to be moved forward, with the ultimate goal of hurting Trump, then any other Republican. I don't know how Perdue actually ran his campaign but if he didn't loudly and repeatedly point that out, then he ran a stupid campaign. Oh, well! Do more than work hard. Work smart, as well!
Commented: Friday, January 29th, 2021 @ 10:29 pm By: Jim Cox
I'm no apologist for McCarthy but he is playing a public part. I know! I read the part where only 50 signers were needed to petition to get Cheney out of her position within the party leadership, and 115 were collected! But Cheney was on McCarthy's team and I'm sure he felt compelled to defend least a little bit. Remember how "Turtle" McConnell publicly announced Trump's words inspired the 'insurrection?' Then he turned around and stifled the sham impeachment. I'm not saying to not give McCarthy or McConnell a public chewing out; I'm just saying watch what actually happens. Of course, giving them hell in print might actually help them to stay on the correct path.
Commented: Friday, January 29th, 2021 @ 10:15 pm By: Jim Cox
Why don't they see it? Because they're afraid of it. Why are they afraid of it? Any one of a number of reasons why they're afraid of it. For starters, it takes control away from them and their party. Two, it takes 'outside the box' thinking. Three, it follows a very old, and revolutionary, principle. And unless it's their OWN revolution, they don't want any part of it. Four, it's 'history' and I'll lay odds they've never heard of it before. You think they're students of history? Hah! They take their marching orders from someone higher up the party cannibal list.

Now, having pointed out that it's history, the ironic part here is that Lenin and the early soviet party adopted many parts of the French Revolution as their inspiration and guide. I have even read there was once a statue of Robespierre in Moscow!

You want to hear something else even more ridiculous? After the 1979 storming of the American embassy in Teheran by the bloodthirsty fanatics of the Iranian Revolutionary Party, at least one of the murderers confessed that he was confused as to why American students didn't champion their cause as a blow for freedom. A strike at the imperialist, capitalist oppressors of the great American Satan! And he said this even as the revolutionaries were murdering their own women who fell in love with American dogs from the West!! Which brings me to one final irony.

The American left, which seems joined at the hip and thigh with 'gender fluidity', homosexuality, child molestation and pornography, and 'femi-Nazism', would likely be in shock and awe if they really understood how oppressive and repressive the enemies of Western culture are. They're totally blind to the oppressive nature of their own 'roots' and cultural heroes. But such are the results of 'social promotion.'
Commented: Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 @ 8:10 pm By: Jim Cox
I see the Commissioners have failed to support the resolution for the State Legislature to self-convene by means of a simple majority vote. Perhaps someone should remind the legislators, (and certainly should have pointed this out to Georgia's state legislators,) of the Tennis Court Oath of June 20, 1789. There and at that time, the Third Estate of the National Assembly of France called themselves into a session on one of King Louis XVI's tennis courts. They refused to leave or disband until they had passed a resolution to stick together and gain certain concessions from the King. Perhaps a state legislature anywhere in what is left of the United States should have considered some of the same actions. Perhaps they will in the future.
Commented: Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 @ 1:42 pm By: Jim Cox


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