Contradiction-in-Chief Obama, Hypocrite Democrat Senate Turns America's Secrets Over to the Enemy | Eastern North Carolina Now

The president presiding over America's most opaque administration in modern times, now wishes to reinstate transparency, providing that it only puts American personnel abroad at risk, not him or his administration here at home.

While in a continuous state of war, with Americans in harm's way, The Amateur and other elected Democrats make that which was classified known to all.

    Remarkably, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein is being hailed, by the liberal media, as an American hero after releasing the report, although knowing about, and encouraging these CIA activities for over 12 years.

    The president presiding over America's most opaque administration in modern times, now wishes to reinstate transparency, providing that it only puts American personnel abroad at risk, not him or his administration here at home.

    To put this succinctly, America's first Affirmative Action President, whose only qualifications for the job was that he once was a 'community organizer' and, of course, a Democrat, used the outgoing chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein -D, to release the report on the President Bush era CIA enhanced interrogation practices. Remarkably, what makes this crude attempt of instilling the fleeting transparency that Amateur Obama swore that his administration would abide by is that this scandal ridden administration has done nothing to discover the root of the IRS political targeting scandal, the ObamaCare lying to the People scandal, and so many more, including the Benghazi terrorist attack/ 'despicable video'/ hands off responsible terrorists scandal.

    The irony of this top secret report released by the Democrats is that information obtained from enhanced interrogation is documented to aid in the discovery of the location of Osama bin Laden was hidden, so he could be killed, which Barack Hussein Obama claimed complete responsibility for as he campaigned for re-election. Today, The Amateur can take great comfort that his Liberal supporters can now satisfy their insatiable hunger for their liberal sense of well-being, as American patriots in the CIA abroad are put at a far greater risk by that Democrat written report originating from Sen. Dianne Feinstein's committee.

    Now that Amateur Obama has had that rare conniption fit to divulge intricate details of American patriots extracting valuable information, from terrorist murderers, in the wake of 9/11, to keep us safe here at home, one of far greater intelligence might query: Will The Amateur ever divulge the critical information, which he certainly knows, to get to the bottom of the multitude of his scandals that continue to stack-up, like the building blocks of bad government? Or, will he remain a coward, quietly keeping covered his transgressions against the American People?

    My estimate is that America'a punk president will continue to lie at will, and obfuscate the truth to the point that only the most stupid Americans believe his self-serving drivel, as his administration is confounded in the eternal abyss of historical truth. Sadly, there are just so many of them, who still believe this patent liar. Maybe that is why we have so many vacuous, 'unpatriotic' politicians governing this nation to a certain oblivion if not thwarted.

Regarding the recent Senate Interrogation Report, should America's Intelligence agency have not used enhanced interrogation, on nearly 40 suspected terrorists, to extract valuable information in the wake of 9/11?
8.51%   Yes, the destruction of the twin towers and nearly 3,000 American lives does not justify this.
87.94%   No, I actually remember 9/11, and I am thankful for my government keeping my family safe.
3.55%   I don't remember 9/11 or I just don't care, and I have the freedom to enjoy my apathy.
141 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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( December 11th, 2014 @ 8:45 am )
Wait a minute, Stan ~~~ you were editorializing greatly about how those running in the election were ALL distancing themselves from the President, DID YOU NOT???

Thus far, the President is making little or no comments to date on this matter. Were he as you contend, he should be jumping all over it.
( December 10th, 2014 @ 6:11 pm )
Nothing happens in the U.S. Senate without Obama's guidance and approval. Why do you think Senator Pansy Voice passed almost no legislation?

That will end very soon.
( December 10th, 2014 @ 5:46 pm )
You have now set the record for monkey tree climbing, Stan. The President did nothing on this disclosure. It was all done by Congress.

The guilty parties were among the Bush administration which ignored intel and then acted like Nazi concentration camp operators in the aftermath.

May the Homeland Security folks visit you often and confiscate your computer!

Even old John McCain had the decency of character to decry what happened. He just might pay you a visit as well. If I were a supporter of Conservatism, I would find a deep hole to hide in right now and hope this storm blows over.

After WWII we charged Germans and Japanese leaders for war crimes equal to this. Some were hanged by the neck until dead.

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