Two Nursing Students Receive Daisy-In-Training Awards for Exceptional Care | Eastern North Carolina Now

Tony Jordan and Cecelia Claudio received the DAISY-In-Training Award for their delivery of clinical care in an extraordinary and compassionate way to patients and their families during their time as student nurses.

Press Release:

    WASHINGTON, N.C.    Two nursing students at Beaufort County Community College were celebrated during the nurse pinning ceremony with an award from the DAISY Foundation. Tony Jordan and Cecelia Claudio received the DAISY-In-Training Award for their delivery of clinical care in an extraordinary and compassionate way to patients and their families during their time as student nurses.

    The DAISY Foundation was established in 1999 by members of the family of Patrick Barnes. The 33-year-old died of complications of the auto-immune disease idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a disorder that leads to easy or excessive bruising and bleeding. Like many families that experience loss, the Barnes family wanted to honor Patrick's life. They decided the DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Foundation would honor the extraordinary care, compassion and kindness Patrick received from his nurses. The family created the DAISY Award to honor nurses who make extraordinary differences in patients and families experiences in healthcare. The DAISY-In-Training Award recognizes students who exemplify these qualities.

    Nursing professor Molly Wells presented the two students with a DAISY pin and the Healer's Touch Sculpture. The stone sculpture is hand carved by the artists of the Shona Tribe in Zimbabwe, providing 14 artists with employment.

    Tony Jordan excelled in his Medical-Surgical rotation and received compliments from the staff there. "He was compassionate, insightful and able to bond with the patients," said Wells of Jordan.

Tony Jordan (right) receives the DAISY-In-Training Award from nursing professor Molly Wells. The award honors nursing students who excel in creating a positive patient experience.

    While on a medical unit, Jordan noticed a patient with concerning lung sounds. He not only advocated for the patient, but took it upon himself to teach the patient the simplest of things, how to use his incentive spirometer. Throughout the day Jordan returned to the patient's room to assure the patient's use of the device. The patient's lung sounds improved, his oxygen level improved and the medical team was able to reduce his supplemental oxygen requirement. According to Wells, the patient later commented that without Jordan's oversight, he would not be closer to recovery and going home.

    Cecilia Claudio was nominated by her preceptor. In their final semester of school, students work side-by-side with a registered nurse. They follow their schedule and work 144 hours, day, night and weekends. The preceptor said Claudio's practice reminded her of what genuine compassionate care looks like and through her actions, inspired her personally to be mindful of how a little extra compassion can go a long way.

Cecelia Claudio (right) receives the DAISY-In-Training Award from nursing professor Molly Wells. The award honors nursing students who excel in creating a positive patient experience.

    One patient was suffering from terminal cancer and had removed herself from hospice, and presented to the emergency department for treatment and pain control. The ED had a high volume of patients, but during every spare moment Claudio was in the room checking on the patient and the family, changing the pads under the patient's weeping legs, or repositioning the patient to provide some type of pain relief, as the patient's low blood pressure prevented large doses of pain medication. Wells said this patient had a large family, some in the medical field, many of whom commented on the excellent care Claudio provided.

    Recipients of the DAISY-In-Training Award had to be thoughtful and caring, keeping patients and families at the center of care, a true advocate for patients, families and self. They had to demonstrate professionalism, flexibility and adaptability in clinical and classroom environments. They had to be committed to excellence in patient care, demonstrating proficiency in decision-making, kindness, compassion and sincerity in practice. Lastly, they had to create a healthy work environment and strive to improve practice and patient care.

  • Attila Nemecz
  • Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator
  • Beaufort County Community College
  • 5337 U.S. Highway 264 East
  • Washington, N.C. 27889
  • Ph: 252-940-6387
  • Cell: 252-940-8672

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