HB951 threatens serious political damage to the GOP |
Steven P. Rader said:
( September 26th, 2021 @ 7:22 pm )
A lawsuit recently filed by Australia's power grid regulator is the latest evidence that the "big battery" scheme contained in NC's Green New Deal HB951 will not work. The Australian Energy Regulator has sued the French owners of the state of South Australia's "big battery" saying it had failed repeatedly to maintain grid stability. The huge lithium battery is supposed to back up the intermittent supply of solar and wind energy, but has repeatedly failed to do that. Now it's owners are being sued because it does not even provide the grid stability that was claimed when it was built. www.theepochtimes.com
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that voters will be supremely pissed at politicians that jack up their electric rates. So why would the House leadership risk the wrath of the voters by putting their fingerprints all over this special interest give away? Duke Power cannot be giving them anywhere near enough in financial contributions to make up for the political hit they would take. Maybe Tim Moore just doesn't care. After all, it is well known that he has been plotting his post-politics life for some time, and he will be gone before this hits the fan. Mark Robinson ought to care a lot because this will get ugly right when he will be running for governor. So should all GOP legislators who want to keep a majority. Perhaps there is some hidden quid pro quo for someone that is not obvious, but from the standpoint of Republicans trying to win elections, it looks darn stupid. If Duke wants to try to do this, let them go to the Democrat appointed Utilities Commission and let THEM put their fingerprints on it. Sometimes Republicans are called the stupid party and H951 would seem to be a prime example of that.
On the lithium batteries, those things catch fire easily and burn very hot while being extremely difficult to put out. GM has recalled every Chevy Bolt it has built because the things burst into flames so readily. They tell customers who want to keep driving them to park them 50 feet away from a house and 50 feet from other cars. Every person who has been injured from a Chevy Bolt burning has suffered injury by breathing the toxic fumes from the battery fires. If you board an airplane, you are asked if you have any lithium batteries. The reason? Some years ago, lithium batteries carried as cargo on a passenger plane burst into flames while the plane was over the Everglades, causing the plane to crash killing everyone on board. NC should be very careful in allowing huge lithium batteries anywhere near populated neighborhoods. |
Even many big time climate alarmists don't buy that nonsense about giant batteries working to back up intermittent wind and solar. Take globalist oligarch Bill Gates, for example, who has a book out promoting climate alarmism. Gates has spoken and written often that the big battery scheme just will not work. The way HB951 came about is just corrupt. There is no other word for it. Lobbyists for Duke Energy and for promoters of wind and solar met in secret for months to hammer this out. They called themselves "stakeholders" a term coined by and promoted by globalist Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. No representatives of consumers were let anywhere near those meetings.
The backroom boys concocted the basics of this bill, then tacked it on to an existing bill at the last minute as a "committee substitute", where it did not go through the proper legislative process in the House. Speaker Tim Moore then twisted arms of conservatives to not object to it in the House. That is hard to resist because if a legislator crosses Moore on something he is really pushing for, there will be hell to pay on anything that legislator might want himself. Yes, this is really up to the Senate to do the right thing and kill this terrible bill that will badly hurt NC citizens. |
There are a number of "woke" corporations scheming to screw consumers by prematurely closing coal power plants in Europe and America. Blackrock and Citibank are among them. www.zerohedge.com While these ideologues are screwing us, China and other third world countries are building lots of coal fired power plants, giving their industry a huge advantage over ours, since so many of our politicians seem to be in suicide mode. Blackrock seems to always be making extreme left wing moves. If you have retirement money there, it is best to get it out and put it somewhere else. Ditto, Citibank.
Steve, Thank you for this article. I am very concerned about Duke Energy and the unusual influence they have on North Carolina politics. mostly they use money to gain influence.
Their board of director and corporate leadership should be replaced wholesale. They are a par to the new left. Translation, socialists and communists. Really bad news. |
Biden team droned kids | Editorials, Beaufort Observer, Op-Ed & Politics | Milley should be fired and stripped of his rank |