BLM to protest NY vaccine passports | Eastern North Carolina Now

politics sometimes makes for strange bedfellows


A significant part of the black population has refused the Covid vaccines, and are now among those disadvantaged by the vaccine passports being imposed in some states. Thus it almost had to happen.  BLM has announced it will be holding a protest in New York City to oppose the vaccine passports.  It will be held outside a restaurant where three black women were turned away by a hostess after failing to present vaccine passports.  "This New York City vaccine passport will be used to keep black people out of spaces and if we do not stop it now, the police will use it as an excuse to harrass and arrest our people," a spokesman for Greater New York BLM declared.

It looks like Biden's handlers did not calculate in how their vaccine mandate will play with the minority voters his party depends upon.

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Jann said:
( September 21st, 2021 @ 8:15 am )
Maybe someone finally read Operation Lockstep and looked into Eugenics!
( September 21st, 2021 @ 7:02 am )
So, is Biden's vaccine mandate "systemic racism" against black folks? I hope this restaurant where BLM is going to protest has a good fire insurance policy. Fires happening when BLM is around are all too common.

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