Association Meeting July 24, 2023 | Eastern North Carolina Now

The Fire- EMS Associations Meeting will be July 24, 2023 at 7PM. The meeting will be hosted by the Pungo River Fire Department.

Press Release:

    The meeting was called to order by Fire Association President Derrick Myers. Fred Tetterton, Pinetown's Fire Chief, thanked everyone for attending and blessed the food. A meal of fried chicken, barbecue, mashed potatoes and gravy, string beans and hushpuppies from Moore's BBQ and paid for by Atlantic Emergency Solutions.

    Roll Call for Fire was held indicating that Bunyan, Chocowinity, Clarks Neck, Nutrien, Old Ford, Pinetown, Pungo River and Sidney were present for Fire Association; EMS Association had representatives from Chocowinity, Nutrien, and Pinetown. Approximately 50 people attended in total.

    The January 2023 combined Association Fire Minutes had been e-mailed prior to tonight's meeting. John Wilson made a motion to accept the minutes which was seconded by Luther Bailey. President Myers asked that the Nomination Committee of Bryan Dixon, Tommy Pendley, and John Wilson be added to the minutes. The motion passed.

    The Fire Association's Financial Report was presented by Tandy Dunn. There is currently $3,903.66 in checking of which $155.68 is designated for the Kid's Safety Expo, $1,526.09 in savings, and $7,585.34 in a money market account. Ken Whitley made a motion to accept the report which was seconded by Wes Williams. The motion passed.

    Faye Rose gave EMS Association Treasurer's Report. Balance as of today is $1,039.91. Tommy Pendley made a motion to accept the report which was seconded by Michael Burnette. The motion passed.


    The EMS/Fire Awards Banquet was held on February 25th at Beaufort County Community College. Awards were presented to John Thompson for Firefighter, Chris Williams Fire Officer, John Taylor Fire Chief, Leonard Naypaul EMS Worker, Allen McCutchen EMS Officer, and Linwood McLawhorn for Telecommunicator. President Myers asked that we start planning for next year's event and John Wilson made a motion to start planning. Rudolph Rameriz second the motion. Steve Leighty, Vic Williams, and John Wilson were appointed to the planning committee.


    Kid's Safety Expo will be October 14th this year. Wes Williams asked that we consider moving it to a location where there will be more kids to come. It was suggested that it be at the athletic fields by Warren Airport. Wes Williams, Tommy Pendley and Josh Ingram will serve on the committee.

    The Nominating Committee requested that the current officers remain in their positions. President-Derrick Myers, 1st Vice President-Johnny Williams, 2nd Vice President-Luther Bailey, and Secretary/Treasurer-Tandy Dunn. A vote for the nominees was held and they are to retain their positions for the coming year. For EMS President-Brandon Elks, 1st Vice President-Derrick Myers, 2nd Vice President-Drew Puskas, Secretary/Treasurer-Faye Rose were nominated to retain their positions. Brandon Elks sent word that he did not want to continue for next year. A discussion was held to move or replace officers but no conclusion was agreed upon. EMS Officers will be voted on at the next meeting.

    Pinetown EMS will be celebrating 40 years as a department on September 30 starting at 4:00 PM. They will have food and fun events for everyone.

    Chocowinity will be having their 16th Car Show on May 20th. Any vehicle is eligible to be placed in the show for a $20 entry fee.

    County Commissioner Frankie Waters stated that his father was one of the founding members for the Pinetown Fire Department in 1947. He said that he appreciated the work that public safety personnel did and that the other commissioners also understood the importance.


    Victoria Van Norwick with Communications indicated that she appreciated the support during Telecommunicator Week from the departments. She said that if a department had a problem with the GIS mapping that they should contact Curtis Avery at Emergency Management first. She also said that at the end of June she would be going out on maternity leave and Erin Woolard would be taken over until her return in September.

    Major Jeremy Hewitt indicated that the department is busy and have several new deputies in training. He also discussed the Town Hall Meetings the department his having throughout the county. The goal is to have a meeting within 15 miles of everyone and will be including the Health Department and other county resources in the meetings. He spoke about a Crime Stoppers app that you could get for your phone to report incidents.

    Ken Whitley with the North Carolina Forestry Services remined everyone to burn carefully.

    Johnny Williams introduced the vendors on hand. Darrin Harris with Atlantic Emergency Solutions, Joe Knox with Motorola, John Falkner with NACCO, Patrick Fast with Uniforms, Phillip Little with CW Williams, and Warren Bell with MCA.

    Pinetown EMS and Fire were paged out for an EMS call during the meeting. Prayers to all effected.

    The next meeting will be July 24, 2023 at Pungo River Fire Department.

    Luther Bailey made a motion to adjourn at 8:32 PM.

   Contact: Tandy Oliver Dunn
   Clarks Neck Fire and Rescue Department
   Phone: (252) 341-9827
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Good afternoon everyone, if you could help us share this information we’d appreciate it:
Our office is monitoring the potential impacts that Hurricane Helene could bring to Eastern NC as we end the work week.
Our office is currently monitoring an increasing risk of tornados as an approaching costal storm moves through our area today and tomorrow.
A Coastal Flood Advisory for our waterways, meaning water levels are expected to be 1 to 2 feet higher than normal.
This morning’s update included both good and bad changes for our area, with another reduction in the total rainfall but an increased threat of tornados.
This afternoon’s update included a reduced threat of storm surge for our area, and an increased concern for downriver flooding for areas along the lower Tar River early next week as a result of inland rainfall.
Debby continues to live up to its reputation of being a difficult storm to forecast, and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we navigate these changes in real time.
The afternoon updates have included another increase in expected rainfall amounts, and provided us with additional details related to the timing of our forecasted impacts.
Recent weather updates continue to include minor track and timeline adjustments to Debby’s path along the eastern US, as well as an increase in forecasted rain fall and expected winds for our area.


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