8 Meals Every Family Can Afford Under Bidenomics | Eastern North Carolina Now

Is Bidenomics getting you down? With so many people struggling in the current economic environment, it's helpful to know what you can afford.

    Publisher's note: This post appears here on BCN with the expressed permission of the Babylon Bee - friends that can find your funny bone in a very dark room.

    Is Bidenomics getting you down? With so many people struggling in the current economic environment, it's helpful to know what you can afford.

    The Babylon Bee is here with some handy tips for meals any family can buy, even on a Bidenomics budget!

  1. A single bean: Remember, everyone has to share, so slice it up.
  2. Ramen with extra water: The water really brings out the flavor and helps it last longer.
  3. A nice juicy steak: From the dumpster behind Longhorn Steakhouse.
  4. Your neighbor's cat: If it's good enough for Venezuelans, it's good enough for you.
  5. Lightly used sushi purchased on Facebook Marketplace: It's just as good now as it was when it was made a week ago!
  6. Your own words: Eating your own words doesn't just keep you out of trouble, it's highly nutritious. Yum!
  7. Costco samples: Keep a sufficient supply of fake mustaches, hats, and glasses so you can hit every vendor multiple times.
  8. A hearty meal of braised quail, shrimp, fresh vegetables, and a glass of finely aged wine: (Biden family members only.)

    See? You can feed your entire family, even under Bidenomics. You just have to be willing to be a little creative. Happy feasting!
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