Mass stabbing at Irish school triggers anti-migrant riots in Dublin (UPDATED) | Eastern North Carolina Now

rioters shout "Get them OUT"


The Irish have been fuming for some time over their "woke" government importing illegal alien migrants into the country.  That furor came to a boil when an Algerian-born knifeman made a mass stabbing attack at an Irish school injuring one adult and several children, two seriously.  The children were lined up outside their elementary school with a staff member.  The staff member was seriously injured protecting the children, and a 5 year old girl is fighting for her life after emergency surgery.

The response was mass anti-migrant riots in the Irish capital of Dublin, with protesters shouting "Get Them Out" and "Ireland for the Irish", and carryiing Irish flags and signs saying "Irish lives matter."  Several hotels housing illegal alien migrants were set on fire, along with police vehicles.  The police were driven from the city center at one point, and there were rumors of the army being called in, but police reinforcements ultimately claimed back control.

One Irish celebrity who has spoken out on this issue is MMA Champ Conor McGregor, who posted "We are not backing down.  We are only warming up. There will be no backing down until real change is implemented for the safety of our nation. We are not losing any more of our women and children to sick and twisted people who should not even be in Ireland in the first place."

Meanwhile in the quaint French village of Crepol, a group of young Muslim knifemen waited outside the village hall where a party was going on and set upon those leaving, killing a 16-year old French teen and seriously wounding several others, while yelling Arabic slurs against white people, and openly shouting that they "came to kill white people".  The Muslim youths arrived from a neighboring town and some of them have been arrested.


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( November 25th, 2023 @ 2:18 pm )
Switzerland has strong gun rights, the second highest percentage of civilian gun ownership in the world, and a requirement that every able bodied male keep a military rifle and ammo at home. You do not see them having the sort of riots that other European countries have been faced with. The Czech Republic last year adopted a Constitutional amendment protecting gun rights even stronger than our Second Amendment, and you do not see riots there, either. Both also have some of the lowest crime rates in Europe.
Big Bob said:
( November 25th, 2023 @ 11:13 am )
I agree. The US government should issue an AK-47 to every man, woman and chid so we can all walk around in complete safety. 100% support that idea. More guns = safer streets. The 433 million currently in circulation are just not enough! More please.
( November 24th, 2023 @ 11:43 am )
It sounds like European citizens need more gun rights to be able to deal with these Muslim knifemen. These are hardly the first such mass knife attacks by Muslims. Better yet, send them back where they came from.
( November 24th, 2023 @ 10:16 am )
How long until the American people get similarly fed up with the migrant invasion being foisted upon us by out of touch leftwing politicians and take matters into their own hands? Those leftwing politicians include RINO Sen. Thom Tillis.

The Irish government was dishonest in trying to tamp down public anger by telling half truths about the knifeman. First they said it was just "rumors" that he was a foreign national and then brazenly called him an "Irish national". In fact, he is a Muslim born in Algeria, who came to Ireland as an adult, and did have naturalized Irish citizenship. So, even after going through the motions of assimilation, he still broke bad.

Ireland has been seeing growing anti-migrant demonstrations, but they have all been peaceful until the reaction to this knife attack on elementary school children. I suspect this will become a big issue in Irish elections in the future, given the woke government continuing to promote mass migration into the country. Ireland will see its Geert Wilders.
( November 23rd, 2023 @ 10:44 pm )
We need to remind our leaders of the preamble to the United States Constitution.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thom Tillis working on sellout on illegal immigratoin along with Lindsay Graham Rant & Rave, Editorials, Beaufort Observer, Op-Ed & Politics Biden Administration Says Cost Of Thanksgiving Dinner Is Down As Long As You Don’t Buy Anything


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