Gay activist leader denounces US Constitution as "the little piece of paper" | Eastern North Carolina Now

left's War on Democracy


Kelley Robinson, president of the major "gay rights" organization "Human Rights Campaign", who was a speaker at the recent Democrat National Convention in Chicago, has denounced the US Constitution as a "little piece of paper" that should be rejected.  This reflects the actual low level of respect for democracy by the left.

Unfortunately, this same attitude prevails in the Beaufort County Schools.  A recent attempt by three conservative school board members to require teaching of our founding documents and founding fathers in Beaufort County Schools was edited out by Superintenant Cheeseman with the support of his clique of yes-men (and women) - Eltha Booth, Mack Hodges, T. W. Allen, Terry Draper, Terry Williams, and Carolyn Walker,  It makes no sense that requirements to teach our founding fathers and founding documents be deleted from our school policies on curriculum.

At the same time, they deleted requirements to teach cursive writing and mulitplication tables.

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Big Bob said:
( September 2nd, 2024 @ 10:04 am )
JS- I'm sorry, but the reality that the alphabet people exist is not sexualizing children.
( September 2nd, 2024 @ 7:42 am )
The fact of the matter is that WOKE LIES. Denial is not a river in Egpyt.
( September 1st, 2024 @ 8:48 pm )
When schools promote "gender identity" and "pride month" and things of that nature in early grades, that is sexualizing children. Florida and some other states have passed laws to stop it. So did some European countries like Hungary and Bulgaria. Nobody in this thread has mentioned BC Schools specifically, Little Bobbie, except YOU. Is there some reason we don't know about that you are so defensive of BCS on that issue?

School curriculum in many, many states IS very much the problem. In some, parents are not even allowed to opt their children out of these sexualizing classes.
Big Bob said:
( August 31st, 2024 @ 9:01 pm )
Exactly. And it’s not happening. MAGA makes it up. Schools do not sexualize children. Some individuals do. In the church, on the internet and yes in schools. Those people are criminals and must face the consequences.

But to suggest kids in BC schools are groomed by their teachers is a gross insult to your friends and neighbors
Big Bob said:
( September 1st, 2024 @ 11:30 am )
On that we agree. But to suggest students are being groomed in BC schools is one, just not true, and two, so utterly offensive to our friends and neighbors who teach in the schools.

To lump all forms of sex education and human sexuality as some sort of plot to groom children is awful and wrong.

If you’re worried about your kids being exposed to something inappropriate I recommend you investigate their internet use. School curriculum is not the problem.
Big Bob said:
( September 1st, 2024 @ 11:39 am )
On that we agree. But to suggest students are being groomed in BC schools is one, just not true, and two, so utterly offensive to our friends and neighbors who teach in the schools.

To lump all forms of sex education and human sexuality as some sort of plot to groom children is awful and wrong.

If you’re worried about your kids being exposed to something inappropriate I recommend you investigate their internet use. School curriculum is not the problem.
( August 31st, 2024 @ 6:40 pm )
Most normal people do not want their children, or indeed any children, sexualized. You had it backward, Weird Bob. It is the gaystapo that is pushing the sexualization of children, and normal folks who are trying to stop it. Hungary made a smart move it seems.
Big Bob said:
( August 31st, 2024 @ 5:42 pm )
I’m going to chalk that up to your obviously repressed homosexuality. People who hate gays as much as you, often project their own self loathing. It’s ok buddy. You’re still a worthwhile human being.
( August 31st, 2024 @ 5:08 pm )
The woke left are child groomers who try to sexualize children at an early age, b4fore they even really understand sexuality, and then lead them into unnatural behaviors. We ought to adopt Hungary's law that makes it a crimnal felony for any adult to talk with children about sex other than a parent or an adult approved by a parent (such as a trusted teacher or minister). Child sexual grooming needs to be stopped.
Big Bob said:
( August 31st, 2024 @ 10:20 am )
What does sexual orientation have to do with it? Right wingers love to do this and and dare you to call them out. It makes no sense. Gay or straight, the Constitution is not a "just a piece of paper". But thats what they do. The Jese Helms, Willie Horton play book.
( August 31st, 2024 @ 11:51 am )
One of the schools in Wake Forest NC is teaching Mandarin as a second language. I guess they are ahead of the times. Let's add Russian and we will have a complete curriculum.
( August 31st, 2024 @ 2:08 pm )
"Woke" education - CRT, DEI, ESG, SEL, radical gender theory - are destroying our youth. Those who hate the Constitution and want to take it out of our schools need to themselves be taken out of our educational system. Three of those are on the ballot in November who need to be GONE - Undocumented Demcrat (RINO) T.W. Allen, and actual Democrats Mac Hodges and Eltha Booth.
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