How Mark Robinson can still win in North Carolina | Eastern North Carolina Now

from "The Hill"


Roger House, a professor emeritus of American Studies at Emerson College has written an article for The Hill, a Washington, DC based publication that focuses on Congress and on politics, describing what he thinks may be a path for victory for RINO Republican candidate Mark Robinson in the NC governor's race:

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( November 3rd, 2024 @ 3:39 am )
Robinson's screwed and he knows it. He started f-ing up early in the campaign and nobody in his team listened to the "boots on the ground" it's really showing.

As predicted by some "conspiracy theorists" (a term Kidwell and others use to discredit non-partisan intelligence), Robinson didn't score consistent combination punches. He focuses on promos and dances around the ring for a dwindling minority of the GOP. It's not personal for him, it's all political theater. His handlers have no street smarts.

Actors like Robinson and even Trump/Harris are the main reasons why many younger-middle aged people are not voting. It's obvious that the process is an illusion to make people think they have a voice and, judging by the massive amount of Unaffiliated NC voters, many fellow North Carolinians are tired of this controlled opposition bulls*** as well.
( October 30th, 2024 @ 3:45 pm )
I held my nose and voted for Robinson in spite of his lacklustre record as Lieutenant Governor, where he was all talk and no DO, and indeed on many key legislative issues did not even do the "talk" part. Dale Folwell would have been a much better nominee. But the alternative is far left idrologue Josh Stein, who is much worse than even Cooper. The best way to vote against Stein was hold your nose for Robinson. My vote was to stop (Franken)Stein rather than for Robinson.

Oh, and crap put our by the lying liberal media is not worth even paying attention to.
Big Bob said:
( October 30th, 2024 @ 3:22 pm )
MAGA- never having to take responsibility. It’s always someone else’s fault.

Bad press indeed

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