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28 Results found for arab spring

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No greater example of high crimes and treason since the adoption of the Conttituti8on
No greater example of high crimes and treason since the adoption of the Conttituti8on
Risk assessment experts at several companies worldwide are issuing dire warnings about a global food shortage that, combined with other problems, could inevitably lead to unrest and riots.
Risk assessment experts at several companies worldwide are issuing dire warnings about a global food shortage that, combined with other problems, could inevitably lead to unrest and riots.
Beginning in August, we learned of a controversial documentary that would be released in select theatres in time for this presidential election season.
Beginning in August, we learned of a controversial documentary that would be released in select theatres in time for this presidential election season.
The Syrian presidency released a statement on Monday confirming that President Bashar Al-Assad and his wife, Asma, have both tested positive for the coronavirus.
The Syrian presidency released a statement on Monday confirming that President Bashar Al-Assad and his wife, Asma, have both tested positive for the coronavirus.
Andrew Stuttaford of National Review Online ponders our current political divisions.
Andrew Stuttaford of National Review Online ponders our current political divisions.
If that sounds crazy to you, you’re not alone. Here’s what Terry Glavin said about it in a recent article in McClean’s
If that sounds crazy to you, you’re not alone. Here’s what Terry Glavin said about it in a recent article in McClean’s
A letter from the federal Department of Education has sparked yet another controversy on the campuses of Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
A letter from the federal Department of Education has sparked yet another controversy on the campuses of Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
If the non patriot, mostly extreme ignorant core Democrats in congress wish to Impeach this President, get on with it. Use the Special Council's sleazy, pathetic report to do so (and that is all it will be as this sorry mess matriculates), but be done with it.
If the non patriot, mostly extreme ignorant core Democrats in congress wish to Impeach this President, get on with it. Use the Special Council's sleazy, pathetic report to do so (and that is all it will be as this sorry mess matriculates), but be done with it.
"They're watching it; they can't accept it. It's not what was supposed to happen!"
On the sixteenth anniversary of 9/11, it's time for a reminder of the lessons we should have learned - and that we have now unlearned.
On the sixteenth anniversary of 9/11, it's time for a reminder of the lessons we should have learned - and that we have now unlearned.
During the so-called Arab Spring in the midst of the Egyptian transition from a dictatorship to a democracy, the radical Islamic group known as the Muslim Brotherhood was being sold to the American people by President Barack Obama...
During the so-called Arab Spring in the midst of the Egyptian transition from a dictatorship to a democracy, the radical Islamic group known as the Muslim Brotherhood was being sold to the American people by President Barack Obama...
The recently released American arms dealer Marc Turi said that the Obama administration tried and failed to make him the scapegoat for a 2011 covert weapons program to arm Islamic rebels in Libya that created chaos and death.
The recently released American arms dealer Marc Turi said that the Obama administration tried and failed to make him the scapegoat for a 2011 covert weapons program to arm Islamic rebels in Libya that created chaos and death.
A known international weapons dealer - who had threatened the Obama administration that he would testify about information regarding then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's arming of Islamist "freedom-fighters" in Syria after having the CIA collect them in 2011-12 in Libya - is released by US-AG.
A known international weapons dealer - who had threatened the Obama administration that he would testify about information regarding then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's arming of Islamist "freedom-fighters" in Syria after having the CIA collect them in 2011-12 in Libya - is released by US-AG.
Obama's legacy will be his disastrous foreign policy, his rejection of Christianity, and his disassociation from traditional American values.
Obama's legacy will be his disastrous foreign policy, his rejection of Christianity, and his disassociation from traditional American values.
Ever since the movie "Wall Street" hit the big screen in 1987, left-of-center pundits and partisans have tried to tie conservatives and Republicans to that movie's villain, Gordon Gekko. His motto was "Greed is good." Twenty-eight years later, Ed Morrissey argues that Gekko's most famous saying...
Ever since the movie "Wall Street" hit the big screen in 1987, left-of-center pundits and partisans have tried to tie conservatives and Republicans to that movie's villain, Gordon Gekko. His motto was "Greed is good." Twenty-eight years later, Ed Morrissey argues that Gekko's most famous saying...
Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
From top to bottom, it has been another incredibly bad week for Democrats. My analysis of this rash of so many impossible weeks is due to the fact that Democrat politicians are so easy to manipulate with promises that it will all different for them.
From top to bottom, it has been another incredibly bad week for Democrats. My analysis of this rash of so many impossible weeks is due to the fact that Democrat politicians are so easy to manipulate with promises that it will all different for them.
In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims.
In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims.
Amateur Obama, a Democrat president, who would not allow the word terrorist to be used in his administration during his first 5 years on the job, has inarguably lost the War in Iraq, and is now losing the World Wide War on Terror, making Americans less safe world wide, and here at home.
Amateur Obama, a Democrat president, who would not allow the word terrorist to be used in his administration during his first 5 years on the job, has inarguably lost the War in Iraq, and is now losing the World Wide War on Terror, making Americans less safe world wide, and here at home.
Granted, the "War Weary" case may be the reality for some; however, please understand this one truth: ISIS or ISIL (Obama speak) does not do polls to tap into the pathos of those that they subjugate, and "War Weary" is not a consideration for them.
Granted, the "War Weary" case may be the reality for some; however, please understand this one truth: ISIS or ISIL (Obama speak) does not do polls to tap into the pathos of those that they subjugate, and "War Weary" is not a consideration for them.
In a White House press conference with Great Britain's Prime Minister John Cameron, Candidate Obama lied about the time line of when his administration's acknowledged when the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack.
In a White House press conference with Great Britain's Prime Minister John Cameron, Candidate Obama lied about the time line of when his administration's acknowledged when the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack.
The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt by six employees of the Suez Canal in 1928. The Brotherhood's credo is "Allah is our objective, the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."
The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt by six employees of the Suez Canal in 1928. The Brotherhood's credo is "Allah is our objective, the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."
As we watched the Arab Spring roll violently across the Middle East engulfing country after country, the hope that a democracy was finally coming to the Arabic World was crushed by the reality of who the protesters were.
As we watched the Arab Spring roll violently across the Middle East engulfing country after country, the hope that a democracy was finally coming to the Arabic World was crushed by the reality of who the protesters were.
For those who've been following the Embassy attacks of 9/11 and then the assassinations of ambassador Chris Stevens, his computer aid Sean Smith, and 2 former Navy SEALS, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, it was obvious that the President and his State Department were not on the same page.
For those who've been following the Embassy attacks of 9/11 and then the assassinations of ambassador Chris Stevens, his computer aid Sean Smith, and 2 former Navy SEALS, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, it was obvious that the President and his State Department were not on the same page.
On Tuesday, September 11 (the 11th anniversary of the barbaric attacks on the US), tensions grew in Cairo, Egypt, apparently over a short provocative anti-Islamic video portraying the prophet Mohammed in a negative light (accusing him of being a womanizer, pedophile, and a fraud).
On Tuesday, September 11 (the 11th anniversary of the barbaric attacks on the US), tensions grew in Cairo, Egypt, apparently over a short provocative anti-Islamic video portraying the prophet Mohammed in a negative light (accusing him of being a womanizer, pedophile, and a fraud).
For example, Ghaith Abdul-Ahod, writing in the UK (England) Guardian provides this analysis of what is behind the violence. The maelstrom of anti-western violence in the Arab world has little to do with an anti-Islam propaganda film released on YouTube.
For example, Ghaith Abdul-Ahod, writing in the UK (England) Guardian provides this analysis of what is behind the violence. The maelstrom of anti-western violence in the Arab world has little to do with an anti-Islam propaganda film released on YouTube.
On March 16, President Obama signed Executive Order 12919 that outlined the National Defense Resources Procedures. As usual the far left media was either asleep or they approved of the new Obama program-most likely both.
On March 16, President Obama signed Executive Order 12919 that outlined the National Defense Resources Procedures. As usual the far left media was either asleep or they approved of the new Obama program-most likely both.
It's hard to read or watch any news without learning about some disturbing development in the Middle East. Americans ought to pay close attention to those developments.
It's hard to read or watch any news without learning about some disturbing development in the Middle East. Americans ought to pay close attention to those developments.


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