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36 Results found for ayn rand

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'Atlas Shrugged' author saw that growing influence of 'rotten ideas' would create 'rotten outcomes,' social upheaval
'Atlas Shrugged' author saw that growing influence of 'rotten ideas' would create 'rotten outcomes,' social upheaval
As part of his remarks while visiting the White House on his first day in the United States, Pope Francis made a strong plea on behalf of religious liberty, which he specifically directed at President Obama.
As part of his remarks while visiting the White House on his first day in the United States, Pope Francis made a strong plea on behalf of religious liberty, which he specifically directed at President Obama.
Hypergrowth media company announced a slate of new content in development and a 10-million-member goal
Hypergrowth media company announced a slate of new content in development and a 10-million-member goal
DailyWire+ has acquired exclusive film and television rights to Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” and will develop a series based on the groundbreaking 1957 novel, company co-CEO Jeremy Boreing announced Thursday.
DailyWire+ has acquired exclusive film and television rights to Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” and will develop a series based on the groundbreaking 1957 novel, company co-CEO Jeremy Boreing announced Thursday.
A few words to the Producers, the Moochers and the Looters
A few words to the Producers, the Moochers and the Looters
Collectivists of many stripes—but one aim—have been eating away at our free society for over one hundred years.
Collectivists of many stripes—but one aim—have been eating away at our free society for over one hundred years.
More and more are headed to Galt's Gulch
More and more are headed to Galt's Gulch
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
In 1944, thirty years before she wrote Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand penned a short essay that was published in Readers Digest.
In 1944, thirty years before she wrote Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand penned a short essay that was published in Readers Digest.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump tweeted that he believed people who burned the American flag should be punished with either loss of citizenship or a year in prison.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump tweeted that he believed people who burned the American flag should be punished with either loss of citizenship or a year in prison.
On Tuesday, The Washington Post ran an op-ed from Elizabeth Bruenig touting the possibilities of a new economic system in the United States: socialism
On Tuesday, The Washington Post ran an op-ed from Elizabeth Bruenig touting the possibilities of a new economic system in the United States: socialism
As a former news reporter, I am embarrassed by how the press fell hook, line and sinker for a court expansion crisis that was speculated by Democrats, rumored by Democrats, and fed by Democrats
As a former news reporter, I am embarrassed by how the press fell hook, line and sinker for a court expansion crisis that was speculated by Democrats, rumored by Democrats, and fed by Democrats
It is not the return 'ON' my money that I worry about, it is the return 'OF' my money.
This is a new series of posts on Beaufort County Now which showcases various different political issue in video format. Each week, the series will post three to four political commentaries from independent video producers online. To see the previous addition of the series
This is a new series of posts on Beaufort County Now which showcases various different political issue in video format. Each week, the series will post three to four political commentaries from independent video producers online. To see the previous addition of the series
As part of his remarks while visiting the White House on his first day in the United States, Pope Francis made a strong plea on behalf of religious liberty, which he specifically directed at President Obama. This came shortly before he made an unscheduled visit with the Little Sisters of the Poor...
As part of his remarks while visiting the White House on his first day in the United States, Pope Francis made a strong plea on behalf of religious liberty, which he specifically directed at President Obama. This came shortly before he made an unscheduled visit with the Little Sisters of the Poor...
Major donors like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Lumina Foundation dominate higher education philanthropy today. Most are aware of the Gates Foundation's roots in Bill's vast wealth, but the story of how Lumina came to be is more complicated.
Major donors like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Lumina Foundation dominate higher education philanthropy today. Most are aware of the Gates Foundation's roots in Bill's vast wealth, but the story of how Lumina came to be is more complicated.
As we sink deeper into the Obama Era, it is becoming more apparent that "Dear Leader" does not want people starting businesses, working hard, and making their own money to feed and clothe themselves and their families.
As we sink deeper into the Obama Era, it is becoming more apparent that "Dear Leader" does not want people starting businesses, working hard, and making their own money to feed and clothe themselves and their families.
The great American ethic is that money will buy anything. It is particularly true in the political world. We try to buy everything from international friendship to better schools to votes to taxpayer support for some behavior that politicians believe we should embrace.
The great American ethic is that money will buy anything. It is particularly true in the political world. We try to buy everything from international friendship to better schools to votes to taxpayer support for some behavior that politicians believe we should embrace.
The left does a great job of spinning their agenda as one of freedom. The freedom to love whoever you want to love.
The left does a great job of spinning their agenda as one of freedom. The freedom to love whoever you want to love.
Fifty years ago, The University of North Carolina passed a Speaker Ban to clamp down on Marxist interlopers trying to poison the young skulls of mush matriculating in Chapel Hill.
Fifty years ago, The University of North Carolina passed a Speaker Ban to clamp down on Marxist interlopers trying to poison the young skulls of mush matriculating in Chapel Hill.
ne hundred years of affliction is a long time. The time has come for tax reform.... No, the time has come for a tax revolution.
ne hundred years of affliction is a long time. The time has come for tax reform.... No, the time has come for a tax revolution.
The Speaker Ban After 50 Years -- The legislature at its Worst? That's the headline slapped on top of the latest missive from Rob Christensen, McClatchy-Raleigh's "Mr. Politics."
The Speaker Ban After 50 Years -- The legislature at its Worst? That's the headline slapped on top of the latest missive from Rob Christensen, McClatchy-Raleigh's "Mr. Politics."
Low-information America and its enablers in the mainstream media are in a snit over Phil Mickelson's complaint about the amount of taxes he is being forced to pay as a U.S. citizen and a native-born resident of California.
Low-information America and its enablers in the mainstream media are in a snit over Phil Mickelson's complaint about the amount of taxes he is being forced to pay as a U.S. citizen and a native-born resident of California.
Brant Clifton wrote two short pieces on Friday, and I am writing one today. Does anyone really care?
Ayn Rand and George Orwell are starting to look like real prophets. We've got record unemployment, bankruptcies, foreclosures, and business closings.
Ayn Rand and George Orwell are starting to look like real prophets. We've got record unemployment, bankruptcies, foreclosures, and business closings.
Ayn Rand was born in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1905 and saw firsthand the communist revolution and takeover of her native country and the subsequent oppression that swallowed it up.
Ayn Rand was born in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1905 and saw firsthand the communist revolution and takeover of her native country and the subsequent oppression that swallowed it up.
But Ryan, the Wisconsin Republican and House Budget Committee chairman, brings to the ticket a set of skills sometimes lacking in today's Republican Party. That is refreshing and important.
But Ryan, the Wisconsin Republican and House Budget Committee chairman, brings to the ticket a set of skills sometimes lacking in today's Republican Party. That is refreshing and important.
Question for Mitt Romney: When you worked at Bain did the company do your taxes or did you take your W-2s, 1099s and whatever other "tax" documents you received to a CPA who prepared your taxes??
Question for Mitt Romney: When you worked at Bain did the company do your taxes or did you take your W-2s, 1099s and whatever other "tax" documents you received to a CPA who prepared your taxes??
It is a good thing the doctrines of nullification and interposition are being revived. Perhaps it's the urgency of the constitutional crisis we face that has made the doctrines so appealing and sensible.
It is a good thing the doctrines of nullification and interposition are being revived. Perhaps it's the urgency of the constitutional crisis we face that has made the doctrines so appealing and sensible.
This article follows the one I previously wrote, entitled "Who is Really Disenfranchised?" In that article I talked about the incessant claims of "disenfranchisement" of minority voters when no such disenfranchisement exists nor any intent to do so.
This article follows the one I previously wrote, entitled "Who is Really Disenfranchised?" In that article I talked about the incessant claims of "disenfranchisement" of minority voters when no such disenfranchisement exists nor any intent to do so.
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