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42 Results found for federal system

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A federal judge in Virginia ruled on Wednesday that federal laws that require individuals to be at least 21 years old to purchase handguns from federally licensed firearms dealers are unconstitutional.
A federal judge in Virginia ruled on Wednesday that federal laws that require individuals to be at least 21 years old to purchase handguns from federally licensed firearms dealers are unconstitutional.
A national group of tax lawyers is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a case from North Carolina dealing with sales taxes and out-of-state transactions.
A national group of tax lawyers is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a case from North Carolina dealing with sales taxes and out-of-state transactions.
A Wisconsin-based company is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a tax dispute involving the N.C. Department of Revenue.
A Wisconsin-based company is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a tax dispute involving the N.C. Department of Revenue.
Government is best and most responsive to the individual when it is closest to them. We're talking about the local, the county, and even the state level.
Government is best and most responsive to the individual when it is closest to them. We're talking about the local, the county, and even the state level.
The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled Dec. 7 for oral arguments in Moore v. Harper, the N.C. redistricting case that has attracted national attention.
The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled Dec. 7 for oral arguments in Moore v. Harper, the N.C. redistricting case that has attracted national attention.
Thirteen states have filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting N.C. lawmakers' arguments in a redistricting case at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Thirteen states have filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting N.C. lawmakers' arguments in a redistricting case at the U.S. Supreme Court.
There are many people who overlook the brilliance of the US Constitution. They argue that it is outdated and unfit to adequately govern such a modern nation as ours in the 21st century.
There are many people who overlook the brilliance of the US Constitution. They argue that it is outdated and unfit to adequately govern such a modern nation as ours in the 21st century.
“Nullification” is the doctrine, articulated best by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (our two greatest Founding Fathers) which essentially holds that that the federal government is a creature of the states
“Nullification” is the doctrine, articulated best by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (our two greatest Founding Fathers) which essentially holds that that the federal government is a creature of the states
A leading N.C. gun-rights group is demanding disciplinary action against a Democratic state senator from Mecklenburg County. The group claims Sen. Natasha Marcus made "false claims" during debate about a recently vetoed pistol-permit repeal bill.
A leading N.C. gun-rights group is demanding disciplinary action against a Democratic state senator from Mecklenburg County. The group claims Sen. Natasha Marcus made "false claims" during debate about a recently vetoed pistol-permit repeal bill.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ vaccine data dashboard now includes vaccination information from federal providers
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ vaccine data dashboard now includes vaccination information from federal providers
Critical lessons continue to come out of the results of the 2020 elections. One that seems to have escaped some of the political establishment is North Carolinians don’t want one political party to dominate.
Critical lessons continue to come out of the results of the 2020 elections. One that seems to have escaped some of the political establishment is North Carolinians don’t want one political party to dominate.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
The Women's March in DC, designed both to very publicly oppose Trump and to show support for full abortion rights, expressly rejected women who support the right to life.
The Women's March in DC, designed both to very publicly oppose Trump and to show support for full abortion rights, expressly rejected women who support the right to life.
Thomas Jefferson had lots to say about lots of things. As the North Carolina General Assembly begins its 2017 session and new Gov. Roy Cooper begins his term
Thomas Jefferson had lots to say about lots of things. As the North Carolina General Assembly begins its 2017 session and new Gov. Roy Cooper begins his term
A few ideas on how we can bring back Constitutional government and put out the dumpster fire in Washington.
A few ideas on how we can bring back Constitutional government and put out the dumpster fire in Washington.
In its decision of June 27, the Supreme Court upheld the artificial standard it created for abortion access in Planned Parenthood v. Casey and struck a blow to the Right to Life movement.
In its decision of June 27, the Supreme Court upheld the artificial standard it created for abortion access in Planned Parenthood v. Casey and struck a blow to the Right to Life movement.
Is there any way for the opposing sides debating North Carolina's House Bill 2 to move beyond the current impasse? The odds may be against it
Is there any way for the opposing sides debating North Carolina's House Bill 2 to move beyond the current impasse? The odds may be against it
Lately I've been reflecting on North Carolina's celebrated history as, well, the political equivalent of a cantankerous old coot.
Lately I've been reflecting on North Carolina's celebrated history as, well, the political equivalent of a cantankerous old coot.
Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb has pulled out of the Democrat nomination process, and will have much to say about that decision at some point.
Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb has pulled out of the Democrat nomination process, and will have much to say about that decision at some point.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
Conservatives and libertarians often serve as allies in public policy debates, but they tend to diverge on some hot-button issues.
Conservatives and libertarians often serve as allies in public policy debates, but they tend to diverge on some hot-button issues.
My colleague Jon Sanders has already commented on last week's Supreme Court decision in North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. Federal Trade Commission. As Jon suggests, this is a good result in many ways — the bad guys lost, and the good guys will eventually benefit. It is...
My colleague Jon Sanders has already commented on last week's Supreme Court decision in North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. Federal Trade Commission. As Jon suggests, this is a good result in many ways — the bad guys lost, and the good guys will eventually benefit. It is...
The obvious problem with the cause often identified as "states' rights" is that it has sometimes been used to defend odious practices such as slavery and segregation. There's an even more basic problem, however, and it lies in the wording of the phrase itself. Governments can have...
The obvious problem with the cause often identified as "states' rights" is that it has sometimes been used to defend odious practices such as slavery and segregation. There's an even more basic problem, however, and it lies in the wording of the phrase itself. Governments can have...
If you've been paying attention to the media, you've been told numerous times from opponents of North Carolina's Marriage Amendment that the fight is over, and that they have won.
If you've been paying attention to the media, you've been told numerous times from opponents of North Carolina's Marriage Amendment that the fight is over, and that they have won.
As many of you that follow me and Beaufort County's government, you most probably know that I often write resolutions regarding grassroots issues that are deep within the fabric of what America must correct to remain solvent as a Republic.
As many of you that follow me and Beaufort County's government, you most probably know that I often write resolutions regarding grassroots issues that are deep within the fabric of what America must correct to remain solvent as a Republic.
The liars in the remnants of our state's mainstream media would have you believe state government was working like a charm prior to the January 2013 inauguration of Republican governor Pat McCrory.
The liars in the remnants of our state's mainstream media would have you believe state government was working like a charm prior to the January 2013 inauguration of Republican governor Pat McCrory.
On June 28, 2010, the Supreme Court decided one of the most important Second Amendment cases in U.S. history. McDonald v. City of Chicago.
On June 28, 2010, the Supreme Court decided one of the most important Second Amendment cases in U.S. history. McDonald v. City of Chicago.
December 15 was Bill of Rights Day. It marks the 221st anniversary of the day when the first ten amendments - our Bill of Rights - were ratified in 1791.
December 15 was Bill of Rights Day. It marks the 221st anniversary of the day when the first ten amendments - our Bill of Rights - were ratified in 1791.
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
When a curious woman approached Benjamin Franklin as he was leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in September 1787 and asked him what kind of government the delegates had given the people, he replied: "...A Republic, Ma'am, if you can keep it."
When a curious woman approached Benjamin Franklin as he was leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in September 1787 and asked him what kind of government the delegates had given the people, he replied: "...A Republic, Ma'am, if you can keep it."
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