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2,083 Results found for governor pat mccrory

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The budget our legislature has passed is the cherry on top of the upside-down power grab cake our lawmakers have been baking since January.
The budget our legislature has passed is the cherry on top of the upside-down power grab cake our lawmakers have been baking since January.
North Carolina may soon have a new political party, but not if the elections board chair can stop it.
The Carolina Journal has learned that Jeff Hauser, a current NCGA House staffer and experienced Republican operative, will announce an exploratory committee for the 13th U.S. Congressional District on Tuesday. U.S. Rep. Wiley Nickel, D-Wake, is the district’s incumbent.
The Carolina Journal has learned that Jeff Hauser, a current NCGA House staffer and experienced Republican operative, will announce an exploratory committee for the 13th U.S. Congressional District on Tuesday. U.S. Rep. Wiley Nickel, D-Wake, is the district’s incumbent.
Lincoln said you can fool some of the people all of the time, the only explanation I can offer for why Trump and Biden are tied at 43 percent in the New York Times presidential poll released Tuesday.
Lincoln said you can fool some of the people all of the time, the only explanation I can offer for why Trump and Biden are tied at 43 percent in the New York Times presidential poll released Tuesday.
The visual displayed a modern-day Odd Couple, former US Senator Joe Lieberman standing beside former North Carolina governor Pat McCrory.
The visual displayed a modern-day Odd Couple, former US Senator Joe Lieberman standing beside former North Carolina governor Pat McCrory.
North Carolina’s decade of economic success deserves celebration. Even more so, however, it is worth applauding the important steps toward reform that state lawmakers have undertaken over the past decade.
North Carolina’s decade of economic success deserves celebration. Even more so, however, it is worth applauding the important steps toward reform that state lawmakers have undertaken over the past decade.
Elections have consequences, as we know all too well. This year’s November 8th midyear elections could prove to be among the most consequential on both the federal and state levels.
Elections have consequences, as we know all too well. This year’s November 8th midyear elections could prove to be among the most consequential on both the federal and state levels.
Pundits and politicos like to talk about “mainstream” or “main street” Republicans, as if they made up a significant percentage of today’s GOP.
Pundits and politicos like to talk about “mainstream” or “main street” Republicans, as if they made up a significant percentage of today’s GOP.
Charlotte – Former Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement tonight regarding the results of the US Senate Republican primary election in North Carolina:
Charlotte – Former Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement tonight regarding the results of the US Senate Republican primary election in North Carolina:
The Liberal Democrat and Squishy Republican are Pretending to Follow the Leadership of President Donald Trump and Ted Budd in Recognizing, Finally, that Chaos at the Southern US Border IS BAD FOR NORTH CAROLINA.
The Liberal Democrat and Squishy Republican are Pretending to Follow the Leadership of President Donald Trump and Ted Budd in Recognizing, Finally, that Chaos at the Southern US Border IS BAD FOR NORTH CAROLINA.
Some of us still haven’t put the 2020 elections to bed even as early voting has started for the 2022 Primary Elections.
Some of us still haven’t put the 2020 elections to bed even as early voting has started for the 2022 Primary Elections.
The rarely noticed North Carolina Textbook Commission is having a moment. Last week, Club for Growth Action aired a campaign advertisement supporting Rep. Ted Budd that referenced a long-forgotten blog post I wrote in 2014.
The rarely noticed North Carolina Textbook Commission is having a moment. Last week, Club for Growth Action aired a campaign advertisement supporting Rep. Ted Budd that referenced a long-forgotten blog post I wrote in 2014.
A new Meredith Poll shows that the US Senate race in North Carolina is tightening with two weeks to go until Election Day due to a high number of undecideds.
A new Meredith Poll shows that the US Senate race in North Carolina is tightening with two weeks to go until Election Day due to a high number of undecideds.
McCrory a distant second and Walker in single digits
McCrory a distant second and Walker in single digits
Hahahahahaha. Just Kidding. It’s President Trump. It’s America First. And It’s Epic.
Hahahahahaha. Just Kidding. It’s President Trump. It’s America First. And It’s Epic.
Ted Budd for US Senate filed the 2022 Q1 FEC report today indicating that his campaign raised $1,125,369.85 in Q1 this year
Ted Budd for US Senate filed the 2022 Q1 FEC report today indicating that his campaign raised $1,125,369.85 in Q1 this year
Second straight debate dodge from DC insider
follows other polls that show similar result
follows other polls that show similar result
All Show Ted Budd with a Commanding Lead in Primary and Some Show Ted Budd with a Lead in the General Election and All Eviscerate the McCrory Electability Myth Because Polls Indicate McCrory is the Least-Electable Against Beasley
All Show Ted Budd with a Commanding Lead in Primary and Some Show Ted Budd with a Lead in the General Election and All Eviscerate the McCrory Electability Myth Because Polls Indicate McCrory is the Least-Electable Against Beasley
CBS-17 (Raleigh TV) Poll – Not Affiliated with Any Campaign – Indicates Ted Budd with a Commanding Lead
CBS-17 (Raleigh TV) Poll – Not Affiliated with Any Campaign – Indicates Ted Budd with a Commanding Lead
50 Conservative Lawmakers from Across the State Believe Ted Budd is the Best Choice for North Carolina
50 Conservative Lawmakers from Across the State Believe Ted Budd is the Best Choice for North Carolina
As the US Senate considers Joe Biden’s nominee for the US Supreme Court, North Carolinians are reminded that one of the most important jobs of a US Senator is reviewing the qualification of nominees for federal appointments and then voting up or down on these nominees.
As the US Senate considers Joe Biden’s nominee for the US Supreme Court, North Carolinians are reminded that one of the most important jobs of a US Senator is reviewing the qualification of nominees for federal appointments and then voting up or down on these nominees.
“If we’re really serious about documenting on a website all the ways Governor McCrory is wrong for NC Republicans, we might run out of Internet.”
“If we’re really serious about documenting on a website all the ways Governor McCrory is wrong for NC Republicans, we might run out of Internet.”
McCrory needs to man up for what he did to harm our schools.
McCrory needs to man up for what he did to harm our schools.
A few thousand here, a few thousand there and pretty soon you're talking real money
A few thousand here, a few thousand there and pretty soon you're talking real money
US Senate candidate and former Governor Pat McCrory (R-NC) issued the following statement today in response to recent pro-Putin and anti-Ukrainian statements by Congressmen Ted Budd & Madison Cawthorn:
US Senate candidate and former Governor Pat McCrory (R-NC) issued the following statement today in response to recent pro-Putin and anti-Ukrainian statements by Congressmen Ted Budd & Madison Cawthorn:
This week, I joined my friend Andrew Donaldson on the Heard Tell podcast to discuss the highs and lows, hits and misses of the US GOP Primary Debate hosted at this past weekend’s spectacular Carolina Liberty Conference.
This week, I joined my friend Andrew Donaldson on the Heard Tell podcast to discuss the highs and lows, hits and misses of the US GOP Primary Debate hosted at this past weekend’s spectacular Carolina Liberty Conference.
Contrast Ad Hits Budd’s Praise of Putin, Highlights McCrory’s Resolve Ad includes bombshell quote from Budd
Contrast Ad Hits Budd’s Praise of Putin, Highlights McCrory’s Resolve Ad includes bombshell quote from Budd
At the first North Carolina US Senate debate of the 2022 election hosted by the John Locke Foundation, Governor Pat McCrory laid out his vision for saving the American Dream
At the first North Carolina US Senate debate of the 2022 election hosted by the John Locke Foundation, Governor Pat McCrory laid out his vision for saving the American Dream
Fresh off of his official campaign filing for office yesterday, Governor Pat McCrory swept the field in the first official Senate debate of the race hosted by the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh.
Fresh off of his official campaign filing for office yesterday, Governor Pat McCrory swept the field in the first official Senate debate of the race hosted by the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh.
Governor Pat McCrory has dismissed the importance of endorsements for months, but yesterday, McCrory’s top advisor Jordan Shaw disagreed
Governor Pat McCrory has dismissed the importance of endorsements for months, but yesterday, McCrory’s top advisor Jordan Shaw disagreed
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