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37 Results found for national public radio

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Dozens of National Public Radio (NPR) employees signed on to a letter suggesting that their now-former senior business editor Uri Berliner was spot on in his assessment of the liberal bias that has taken over the network.
Dozens of National Public Radio (NPR) employees signed on to a letter suggesting that their now-former senior business editor Uri Berliner was spot on in his assessment of the liberal bias that has taken over the network.
why do taxpayers subsidize this propaganda outlet?
The Public Broadcasting Service became the second news organization to quit Twitter this week after National Public Radio quit using the platform after Twitter CEO Elon Musk had the organization listed as “US state-affiliated media”
The Public Broadcasting Service became the second news organization to quit Twitter this week after National Public Radio quit using the platform after Twitter CEO Elon Musk had the organization listed as “US state-affiliated media”
National Public Radio, a government-supported news organization, is vehemently denying "slanderous" accusations that they are national and public.
National Public Radio, a government-supported news organization, is vehemently denying "slanderous" accusations that they are national and public.
National Public Radio (NPR) employees accused the network’s CEO of racism during a virtual all-staff presentation last week detailing financial metrics and diversity level updates following the organization slashing approximately 10% of its workforce.
National Public Radio (NPR) employees accused the network’s CEO of racism during a virtual all-staff presentation last week detailing financial metrics and diversity level updates following the organization slashing approximately 10% of its workforce.
National Public Radio (NPR) announced Wednesday the network plans to cut the majority of vacant positions and slash around 10% of its current staff — approximately 100 employees — amid a “sharp decline” in advertisement revenues.
National Public Radio (NPR) announced Wednesday the network plans to cut the majority of vacant positions and slash around 10% of its current staff — approximately 100 employees — amid a “sharp decline” in advertisement revenues.
An investigation has revealed that National Public Radio (NPR), a state-funded nonprofit media organization in the United States, consists of just one white woman, Karen Atkinson, who does all the voices on NPR's radio shows and podcasts.
An investigation has revealed that National Public Radio (NPR), a state-funded nonprofit media organization in the United States, consists of just one white woman, Karen Atkinson, who does all the voices on NPR's radio shows and podcasts.
National Public Radio faced criticism last week following the announcement of a Disinformation Reporting Team but was quick to clarify that its role is to spread more disinformation rather than prevent it.
National Public Radio faced criticism last week following the announcement of a Disinformation Reporting Team but was quick to clarify that its role is to spread more disinformation rather than prevent it.
Biden's HHS states 'gender-affirming care' for children includes "top surgery" and "bottom surgery"
President Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services Department reversed a Trump administration ban on allowing abortion-referring clinics like Planned Parenthood to access funds through Title X, restoring abortion providers’ access to millions in federal grants.
President Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services Department reversed a Trump administration ban on allowing abortion-referring clinics like Planned Parenthood to access funds through Title X, restoring abortion providers’ access to millions in federal grants.
The White House will announce Wednesday that the Biden administration will pull all United States military from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021
The White House will announce Wednesday that the Biden administration will pull all United States military from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021
Three new polls seem to indicate that Americans disapprove of how President Joe Biden is handling a growing child migrant crisis on the United States-Mexico border
Three new polls seem to indicate that Americans disapprove of how President Joe Biden is handling a growing child migrant crisis on the United States-Mexico border
Rachel Bovard writes for the Federalist about an inconvenient set of facts for a social media giant.
Rachel Bovard writes for the Federalist about an inconvenient set of facts for a social media giant.
We published an article yesterday that was entitled "How much does a dream cost?" It was focused on the high cost of rioting and looting in terms of human stories of dreams lost, heartache and despair that far exceeds the cost of damaged property.
We published an article yesterday that was entitled "How much does a dream cost?" It was focused on the high cost of rioting and looting in terms of human stories of dreams lost, heartache and despair that far exceeds the cost of damaged property.
COVID protocols —or virus hoax— no longer a reason to stop the MAGA events.
COVID protocols —or virus hoax— no longer a reason to stop the MAGA events.
A Las Vegas artist who is an immigrant from the United Kingdom has painted a giant mural of the Statue of Liberty handcuffed and face down on a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement car.
A Las Vegas artist who is an immigrant from the United Kingdom has painted a giant mural of the Statue of Liberty handcuffed and face down on a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement car.
Attorneys representing Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann and his family indicated on Friday that they have sent letters for potential lawsuits to over 50 entities ranging from Democratic politicians to celebrities to media figures.
Attorneys representing Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann and his family indicated on Friday that they have sent letters for potential lawsuits to over 50 entities ranging from Democratic politicians to celebrities to media figures.
New police figures reveal that the U.K. is averaging at least 15 barbaric acid attacks a week
New police figures reveal that the U.K. is averaging at least 15 barbaric acid attacks a week
Retailers could apply for grants to buy refrigeration units, though research shows programs have little effect on eating behavior...
Retailers could apply for grants to buy refrigeration units, though research shows programs have little effect on eating behavior...
The Following is part of an article series sent by incumbent Governor McCrory following Gubernatorial Debate on October 18 with Roy Cooper
The Following is part of an article series sent by incumbent Governor McCrory following Gubernatorial Debate on October 18 with Roy Cooper
The McCrory campaign released the following statement in response to Larry Hall's press conference politicizing coal ash
The McCrory campaign released the following statement in response to Larry Hall's press conference politicizing coal ash
Governor McCrory is holding Duke Energy accountable and cleaning up coal ash ponds once and for all, Roy Cooper let this problem fester for more than 28 years during his career as a top lawmaker and as attorney general. Instead of ever addressing coal ash
Governor McCrory is holding Duke Energy accountable and cleaning up coal ash ponds once and for all, Roy Cooper let this problem fester for more than 28 years during his career as a top lawmaker and as attorney general. Instead of ever addressing coal ash
Vince Gill's new album ain't exactly country but it's DARN good and it shows the versatility of this genius of country music.
Vince Gill's new album ain't exactly country but it's DARN good and it shows the versatility of this genius of country music.
He has written on everything from the death penalty to bikini waxing, from NASCAR racing to the stealth bomber, for such newspapers as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Los Angeles Times and such magazines as Backpacker, Fortune, and ESPN.
He has written on everything from the death penalty to bikini waxing, from NASCAR racing to the stealth bomber, for such newspapers as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Los Angeles Times and such magazines as Backpacker, Fortune, and ESPN.
Thank you for reading this column. It's not just that I appreciate your interest in what I have to say. I appreciate the fact that you are reading this publication at all. According to a recent set of surveys by the Pew Research Center, a distressing number of our fellow citizens rely mostly on...
Thank you for reading this column. It's not just that I appreciate your interest in what I have to say. I appreciate the fact that you are reading this publication at all. According to a recent set of surveys by the Pew Research Center, a distressing number of our fellow citizens rely mostly on...
Traffic jams happen when too many cars try to traverse too little roadway. Thus there are two main ways to reduce the number of traffic jams. One is to reduce the number of cars trying to travel the same road at the same time. The other is to increase the road capacity that cars can travel.
Traffic jams happen when too many cars try to traverse too little roadway. Thus there are two main ways to reduce the number of traffic jams. One is to reduce the number of cars trying to travel the same road at the same time. The other is to increase the road capacity that cars can travel.
Once again, students are rejecting on-campus speakers who don't toe the politically correct line. At Brown University on October 29, a group of students shouted, chanted, and booed as New York police commissioner Ray Kelly began a lecture on "proactive policing," which includes the controversial...
Once again, students are rejecting on-campus speakers who don't toe the politically correct line. At Brown University on October 29, a group of students shouted, chanted, and booed as New York police commissioner Ray Kelly began a lecture on "proactive policing," which includes the controversial...
I'm glad to see news reporters and policy analysts devoting increasing attention to a subject Carolina Journal readers will find familiar: the role that public policy plays in discouraging work.
I'm glad to see news reporters and policy analysts devoting increasing attention to a subject Carolina Journal readers will find familiar: the role that public policy plays in discouraging work.
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