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28 Results found for philadelphia convention

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Government is best and most responsive to the individual when it is closest to them. We're talking about the local, the county, and even the state level.
Government is best and most responsive to the individual when it is closest to them. We're talking about the local, the county, and even the state level.
I’m a long-time activist. I started a Tea Party group in 2009 in my area of North Carolina and have been running it ever since.
I’m a long-time activist. I started a Tea Party group in 2009 in my area of North Carolina and have been running it ever since.
When I talk to folks about the Constitution, I usually comment that “the Constitution holds all the answers to the problems that are plaguing us as a country,” and as a republic.
When I talk to folks about the Constitution, I usually comment that “the Constitution holds all the answers to the problems that are plaguing us as a country,” and as a republic.
The Constitution established the United States as a democratic republic. It is democratic because the people govern themselves, and it is a republic because the government’s power is derived from its people.
The Constitution established the United States as a democratic republic. It is democratic because the people govern themselves, and it is a republic because the government’s power is derived from its people.
“Nullification” is the doctrine, articulated best by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (our two greatest Founding Fathers) which essentially holds that that the federal government is a creature of the states
“Nullification” is the doctrine, articulated best by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (our two greatest Founding Fathers) which essentially holds that that the federal government is a creature of the states
To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught how to use them.
To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught how to use them.
Voter Identification Assurances & Election Reforms
This article comes from a few remarks I made to introduce my last TEA Party meeting.
When the American people were debating whether to adopt our Constitution, North Carolina (a hotbed of anti-federalism) took the lead in ensuring the document was amended to include a bill of rights.
When the American people were debating whether to adopt our Constitution, North Carolina (a hotbed of anti-federalism) took the lead in ensuring the document was amended to include a bill of rights.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
This article discusses the English roots of our American liberty.
In Honor of the 230th Anniversary of the US Constitution, and also to help promote Brion McClanahan's latest book, HOW ALEXANDER HAMILTON SCREWED UP AMERICA, I wanted to post this important History Lesson.
In Honor of the 230th Anniversary of the US Constitution, and also to help promote Brion McClanahan's latest book, HOW ALEXANDER HAMILTON SCREWED UP AMERICA, I wanted to post this important History Lesson.
Patrick Henry to the Virginia Convention to Ratify the US Constitution, in June 1788: "The great object is that every man be armed."
George Washington once warned: "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
George Washington once warned: "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
The U.S. Border Patrol agents' national union, after more than 7-years of being marginalized by President Barack Obama, is now similarly being handcuffed by presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton's plan to keep America's borders open and grant amnesty to illegal immigrants already living in the U.S
The U.S. Border Patrol agents' national union, after more than 7-years of being marginalized by President Barack Obama, is now similarly being handcuffed by presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton's plan to keep America's borders open and grant amnesty to illegal immigrants already living in the U.S
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
John C. Calhoun explained why the Tariff of Abominations (Tariff of 1828) was unconstitutional and why, therefore, South Carolina had the right to Nullify it.
During the 1787-89 debates over ratifying the U.S. Constitution, for example, North Carolina's population was divided over the necessity of a new constitution and what became known as the Bill of Rights.
During the 1787-89 debates over ratifying the U.S. Constitution, for example, North Carolina's population was divided over the necessity of a new constitution and what became known as the Bill of Rights.
A series of undercover videos from a pro-life group have rocked Planned Parenthood -- and the national debate over abortion.
A series of undercover videos from a pro-life group have rocked Planned Parenthood -- and the national debate over abortion.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
The federal government is steadily becoming more antagonistic and repugnant to the People.
When the original 13 states came together to discuss the possibility of establishing a confederacy, at the urging of Benjamin Franklin ("Join or Die"), they did so with a great deal of hope, but also a great deal of trepidation.
When the original 13 states came together to discuss the possibility of establishing a confederacy, at the urging of Benjamin Franklin ("Join or Die"), they did so with a great deal of hope, but also a great deal of trepidation.
A few weeks ago, I was identifying to some friends the various founders in an online photo of Howard Chandler Christy's famous painting, Signing of the Constitution of the United States.
A few weeks ago, I was identifying to some friends the various founders in an online photo of Howard Chandler Christy's famous painting, Signing of the Constitution of the United States.
December 15 was Bill of Rights Day. It marks the 221st anniversary of the day when the first ten amendments - our Bill of Rights - were ratified in 1791.
December 15 was Bill of Rights Day. It marks the 221st anniversary of the day when the first ten amendments - our Bill of Rights - were ratified in 1791.
History teaches us that the Ku Klux Klan was a violent organization aimed at terrorizing and intimidating former slaves. They operated as a secret society - a bunch of cowards with white gowns and masks, often carrying guns and a noose.
History teaches us that the Ku Klux Klan was a violent organization aimed at terrorizing and intimidating former slaves. They operated as a secret society - a bunch of cowards with white gowns and masks, often carrying guns and a noose.
If we look back on our grade school education, we remember being taught the very fundamentals of what went on at the Constitutional Convention.
If we look back on our grade school education, we remember being taught the very fundamentals of what went on at the Constitutional Convention.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.


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