Results found for remorse | Eastern North Carolina Now

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6 Results found for remorse

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Scott Ziegler, the superintendent of Loudoun County, Virginia’s schools who was fired after concealing a rape and criminally convicted of retaliating against a teacher who was cooperating with the grand jury looking into the coverup, appeared in court on Thursday expecting to be sentenced
Scott Ziegler, the superintendent of Loudoun County, Virginia’s schools who was fired after concealing a rape and criminally convicted of retaliating against a teacher who was cooperating with the grand jury looking into the coverup, appeared in court on Thursday expecting to be sentenced
Believe it or not, it would appear that corporate America is wising up to the fact that rushing out and hiring a bunch of “Chief Diversity Officers” (CDO) in the wake of George Floyd’s death wasn’t the smartest business move.
Believe it or not, it would appear that corporate America is wising up to the fact that rushing out and hiring a bunch of “Chief Diversity Officers” (CDO) in the wake of George Floyd’s death wasn’t the smartest business move.
Joe Biden’s first week in office is confirming what many people feared.
Vivek Saxena reports for BizPac Review about the reaction among unions to President Biden‘s first actions in office.
Vivek Saxena reports for BizPac Review about the reaction among unions to President Biden‘s first actions in office.
Now that Joe Biden’s COVID policies are being unmasked, those who voted for him may be coming down with bad cases of buyer’s remorse.
Now that Joe Biden’s COVID policies are being unmasked, those who voted for him may be coming down with bad cases of buyer’s remorse.


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