Publisher's note (from a few years back): Please be aware that we have created a new fixture at the foot of this post, describing the location of some of North Carolina's most memorable scenic points of interest. The interactive map will be on the second page.
Publisher's note (from Now - January 1, 2021): I am reviving this old series, but with a twist: I will be reworking these older posts - just a few tweaks - then I will intersperse a new post of more recent images, listed as a greater volume, among these older, lower volume posts within this series; where images which will be larger, and shot in RAW (far higher resolution). You will know the revived series by this visual criteria within this interspersed format.
This is the first of a new series of images from across North Carolina from my travels, and from the long intervals that I have spent with my camera making a record of where I have been. Upon examination of these random images, I concluded that best format would be the one page arrangement, where I cut the images to 1280 pixels wide, arrayed in a wide viewed 'fancybox' series, where there is a title of explanation, and maybe a bit more, but mainly, the photo should speak rather than my words. In fact, I plan to put my words on hold for a bit here, which will be to the fine relief of a great many.
Each series will be random and varied; however, most will center from here in eastern North Carolina, which is closer to my home in northeastern North Carolina, in the county of Beaufort, and the county seat of Washington, my home. From this perspective, we will reach out beyond the myriad waters: fresh and calm, brackish and moving, salty with powerful waves, and get to see North Carolina, where we may know it a little better, if only through images.
This random display of images of North Carolina, made by the Tar Heel traveler, may have been revealed earlier in BCN, and when I can remember a relative series, I shall link to it; however know that this series of ongoing themes will remain that there is no theme. In this random projection of unrelated images, the series will seek its relevance, its beauty and its strength of purpose.
The First Trek from Here to There and Back Again
The Trestle over the Pamlico River at sunset is often a moving landscape of some ocular reward: Above. No Gators here in Beaufort County, but down at Orton Pond in Brunswick County, gators are quite prevalent: Below. photos by Stan Deatherage Click images to expand.
This travelogue of random images continues unabated, but a bit to the west.
The gates to the Governor's Mansion in Raleigh: Above. Nectar is everywhere in North Carolina when it is warm, even on the Blue Ridge Parkway: Below. photos by Stan Deatherage Click images to expand.
A mountain glade is a fine place to hammer out a Bluegrass reel: Above. They really know how to do public buildings in Asheville in Buncombe County: Below. photos by Stan Deatherage Click images to expand.
Back east, about as far east as one can go in North Carolina, It is complete dusk at Bodie Island, near Oregon Inlet on North Carolina's
Outer Banks ... and I'm there.
Bodie Island Light Station bids goodnight with much work ahead: Above. Now, say good day to a bright morning at Jennette's Pier in Nags Head: Below. photos by Stan Deatherage Click images to expand.