The Do’s and Don’ts of Cellphone Etiquette | Eastern North Carolina Now

More than half of smartphone users surveyed by U.S. Cellular believe their phone enhances their life.1 Still, there’s a time and a place for everything. In recognition of Cell Phone Courtesy Month in July, U.S. Cellular provides advice for practicing cellphone etiquette.

Press Release:

U.S. Cellular Provides Advice in Celebration of National Cell Phone Courtesy Month

    GREENVILLE, N.C. — More than half of smartphone users surveyed by U.S. Cellular believe their phone enhances their life.1 Still, there's a time and a place for everything. In recognition of Cell Phone Courtesy Month in July, U.S. Cellular provides advice for practicing cellphone etiquette.

    "If we remember one simple rule - people first, technology second - proper cellphone etiquette should be easy to follow," said Jeremy Taylor, director of sales for U.S. Cellular in eastern North Carolina. "At U.S. Cellular, we know how important a mobile device can be to keep connected and simplify daily tasks, but sometimes our cellphone use can get in the way of important life or work events. Cell Phone Courtesy Month is a great time to take a look at our own phone habits and make changes that are right for us, our family and our companies."

    U.S. Cellular offers the following Do's and Don'ts of cellphone etiquette:


  • Be respectful of your surroundings. Be mindful of phone use near people who are engaging in other activities as your conversation may be distracting and annoying to those around you.
  • Remember work is not always a phone zone. Depending on your company policy, while in a business meeting it's OK to send a quick email about a time-sensitive work matter, but it's inappropriate to spend the whole meeting staring at your device. In fact, 84% of professionals think it's rude to use cellphones during business meetings, according to Forbes.
  • Use vibrate mode. When you're shopping, dining or in a public place, turn your ringer off and put your phone on vibrate. You're still alerted to incoming calls or texts, but spare those around you from the sound of your ring tone.
  • Respect phone free zones. More than half of smartphone users surveyed by U.S. Cellular believe their phone enhances their life, but 64% say places of worship should be phone free zones, followed by movie theaters (58%) and on a date (57%).2 Sometimes it's best to spend a few hours unplugged fully enjoying an experience and the people around you.
  • Allow certain exceptions to the rules. If your family member is about to go into labor, you've left a sick baby with a sitter or you're waiting for your doctor to call with test results, it's perfectly reasonable to keep your phone accessible. Updating your social media status or checking a game score are not reasons to violate etiquette rules.


  • Use your cellphone at the dinner table. Establish device-free mealtimes and enjoy conversation with family and friends (and more mindful meals) instead.
  • Talk on your phone while interacting with people IRL (in real life). Making an in-store purchase? Checking into a doctor's appointment? Hanging out with family and friends? Put your phone away and be present in the moment or you may miss important information or a great experience.
  • Speak loudly or shout while on the phone in public. The people on the bus, on the street or at the café don't want to hear your conversation. Keep your voice down and be discreet with the content of conversations you have in public.
  • Bring phones into the bathroom. The bathroom is one of the germiest places. Placing smartphones on the bathroom counter or toilet tank put them at risk for bacteria. Another risk? The possibility of dropping the phone in the sink, tub or (ew!) toilet, which can damage the device. Make the bathroom a cell phone-free zone whenever possible.

    1,2Between Nov. 14-27, 2018, a total of 1,012 online interviews were conducted among a nationally representative sample of U.S. consumers between 18-38 years old by Consumer Insights, in partnership with Maritz CX.

    About U.S. Cellular
    U.S. Cellular is the fifth-largest full-service wireless carrier in the United States, providing national network coverage and industry-leading innovations designed to elevate the customer experience. The Chicago-based carrier is building a stronger network with the latest 5G technology and offers a wide range of communication services that enhance consumers' lives, increase the competitiveness of local businesses and improve the efficiency of government operations. To learn more about U.S. Cellular, visit one of its retail stores or To get the latest news, promos and videos, connect with U.S. Cellular on, and

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