Freak Show in Focus: The Democrat National Convention - Part I | Eastern North Carolina Now
From Tuesday, September 4 to Thursday, September 6, 2012, the Democrats, in America's two party system, revealed to all Americans their core belief system, which was well beyond what even I have been conditioned to expect.
Beaufort County Schools are building a new school on the same ground where Eastern Elementary already exists, at a cost of $10,500,000.00 to Beaufort County's Taxpayers. Is this a wise expense of taxpayer dollars at this time?
17.65% Yes, Beaufort County has been awarded a 42 million dollars of grant money from the state of North Carolina (FREE MONEY) to construct school at 3.00 per squ. ft.
76.47% No, this is the wrong time, to build the wrong school, on the wrong placement - its lowest point - of Eastern Elementary's existing location, when community schools work best.
5.88% Why should I care about the public's education?
Publisher's note: This is the first report, in the aftermath of the Democrat National Convention from North Carolina's Queen City, Charlotte, and we plan to sum up what we, at BCN, consider a veritable Freak Show of desperately confused people.
From Tuesday, September 4 to Thursday, September 6, 2012, the Democrats, in America's two party system, revealed to all Americans their core belief system, which was well beyond what even I have been conditioned to expect.
Just outside the Time Warner Cable Arena, the event's primary location and on East Trade street, stretching two blocks to the Bank of America Corporate Center on North Tryon Street, there existed an estimated 800 delusional socialists within the southern chapter of the Occupy Wall Street movement lightly protesting, and making friends with the convention-going Democrats. Inside the Time Warner Cable Arena, where the convention-goers made one self-inflicted misstep after another, a similar, but more troubling freak show existed.
The Democrats' Convention all began innocently enough, with unctuous hype, and bravado, rampant in the convention's halls, but abruptly and in true new-age Democrat fashion. The reality of just who they have become, deliberately, and without warning, set in for the remainder of the convention, setting a unremarkable pall of 'weird' enveloping these proceedings.
Possibly nick-picking at the political machinations of selecting the event location for the Candidate Obama acceptance speech, inclement weather or no, FOX News brought to the fore, whether or not the Candidate could actually fill the cavernous Bank of America Stadium. In recent weeks, there have been reports that the Romney / Ryan team, together and separately, have been drawing more people to their rallies than the sitting candidate, Barack Obama, and the sitting vice-candidate, Joe Biden, and the non-Democrat propagandist's in the media, obviously, thought it to be a fun poke at the Candidate. Little did anyone recognize that the real red meat of just what it means to be today's Democrat was yet to come, and it came in unrelenting falsehoods, and terrible societal revision against the norm.
In this first account, it all began Tuesday morning, when FOX News broke the story of a verbal miscommunication regarding Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, and Washington Examiner reporter Philip Klein.
At the heart of
Debbie Wasserman Schultz at the Democrat National Convention At what point does the truth become relative?
the matter was the report that (DNC) Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz had mentioned, in Washington Examiner reporter Philip Klein's presence, that Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, remarked to her, "what the Republicans are doing is dangerous for Israel."
Immediately, upon hearing the DNC Chair's comments of his unsaid remarks, Ambassador Oren refuted Ms. Wasserman Schultz comments as pure fabrication, stating, "I never said that to Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and that our nation (Israel) has friends in both political parties."
Later that day, in an interview with Fox News anchor Shepard Smith, Wasserman Schultz stressed that the Washington Examiner had deliberately misquoted her. "I didn’t say he (Oren) said that. And unfortunately, that comment was reported by a conservative newspaper. It’s not surprising that they would deliberately misquote me. What I always say is that unfortunately the Republicans have made Israel a political football, which is dangerous for Israel. And Ambassador Oren has said that we can’t ever suggest that there is any daylight between the two parties on Israel because there isn’t. And that is what's harmful to Israel. That’s what I said, and that is accurate."
Here below is the FOX News account, reported by Shepard Smith:
What later transpired as evidence of corroboration that the Washington Examiner reporter was indeed reporting the truth are comments made by the DNC Chair earlier at the convention to a workshop for Jewish American's who are charged to engage and recruit more Jewish American voters for Candidate Obama. During that workshop, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave out her misinformation as tools for the convention-goers to later use, whereby, they could relay and use the DNC Chair's misquoting of Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, as unmitigated fact, but unfortunately for Ms. Wasserman Schultz, an audio file of her exact comments were leaked to the press, they being, "We know, and I’ve heard no less than Ambassador Michael Oren say this, that what the Republicans are doing is dangerous for Israel."
Here below is the audio clip corroborating the veracity of his report, posted by Washington Examiner reporter Philip Klein on his home publication:
What will now exist will be a challenge to the mainstream media to investigate the veracity of the Democrat National Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, as if it were a central Democrat issue - the issue of: In dealing with the practice of governing America out of its myriad of problems, does the truth really matter?
The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol drew a comparison between the much maligned Missouri Senate Candidate Todd Akin, the Republican that was shown the exit door from the club house after his ill considered remarks regarding the improbability of a woman becoming pregnant after rape and DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who lied about remarks never made to her by the Israeli Ambassador to the United States:
"Every important Republican was asked about (Todd) Akin in the days following his comment. Will reporters ask leading Democrats whether they stand by their national chair, who has doubly lied about a matter of international importance? Will any Democrat have the courage to call on Debbie to go?" - Bill Kristol
Bill Kristol's question is germane to an American political arena that is based on fairness, but when was fairness an issue with the liberal media. I really don't believe, in the days and weeks to come, that we will see an effort by the mainstream media to exit the sidelines, to the field of play, in this issue of truth regarding the Democratic National Committee's Chair - the face of their political apparatus - Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Beaufort County NOW will address the truth as we see it, and we believe that the disingenuous nature of Ms. Wasserman Schultz is endemic in the Democrat Party for a variety of reasons, and therefore, the Democratic National Convention was the perfect showcase we have seen to be essentially true about the Democrat Party's set of core values, or lack thereof.
Should Democrat National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz be held to the same level of media scrutiny for purposefully lying to FOX News as Missouri Senate Candidate Todd Aiken was on his "miss-speaking" about that whole rape/pregnancy/abortion conundrum?