"More red flags than before 9-11" | Eastern North Carolina Now

Ohio Sheriff warns American people of worsening border invasion


Jones explained the president has refused to meet with the 3,300 sheriffs and police chiefs across the US amid the border crisis and eruption in violent crime nationwide. 

"We were also told by Mr. Ray, the FBI director, that there are more red flags going off now than before 9-11," Jones said. 

Here's part of the transcript of the sheriff's press conference where he explains Wray's warning for America (transcript courtesy of Wall Street Apes): 

"China has safe houses in every state in the United States." 

"They're bringing something here to cause us harm. You have to believe that. China has safe houses in every state in the United States. My name is Rick Jones. I'm the Butler County Sheriff, Butler County, Ohio. I just came back from the National Sheriff's Training in DC three days ago, two days ago. We were briefed by the FBI director Ray, the director of the FBI, and several federal agencies. There's 3,300 sheriffs in the United States. 

The President of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs of the 3,300. We have a hierarchy. We have a president. We have a vice president. The President of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs. 

He also refuses to meet with the police chiefs of the United States. They have a hierarchy also. He refuses to meet with them to talk about border issues or talk about crime that's going on because of the border issue. We were also told by Mr. Ray, the FBI director, that there are more red flags going off now than before 9-11. Okay? 

When I say red flags, meaning people that are here in this country that are wanting to do harm to us. We were also explained we're bombing two countries right now. Two countries. These people do not like us before this started. There's thousands of people here from other countries, 160 different countries. They're here not to be our friends. 

Some of them are coming because they're wanting to come here to the best country in the world, the way we see it. Some are coming here to do harm to us. And we were told by the FBI director, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. We were also told five sheriffs went to Israel five weeks after the attack. The only thing that saved the Israelis, their government was the local police. They were outgunned, outmanned. They came over. The Palestinians did. They came over. They killed, raped. The sheriffs were there. They talked to the police. The local police are what saved that country. You can't just call, even in Israel, you can't just call the military up, and they're going to be there, okay? They went house to house, raping, killing. The Israeli police. 

When our guys got there, the sheriffs said, they just don't hate us. They hate you guys equally. And the same people that train them are the same people that train people to hate us. 

The FBI director said when 9-11 hit, there's more red flags now than then. So, and he said, these are people that want to kill us and do harm to us. Now, so you're wondering, I want everybody to know what I know. 

I can't tell you everything, but I want the public to know that we are in a terrible way right now. The United States, and I'm going to get to the local. 

The United States, we're on the defense. You can't be just defense and not have an offense. We have no offense. We're just defense. We're absorbing these attacks. We're in other countries. We're supplying them with weapons. We're supplying them with our treasure, our money. And we're not doing much back home. So. 

With that in mind, we were also told that they're going, this is from the federal government, three days ago. They're going to attack our elections." 


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( February 11th, 2024 @ 10:43 am )
It is not just the threat of terrorism, but also crime. A number of jihadist terrorist attacks in Europe have already been committed by illegal aliens. Crime of all sorts also goes way up, particularly sex crimes, property crimes, and assaults, when a lot of illegal aliens come in. Many European countries have seen that happen.

When illegal aliens commit terrorist crimes in America, the blood will be on the hands of Biden and the Democrats.

As WHO pandemic treaty nears completion, critics raise red flags for US freedoms Rant & Rave, Editorials, Beaufort Observer, Op-Ed & Politics "If you want to control people, you have to control the CO2"


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