A Cruel Promise | Eastern North Carolina Now

Be careful what you wish for, you may get it


Voters are being asked to sign a petition promising to change the way we vote for County Commissioners.  I have had friends volunteer to me that they signed the petition.  I asked, do you understand what you are signing  and the results it will bring to every voter in Beaufort County?  Their answer is almost always, “I do not have to understand it, the Republican Party ask me to sign it”.

I have been an elected official for 27 years.  I have observed both Republican and Democrat officials and their parties operate (dispense propaganda and many times outright lies).  If you want to keep your political party honest, whether Democrat or Republican, you need to cross check what they are telling you.  The principles of the Party may be admirable, but the Party is made of people, some of whom have zero scruples.  The political lie is as effective today as it was 2,000 years ago.  Remember “No new taxes” and “You can keep your doctor”.  

In my business, I sign several documents every day.  Mostly certifying that they are true and accurate.  I never sign anything unless I truly believe what I am signing is accurate and truthful.  It is never smart to sign anything unless you fully understand it or have a trusted professional expert give you advice.

The pitch made to voters is that by signing the petition voters will have more say in electing commissioners. That is, they will have more votes for commissioner every two years.  Having more votes for commissioners is not what this clique within the Beaufort County Republican Party is trying to do.  Read this next sentence carefully.  “The clique is trying to change the system so fewer people can select who will be commissioner.”  This group, under the disguise of improving the commissioner voting system, is proposing to elect commissioners by district.  This means a small amount of campaign money and a small activist group can decide who the commissioner will be in each of the districts.  Only those who reside in that district will be allowed to vote for that district’s commissioner.  The present system allows every voter in the County to decide who every commissioner will be.

With the system proposed by the Republican clique, a voter will be allowed to vote for one commissioner every four years.  Now a voter may vote for one commissioner every two years.  It halves your voting power.

The present limited voting system has accumulated several problems that favor incumbents.  A system of mutual cooperation between Democrats and liberal (RINO) Republicans has evolved.  The severe split within the Republican Party between liberals (RINOs) and conservatives provides the opportunity for Democrats to control the Board.  Four votes are required to elect a Chairman.  The two Democrats vote for the most liberal Republican to be Chairman.  The RINO’s, Frankie Waters and John Rebholz vote for Waters to be Chairman and in return, for the Democrat votes, the RINOs vote for one of the Democrats to be Vice Chairman.  This defeats the conservative Republicans.

The Beaufort County Republican Party refuses to call these RINOs who vote for Democrats, disloyal.

There is a state law that allows for a petition to change the way commissioners are elected provided either 5,000 voters or 15 percent of the electorate sign it.  The petition, if successful, would prompt the board of elections to fully analyze how we elect commissioners in light of the court order that forces us to have limited voting.  

This brings us to the cruel hoaxes that are being presented to voters.  There are several.  The Republican Party by itself cannot effect any change.  The cooperation of the Democrat party and the federal court system is required.  Any proposed change without the cooperation of these interested parties could face court action.  Any voter could bring a lawsuit.  The way the petition is drawn allows the board of county commissioners to decide where these districts would be.   The Board of Beaufort County Commissioners is dominated by RINOs and Democrats. They will set up districts to suit their purpose.  Any action by them could require court review.  Understand, the net result of a district system is that it cuts your voting power in half...once every four years rather than every two years.

What drives this clique to be willing to take any commissioner election system that requires districts?  It is the RINO war against conservatives, not just conservatives themselves but what conservatives stand for.  That is mostly honest government with public notice and involvement.  RINOs and Democrats believe and are willing to do just about anything to manipulate the outcome of elections and government policy to fit their idea of democracy.  After all, they know what is best for us, so they believe they should rule using any corruption available.

There are two political wars going on.  The one between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party and the one within the Republican Party between the RINOs and conservatives.  Both are deceitful, ugly and vicious.  Voters need to be very careful in deciding which candidates they will vote for.  The petition is floated by a clique within the Beaufort County Republican Party.  Some of the players are: Carolyn Garris, Keith Kidwell, Paul Varcoe, etc.  The principal player is Jody Forest. This is the person who makes sure the petitions are present at every Republican event and who approaches voters about signing the petition. Note that all of these people are transplants from other states.

The conservative element within the Republican Party has repeatedly said to the clique, we can support changing the way we vote for commissioners, provided the Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected at large (all of the voters in Beaufort County would have a say).  This will eliminate the corruption between the Democrat Party and the Republican Party in deciding who the chairman and vice chairman will be.  This offer has never received the respect of a discussion because the clique know they would lose control of the Board of Commissioners.

Before voting in the November elections this year, voters need to know where John Rebholz and Randy Walker stand on this issue.  Neither, to my knowledge, has ever taken a stand for the fair and free election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman by the voting public.



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Big Bob said:
( March 31st, 2024 @ 9:20 am )
Woke may be the delusion of promise, but in the end, love wins. Every single time.Happy Easter
( March 30th, 2024 @ 8:26 pm )
Seriously though, has anyone thought about the very possible scenario where a digital ID would be required to vote to ensure "fair and honest" elections?

If they get desperate enough, they could easily sway good people into making stupid decisions. Look at what they did with the "COVID vaccines".

I'm curious to know what the panel thinks about this. We need to cover all of our bases so no one can say that we didn't discuss this matter.
( March 27th, 2024 @ 10:53 am )
WOKE = delusional
( March 27th, 2024 @ 10:25 am )
LImited voting is, indeed, a rigged system, which is why federal appellate courts have ruled that judges cannot impose it as a "remedy" in a voting rights case unless all parties agree to it. We got stuck with this undemocratic system thanks to some self-seeking Democrat Party Commissioners who were defendants in a voting rights case they probably could have won if they had just fought it out. Instead, plaintiff David Moore proposed a district plan as a settlement, and that district plan put Democrat County Commission chairman Frank Bonner into a district he probably could not win, and the Democrat commissioners decided to offer an alternative settlement instead of fighting. They wanted an alternative that would save Frank Bonnner politically. The liberal surrender monkey Chapel Hill lawyer they hired is who suggested limited voting, and it was our own all-Democrat county commission who sent us down this rabbit hole. They cared nothing about the voters of the county, as the whole game plan was for the purpose of saving Frank Bonner's political hide. When word got out on what they were up to, citizen outrage was so extensive, the commissioners tried to withdraw their limited voting proposal, but the court ruled they had already made a binding settlement and could not back out of it.

David Moore showed me his district plan, and it would have worked fine for the county and for Republicans. We have limited voting instead because of self serving Democrat commissioners trying to save Frank Bonner.
Big Bob said:
( March 27th, 2024 @ 10:21 am )
MAGA- delusional
Van Zant said:
( March 27th, 2024 @ 8:39 am )
As an aside - Doesn't it seem like the far-left troll on this site has no idea what the discussion is about most of the time?
Big Bob said:
( March 27th, 2024 @ 12:57 am )
The system isn't rigged. Far right conservatives dont have the votes. Why? Because most people are not far right, or far left.
( March 26th, 2024 @ 11:53 pm )
As we all know, Election Reform is needed BUT are those pushing for "Election Reform" actually pushing for what they claim or are they pushing for something else of which the general public knows nothing about....yet?

Since 2020-21, several earlier advocates of "Election Reform" have become very skeptical of the alleged push to reform an already rigged system....through voting in "fair and honest elections". That, to me, is an oxymoron.

To make this as short as possible, don't be surprised if upcoming "Election Reform" measures will require you to accept and use a digital "Blockchain-encrypted" ID to "vote" in a "fair and honest" election.

The same technology, Blockchain, that would control our election systems would control the digital banking systems across the plane. I wonder what clowns like Kidwell would say about this?

After all, he (Kidwell) DID say that the ballots in the 2020 election were marked.

With what, I wonder😎?
( March 26th, 2024 @ 11:25 pm )
Van Zant: In decades past, all the real Republicans in Beaufort County had was the tiny Republican party guarding our backs, as we fought off the Liberal majority, who made "bipartisan" just another pejorative for "DO IT OUR WAY SUCKERS!"

Now, the Beaufort County GOP is infiltrated by RINOs, who rose to the top of their pathetic ladder leading to the celebration of a coalition with ardent Leftists to share power, and for what?

To stupidly spend tens of millions of the public's money into the waste of an illogical "progress" that could be defined only in terms of, 'we care so much more.'
Van Zant said:
( March 26th, 2024 @ 11:06 pm )
Stan: You have presented the crux of it: These fools do presume to tell the real Republicans how to elect commissioners. In fact, they presume to impose upon us all their salvation from limited voting in the form of their alternative which will be just as bad and is likely to give THEM even more control of the process. With this kind of thinking the average citizen is likely to be just as powerless, but his local masters will likely be MORE powerful. Yes, a real recipe for disaster.
( March 26th, 2024 @ 8:52 pm )
Van Zant: The Beaufort County GOP is a total wash-out; however, they do work well for the RINO class, which was no where to be to found when the local party was built, because, at that time, they were then Democrats supporting Democrats - many of whom still are, just wearing the faux Republican cloak as an appropriated luxury of their image of grand fakery.

When the real Republicans built the local GOP from nearly nothing in decades past:

Almost three decades ago, the real Republicans worked diligently to initiate the filming of the commissioners' meetings as a real public service, which, in the stark truth of reality, revealed the true nature of how sorry some commissioners performed, including the emerging RINO class. Eventually the chief RINO, Frankie Waters, of this local faux and current GOP did what any good Democrat-who-switched-to-Republican-to-run-for-public-office-who-then-governed-as-a-Liberal-Democrat would do, "Fake Frankie" tried to kill the videography of the Beaufort County Commissioners' meetings ... transparency be damned.

With Stan Deatherage, ME, rejoining Commissioner Hood Richardson back on the board of commissioners, and bolstering the efforts to wrest this shard from the complete power paradigm of RINO Frankie, the all encompassing RINO was unsuccessful in his efforts in the complete destruction of this perfect transparency in Beaufort County's process of the People's government - the continued proper filming of Beaufort County's self-governing process.

Consequently, unbridled insanity is to allow these RINO fools the power to force feed the real Republicans of Beaufort County, those who are far more knowledgeable on so many levels, as to how to elect county commissioners here in OUR long standing home of Beaufort County ... NO!

Not as long as I draw good breath.
Van Zant said:
( March 26th, 2024 @ 8:05 pm )
There is nothing good coming from the petition being passed around by that clique that runs the Beaufort County Republican Party.

There is no organized party in Beaufort County looking out for John Q. Public in this voting system debate or anything else. They are all working for their own individual self-interests. That is just one of the reasons why I choose not to involve myself with the Beaufort County Republican Party. There are plenty of other reasons too: They hate conservatives. I'm conservative. They hate native southerners. I'm native southern. A small sample example. Screw them, too. That is that with local Repubs. The Democrats abandoned John Q. Public long ago.

I do not support any voting system that does not respect individual citizens. I imagine it would take the business end of a gun barrel to get these crooks to arrive at a point advantageous to the citizens in general. In the meantime, I'm not holding my breath waiting for something good from that crowd.
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