Michigan has 486,331 more registered voters than eligible population | Eastern North Carolina Now

53 counties have more registered voters than they do residents over 18


Accurate voter rolls are essential for free and fair elections, but some Democrat election officials seem to not care.  A good example is Michigan, whose Democrat Secretary of State and top election official was installed as a Soros-funded candidate.  It has been revealed that the key swing state of Michigan has 486,331 more registered active voters than is has population of adults over 18.  Indeed 53 Michigan counties have more voters registered than they have eligible voters.

Elon Musk has now added his voice to those criticizing the sloppy handling of elections in Michigan.   Michigan's Soros-funded Secretary of State has already lost ten landsuits challenging the way she handles elections in the state.


Most citizens hope for a free and fair election in November, but polls show that a majority question whether that will happen.  The way liberal Democrat run elections office like the one in Michigan are a big reason for the doubt in peoples minds.

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