EOC Activation - Tonight's Winter Weather | Eastern North Carolina Now

Beaufort County’s EOC will undergo a partial activation utilizing Emergency Services personnel beginning at 6pm this afternoon.

Press Release:

    Municipal and Public Safety Partners,

    Beaufort County's EOC will undergo a partial activation utilizing Emergency Services personnel beginning at 6pm this afternoon. This activation will include dividing the county into divisions with EOC points of contact as listed below. Please do not hesitate to contact these individuals if we can help with anything.

    Chocowinity, Blounts Creek & Aurora Communities

    Curtis Avery (252-945-8513 / Curtis.avery@beaufortcountync.gov )

    Washington, Clarks Neck, Old Ford, Bunyan, Pinetown & Bath Communities

    Ryan Davis (252-402-2564 / ryan.davis@beaufortcountync.gov )

    Sidney / Pamlico Beach Communities

    Wayne Peaden (252-814-3914 / wayne.peaden@beaufortcountync.gov )

    Belhaven, Pantego & Pungo River Communities

    Jeff Hibbard (252-833-8507 / jeff.hibbard@beaufortcountync.gov )

    At Larger Response

    Jason Edwards (252-702-8293 / jason.edwards@beaufortcountync.gov)

    DC Linton (252-402-2934 / David.linton@beaufortcountync.gov )

    Chris Newkirk (252-378-5352 / chris.newkirk@beaufortcountync.gov )


    Melissa Beacham (252-946-4116 / mbeacham@beaufortcountync.gov )

    State of Emergency & Response Funding

    North Carolina has issued a State of Emergency which primarily addressed transportation restrictions. The current order did not allocate funding support or a mechanism for reimbursement to local jurisdictions for actions taken in response to this storm. (A copy of North Carolina's current State of Emergency has been attached.)

    Please remember to share copies of any locally issued State of Emergency with Melissa Beacham at the EOC so that we can ensure they are uploaded into the state system.

    Primary Concerns for This Storm Include:

    General Exposure to Cold Temperatures / Winter Elements

  • While snow and freezing temperatures are expected over the next 48 to 72 hours, the possibility of widespread and long-lasting infrastructure failures remain low. Therefore, we will not pre-emptively open public shelters and continue to emphasize the importance of community self-sustainability. We will, however, remain prepared to implement shelter operations if we experience widespread and long-lasting infrastructure failures.
  • Please be mindful of responders during extended outdoor incidents / activities. Our office is working to stage enclosed trailers equipped with propane heaters in Chocowinity, Washington, and Belhaven in the event they are needed at incident locations. (These assets can be mobilized by contacting your assigned EOC representative.)

    Hazardous Road Conditions

  • Road conditions are expected to deteriorate quickly around 9pm tonight, with any snow / moisture that falls remaining frozen through the better part of tomorrow and into Thursday. Please continue to emphasize the message of necessary travels only to the public. Also, please remind responders of safe driving practices during snow conditions. (reduced speeds, ample braking distances, the glare that emergency warning lights can create in heavy snow conditions, etc.)
  • Note: If we experience incidents on any of our elevated roadways (Hwy 17 bypass, Hwy 99 bridges near Belhaven, etc) our EOC staff will default to mobilizing additional assets to close that portion of the roadway while responders are on scene.

    The National Weather Service will be providing another update around 4pm today. We will continue to pass along information as we receive it.

    As always, thank you all for what you do to each day to keep our county safe.


   Chris Newkirk
   Deputy Director
   Beaufort County Emergency Services
   1420 Highland Dr
   Washington, NC 27889
   Office: (252)940-6511
   Cell: (252) 378-5352
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