Results found for corporate taxes | Eastern North Carolina Now

83 Results found for corporate taxes

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The difference between Republican governance and Democrat tax and spend
The difference between Republican governance and Democrat tax and spend
In 2013, the new Republican-led General Assembly took steps to foster economic growth by lowering the state’s corporate income tax rate. The corporate income tax is a burden that ultimately falls on workers.
In 2013, the new Republican-led General Assembly took steps to foster economic growth by lowering the state’s corporate income tax rate. The corporate income tax is a burden that ultimately falls on workers.
Higher spending and lower revenue intake produced a $1.1 trillion budget deficit in the first six months of fiscal year 2023, according to a report released Monday by the Congressional Budget Office.
Higher spending and lower revenue intake produced a $1.1 trillion budget deficit in the first six months of fiscal year 2023, according to a report released Monday by the Congressional Budget Office.
Republican lawmakers proposed a bill to replace the income, payroll, and estate taxes with a national sales tax while abolishing the IRS.
Republican lawmakers proposed a bill to replace the income, payroll, and estate taxes with a national sales tax while abolishing the IRS.
The Tax Foundation releases annual list of best states for businesses in terms of tax benefits
The Tax Foundation releases annual list of best states for businesses in terms of tax benefits
The states with the most severe business taxes in the new year are primarily located in the Northeast, while those with environments most welcoming to companies and entrepreneurs are generally in the Great Plains and the South.
The states with the most severe business taxes in the new year are primarily located in the Northeast, while those with environments most welcoming to companies and entrepreneurs are generally in the Great Plains and the South.
“It’s Joe Manchin’s America.”
As tax reform heats up across the country, high-tax states should take notice
Lower income taxes allow people to keep more of their hard-earned money and spend it on their needs
Lower income taxes allow people to keep more of their hard-earned money and spend it on their needs
North Carolina set another record for new business creation in 2021.
North Carolina set another record for new business creation in 2021.
Since the release of North Carolina’s conference budget on November 15th, there has been much speculation over the budget’s promise of a large grant award to a qualifying company that will invest in Randolph County’s “megasite industrial park.”
Since the release of North Carolina’s conference budget on November 15th, there has been much speculation over the budget’s promise of a large grant award to a qualifying company that will invest in Randolph County’s “megasite industrial park.”
House Democrats passed the centerpiece to Biden’s agenda last week with only one Democrat dissenter. The “Build Back Better” bill supposedly shrunk over time from $3.5 trillion to $2 trillion, yet this is only due to “temporary” programs and misleading math.
House Democrats passed the centerpiece to Biden’s agenda last week with only one Democrat dissenter. The “Build Back Better” bill supposedly shrunk over time from $3.5 trillion to $2 trillion, yet this is only due to “temporary” programs and misleading math.
North Carolina ranks just outside of the top 10 states, at No. 11, in the latest Tax Foundation State Business Tax Climate Index.
North Carolina ranks just outside of the top 10 states, at No. 11, in the latest Tax Foundation State Business Tax Climate Index.
So far this year, Gov. Cooper has pledged over $930.7 million in tax incentives to just 22 corporations, including $845.8 million over four decades to Apple
So far this year, Gov. Cooper has pledged over $930.7 million in tax incentives to just 22 corporations, including $845.8 million over four decades to Apple
Chris Edwards of the Cato Institute offers Daily Caller readers a list of reasons to oppose the Biden administration’s infrastructure proposals.
Chris Edwards of the Cato Institute offers Daily Caller readers a list of reasons to oppose the Biden administration’s infrastructure proposals.
Press Briefing By Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Secretary Of Commerce Gina Raimondo, April 7, 2021
Zoom made over $600 million in profit and expects to pay $0 in Federal income taxes
Zoom made over $600 million in profit and expects to pay $0 in Federal income taxes
We’ve had a lot of rainy days in North Carolina lately, both literally and figuratively.
We’ve had a lot of rainy days in North Carolina lately, both literally and figuratively.
With President Biden in the White House and Democrats in control of both houses of Congress, conservatives are bracing for a flurry of policy changes on issues they care about.
With President Biden in the White House and Democrats in control of both houses of Congress, conservatives are bracing for a flurry of policy changes on issues they care about.
The post of lieutenant governor is a constitutional office in North Carolina, and the only one empowered to exercise both legislative and executive powers.
The post of lieutenant governor is a constitutional office in North Carolina, and the only one empowered to exercise both legislative and executive powers.
The N.C. Senate on Wednesday evening passed by a 48-0 vote a $1.2-billion bill distributing money for COVID-19 relief statewide.
The N.C. Senate on Wednesday evening passed by a 48-0 vote a $1.2-billion bill distributing money for COVID-19 relief statewide.
North Carolina’s economy has been devastated by the decisions of Gov. Roy Cooper and state and local officials in their attempt to ameliorate the effects of COVID-19.
North Carolina’s economy has been devastated by the decisions of Gov. Roy Cooper and state and local officials in their attempt to ameliorate the effects of COVID-19.
Editors at Issues and Insights want no one to buy into the narrative that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would offer a centrist choice to Democratic presidential primary voters.
Editors at Issues and Insights want no one to buy into the narrative that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would offer a centrist choice to Democratic presidential primary voters.
How should the State of North Carolina go about corporate taxation and corporate welfare? There are four possible policy combinations.
How should the State of North Carolina go about corporate taxation and corporate welfare? There are four possible policy combinations.
Roy Cooper once again is displaying his blatant hypocrisy on corporate taxes.
Progressives and conservatives argue about economic policy all the time. At government’s current size and scope, would it better promote long-term growth to raise taxes and spend more or to lower taxes and spend less?
Progressives and conservatives argue about economic policy all the time. At government’s current size and scope, would it better promote long-term growth to raise taxes and spend more or to lower taxes and spend less?
The budget standoff in North Carolina is generating national attention, which focuses on the debate over Medicaid expansion. But there's another policy standoff in Raleigh, and it's interesting not just for what's up for debate, but also for what isn't.
The budget standoff in North Carolina is generating national attention, which focuses on the debate over Medicaid expansion. But there's another policy standoff in Raleigh, and it's interesting not just for what's up for debate, but also for what isn't.
It has been eighteen days since Governor Roy Cooper and Democratic leaders sent a detailed, balanced compromise offer to Republican leaders in the General Assembly.
It has been eighteen days since Governor Roy Cooper and Democratic leaders sent a detailed, balanced compromise offer to Republican leaders in the General Assembly.
The Senate approved the Tax Reduction Act of 2019 on a 28-13 vote on Monday, May 20, and sent it to the House. Last Thursday, the bill passed its initial vote by a 26-19 margin.
The Senate approved the Tax Reduction Act of 2019 on a 28-13 vote on Monday, May 20, and sent it to the House. Last Thursday, the bill passed its initial vote by a 26-19 margin.
We all want North Carolina to be an attractive place to live, work, create jobs, rear families, and build communities.
We all want North Carolina to be an attractive place to live, work, create jobs, rear families, and build communities.
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