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This week I will take a break from politics and spend time reflecting on the celebrations of our country's independence day. Former President John Adams wrote about his Independence Day visions nearly 240 years ago...
This week I will take a break from politics and spend time reflecting on the celebrations of our country's independence day. Former President John Adams wrote about his Independence Day visions nearly 240 years ago...
A new American flag displayed at the State Capitol Building today begins several days of events celebrating Independence Day
A new American flag displayed at the State Capitol Building today begins several days of events celebrating Independence Day
The 2016 election cycle is one of the wildest and strangest we've seen, especially the presidential contests. In recent days these campaigns have raised interesting questions about protest and disruption.
The 2016 election cycle is one of the wildest and strangest we've seen, especially the presidential contests. In recent days these campaigns have raised interesting questions about protest and disruption.
If we all have the same rights as human beings, is it really free or is there a price that must be paid by someone?
If we all have the same rights as human beings, is it really free or is there a price that must be paid by someone?
The compact for a National Popular Vote (NPV) is a destructive scheme. Yet it's been approved by several States; and is pending in others.
The compact for a National Popular Vote (NPV) is a destructive scheme. Yet it's been approved by several States; and is pending in others.
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
A driving program developed by East Carolina University graduate students is steering some local teens with autism toward greater independence.
A driving program developed by East Carolina University graduate students is steering some local teens with autism toward greater independence.
Today, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) voted against legislation – H.R. 702 – that would revoke the 40-year old law that prohibits the export of U.S. oil to foreign countries like China, Russia, and much of the Middle East.
Today, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) voted against legislation – H.R. 702 – that would revoke the 40-year old law that prohibits the export of U.S. oil to foreign countries like China, Russia, and much of the Middle East.
While we're heading down the dangerous slippery slope of government-sponsored censorship surrounding the display of the Confederate flag and certain Civil War generals and other historical figures, we should also be demanding that certain other statues be taken down
While we're heading down the dangerous slippery slope of government-sponsored censorship surrounding the display of the Confederate flag and certain Civil War generals and other historical figures, we should also be demanding that certain other statues be taken down
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate our nation's founding-and the first time that a nation was deliberately founded on reason and the rule of law instead of on accidents of history. The central question of this article is "how are the founding and related topics treated in today's academia?" It is a...
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate our nation's founding-and the first time that a nation was deliberately founded on reason and the rule of law instead of on accidents of history. The central question of this article is "how are the founding and related topics treated in today's academia?" It is a...
We seem to be trying to make America into whatever political party you favor. It is about time to consider the real part of July 4, 1776 . . .
We seem to be trying to make America into whatever political party you favor. It is about time to consider the real part of July 4, 1776 . . .
Governor Pat McCrory released the following Independence Day statement.
Governor Pat McCrory released the following Independence Day statement.
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
That’s right. Our license tags advertise us as “First In Flight.” But, thanks to ObamaCare, we are speeding our way toward being “First In Dependence.”
That’s right. Our license tags advertise us as “First In Flight.” But, thanks to ObamaCare, we are speeding our way toward being “First In Dependence.”
True Conservatives understand why our country is falling apart. It's not that we lack the power and the ability to be the country we used to be; it's that our citizenry has willfully and ignorantly abandoned a moral imperative to defend our American ideals by living those ideals.
True Conservatives understand why our country is falling apart. It's not that we lack the power and the ability to be the country we used to be; it's that our citizenry has willfully and ignorantly abandoned a moral imperative to defend our American ideals by living those ideals.
I am writing to reassure you that there is no connection whatsoever between the Civitas Institute and a newspaper chain that reportedly was planning to create a nationwide database of people with legal permits to carry concealed firearms.
I am writing to reassure you that there is no connection whatsoever between the Civitas Institute and a newspaper chain that reportedly was planning to create a nationwide database of people with legal permits to carry concealed firearms.
When state officials realized they had a clogged and inefficient criminal justice data system following the 2008 murder of former UNC-Chapel Hill Student Body President Eve Carson, they turned to the state controller's office for a solution to the problem.
When state officials realized they had a clogged and inefficient criminal justice data system following the 2008 murder of former UNC-Chapel Hill Student Body President Eve Carson, they turned to the state controller's office for a solution to the problem.
Patriot, Continental Congress member, and North Carolina signer of the Declaration of Independence, John Penn was a native of Caroline County, Virginia.
Patriot, Continental Congress member, and North Carolina signer of the Declaration of Independence, John Penn was a native of Caroline County, Virginia.
John Locke was a 17th-century English philosopher whose work had a profound impact on the American founders.
John Locke was a 17th-century English philosopher whose work had a profound impact on the American founders.
To know your Constitution - questions for Constitution Day (to learn about the Constitution).
To know your Constitution - questions for Constitution Day (to learn about the Constitution).
North Carolina history enthusiasts are aware that President George Washington nominated James Iredell Sr. (namesake of Iredell County) as one of the first justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. Far fewer are aware that another Washington appointee to the high court called North Carolina home, albeit...
North Carolina history enthusiasts are aware that President George Washington nominated James Iredell Sr. (namesake of Iredell County) as one of the first justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. Far fewer are aware that another Washington appointee to the high court called North Carolina home, albeit...
The government has no legitimate powers that were not initially granted to it under the Constitution.
The government has no legitimate powers that were not initially granted to it under the Constitution.
The Beaufort Patriot Tea Party is hosting Tom Rhyne a Director with Grass Roots North Carolina to explain how we can help protect your Second Amendment right to bear arms.
The Beaufort Patriot Tea Party is hosting Tom Rhyne a Director with Grass Roots North Carolina to explain how we can help protect your Second Amendment right to bear arms.
Hezekiah Alexander's role in the Revolution is a good example. His home, built in 1774, ought to be a colorful Carolina shrine to the birth of political liberty in America, rather than a setting for the tedious or trivial, as many believe the museum has become.
Hezekiah Alexander's role in the Revolution is a good example. His home, built in 1774, ought to be a colorful Carolina shrine to the birth of political liberty in America, rather than a setting for the tedious or trivial, as many believe the museum has become.
"Jose can you see," this was a line from Jose Jimenez's routine on the Ed Sullivan show, Sunday nights, on CBS in the sixties. Jose Jimenez was a stage name for the comedian Bill Dana.
"Jose can you see," this was a line from Jose Jimenez's routine on the Ed Sullivan show, Sunday nights, on CBS in the sixties. Jose Jimenez was a stage name for the comedian Bill Dana.
What a sad day when the Supreme Court loses sight of what the Constitution's purpose is to protect the rights of individuals, and not to take them away.
What a sad day when the Supreme Court loses sight of what the Constitution's purpose is to protect the rights of individuals, and not to take them away.
Our Founders made sure they provided for the proper avenues to counter a government that evinces such a design and even provided for the right to abolish that government.
Our Founders made sure they provided for the proper avenues to counter a government that evinces such a design and even provided for the right to abolish that government.
It never fails to amaze me how good the Dems are at out foxing the long suffering taxpayers and how so many of us keep buying into their almost always misleading and frequently fallacious arguments.
It never fails to amaze me how good the Dems are at out foxing the long suffering taxpayers and how so many of us keep buying into their almost always misleading and frequently fallacious arguments.
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth.
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth.
If we look back on our grade school education, we remember being taught the very fundamentals of what went on at the Constitutional Convention.
If we look back on our grade school education, we remember being taught the very fundamentals of what went on at the Constitutional Convention.
BCCC President David McLawhorn said the schedule will allow BCCC to "maximize the financial and human resources available to conduct the college's essential work during the summer term."
BCCC President David McLawhorn said the schedule will allow BCCC to "maximize the financial and human resources available to conduct the college's essential work during the summer term."
It is acknowledged that the views and the writings philosopher John Locke played a crucial role in our Founders' view of liberty.
As we initiate this ongoing series, this category on what made this a once great nation, we examine our nation's first document.
As we initiate this ongoing series, this category on what made this a once great nation, we examine our nation's first document.
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