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It’s been just one year since Disney, the most powerful entertainment company in the world, was caught saying the quiet part out loud, namely that they were using their brand
It’s been just one year since Disney, the most powerful entertainment company in the world, was caught saying the quiet part out loud, namely that they were using their brand
Self-inflicted wounds, not changing demographics, are undermining the higher-ed sector.
Self-inflicted wounds, not changing demographics, are undermining the higher-ed sector.
The Nativity scene, the symbol of Christmas, has become more of a commercial symbol than a religious system.That was the conclusion of the highest court of the land – back in 1984. It got me thinking of the holiday in general and what it really means. Have we succeeded in divorcing its true meaning?
The Nativity scene, the symbol of Christmas, has become more of a commercial symbol than a religious system.That was the conclusion of the highest court of the land – back in 1984. It got me thinking of the holiday in general and what it really means. Have we succeeded in divorcing its true meaning?
Just 20% of North Carolinians plan to do their holiday shopping on Black Friday, compared to 40% on Cyber Monday, the biggest online shopping day of the year.
Just 20% of North Carolinians plan to do their holiday shopping on Black Friday, compared to 40% on Cyber Monday, the biggest online shopping day of the year.
A Harvard astrophysicist is organizing an archeological expedition to the South Pacific in search of a possible alien probe.
A Harvard astrophysicist is organizing an archeological expedition to the South Pacific in search of a possible alien probe.
Entrepreneur Charlie Tebele's family has donated generously to Hochul.
Simulations followed by it actually happening
Simulations followed by it actually happening
LONDON—A new film in the popular James Bond franchise has reportedly been ruined by the casting of a female in the role of agent 007 because she keeps stopping and asking for directions in the middle of car chases.
LONDON—A new film in the popular James Bond franchise has reportedly been ruined by the casting of a female in the role of agent 007 because she keeps stopping and asking for directions in the middle of car chases.
Not my problem says Biden
We published an article yesterday that was entitled "How much does a dream cost?" It was focused on the high cost of rioting and looting in terms of human stories of dreams lost, heartache and despair that far exceeds the cost of damaged property.
We published an article yesterday that was entitled "How much does a dream cost?" It was focused on the high cost of rioting and looting in terms of human stories of dreams lost, heartache and despair that far exceeds the cost of damaged property.
It might make sense if recent events had convinced best-selling author Matt Ridley to shed the nickname tied to his most famous book.
It might make sense if recent events had convinced best-selling author Matt Ridley to shed the nickname tied to his most famous book.
In debates about whether schools have sufficient supplies and materials for the school year, the contributions of parents are too often overlooked.
Only God knows what the sparrows have been up to.
Only God knows what the sparrows have been up to.
The last day of my summer, was beautiful-if only it had not been the last day! The morning dawned fair and bright.
The last day of my summer, was beautiful-if only it had not been the last day! The morning dawned fair and bright.
The "early service" this morning, was a gentle affair. Light fell across the territory in rays just bright enough to cast faint shadows.
The "early service" this morning, was a gentle affair. Light fell across the territory in rays just bright enough to cast faint shadows.
If I understand the current law regarding our intelligence agencies ability to legally conduce surveillance, it is broken down into two categories.
If I understand the current law regarding our intelligence agencies ability to legally conduce surveillance, it is broken down into two categories.
Diane Rufino writes an open letter to Governor Pat McCrory to thank him for his support and defense of HB2 ("Public Facilities Privacy & Safety Act")
Diane Rufino writes an open letter to Governor Pat McCrory to thank him for his support and defense of HB2 ("Public Facilities Privacy & Safety Act")
Nothing is more fun for an aging tinkerer than to have something break down in his house.
Nothing is more fun for an aging tinkerer than to have something break down in his house.
The story began in the early 1990s, when Baker lived in Houston, Texas, with his family. He had recently sold his computer company and was looking for a new pursuit to spice up retirement.
The story began in the early 1990s, when Baker lived in Houston, Texas, with his family. He had recently sold his computer company and was looking for a new pursuit to spice up retirement.
It has been nearly three years since the left-leaning Center for American Progress published a superb report, Return on Educational Investment: A District-by-District Evaluation of U.S. Educational Productivity. In the report, CAP Senior Fellow Ulrich Boser made the case that decades of...
It has been nearly three years since the left-leaning Center for American Progress published a superb report, Return on Educational Investment: A District-by-District Evaluation of U.S. Educational Productivity. In the report, CAP Senior Fellow Ulrich Boser made the case that decades of...
It has been nearly three years since the left-leaning Center for American Progress published a superb report, Return on Educational Investment: A District-by-District Evaluation of U.S. Educational Productivity.
It has been nearly three years since the left-leaning Center for American Progress published a superb report, Return on Educational Investment: A District-by-District Evaluation of U.S. Educational Productivity.
There are two stories here. The first is that of why this board even exists. The second in how it operated to violate Mr. Cooksey's rights.
There are two stories here. The first is that of why this board even exists. The second in how it operated to violate Mr. Cooksey's rights.
As a trained attorney, Barack Obama should understand the concept of "proximate cause."
As a trained attorney, Barack Obama should understand the concept of "proximate cause."
We recently published an article about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It stirred up a ruckus, all the way to Sen. Richard Burr's office.
We recently published an article about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It stirred up a ruckus, all the way to Sen. Richard Burr's office.
At a recent candidates forum for the Washington City Council the question was raised about how to reduce our electrical bills. Several of the candidates posited "load management" as an effective way of doing that.
At a recent candidates forum for the Washington City Council the question was raised about how to reduce our electrical bills. Several of the candidates posited "load management" as an effective way of doing that.
Our success is the result of freedom - economic, political, and civil liberties. We are not by any means perfect and we have more recently developed some serious problems.
Our success is the result of freedom - economic, political, and civil liberties. We are not by any means perfect and we have more recently developed some serious problems.


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