Results found for gay pride | Eastern North Carolina Now

24 Results found for gay pride

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“It’s amazing how long bad ideas take to die... I wonder how many more terror attacks will come about by incentivizing terror in this way?”
“It’s amazing how long bad ideas take to die... I wonder how many more terror attacks will come about by incentivizing terror in this way?”
A federal court in Maryland ruled Thursday that parents don’t have the right to opt their children out of a curriculum that includes books about radical gender theory.
A federal court in Maryland ruled Thursday that parents don’t have the right to opt their children out of a curriculum that includes books about radical gender theory.
Following pressure from Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) — including the threat of a $1.5 million fine and legal “repercussions” — a Southern California school district has reversed course to adopt a state-approved curriculum the school board initially rejected.
Following pressure from Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) — including the threat of a $1.5 million fine and legal “repercussions” — a Southern California school district has reversed course to adopt a state-approved curriculum the school board initially rejected.
Well over 100 Tennessee residents flooded the city of Franklin late Tuesday afternoon ahead of a city board meeting over approval of a gay Pride festival.
Well over 100 Tennessee residents flooded the city of Franklin late Tuesday afternoon ahead of a city board meeting over approval of a gay Pride festival.
In a Supreme Court case heard on Monday, conservative justices appeared to lean in favor of a Christian website designer, questioning how certain rules would apply in different scenarios.
In a Supreme Court case heard on Monday, conservative justices appeared to lean in favor of a Christian website designer, questioning how certain rules would apply in different scenarios.
MR. FENTON: Good afternoon. I’m Bob Fenton, the White House Monkeypox Response Coordinator.
Do you remember when President Trump held a rally and Mo Brooks was invited to speak?  Do you remember that Mo Brooks took that occasion to opine that "we should put the 2020 election behind us?"
Do you remember when President Trump held a rally and Mo Brooks was invited to speak?  Do you remember that Mo Brooks took that occasion to opine that "we should put the 2020 election behind us?"
A Seattle street preacher says he was arrested for simply reading his Bible at a public park near a Seattle Gay Pride event.
A Seattle street preacher says he was arrested for simply reading his Bible at a public park near a Seattle Gay Pride event.
A Massachusetts Catholic bishop who has denounced a local Catholic private school for flying the Black Lives Matter and gay pride flags has now prohibited it from identifying itself as a Catholic school and banned it from using the title “Catholic” to describe itself.
A Massachusetts Catholic bishop who has denounced a local Catholic private school for flying the Black Lives Matter and gay pride flags has now prohibited it from identifying itself as a Catholic school and banned it from using the title “Catholic” to describe itself.
This article goes to a question that I have posed for many years now: Is a society so predicated on Individual Liberty doomed to destroy itself?
This article goes to a question that I have posed for many years now: Is a society so predicated on Individual Liberty doomed to destroy itself?
A federal district court in Denver has ruled that Christian cake artist and baker, Jack Phillips, can proceed in his lawsuit against the State of Colorado for its alleged continued harassment of him on account of his religious beliefs.
A federal district court in Denver has ruled that Christian cake artist and baker, Jack Phillips, can proceed in his lawsuit against the State of Colorado for its alleged continued harassment of him on account of his religious beliefs.
We've all heard of the case of the Christian cake artist who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his deeply-held belief in the Biblical view of marriage.
We've all heard of the case of the Christian cake artist who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his deeply-held belief in the Biblical view of marriage.
Here we are in the month of June. June represents a month of pride for many. The Islamic holiday of Ramadan is this month. This is also Gay Pride month. Rather ironic that the two would cross paths on the calendar.
Here we are in the month of June. June represents a month of pride for many. The Islamic holiday of Ramadan is this month. This is also Gay Pride month. Rather ironic that the two would cross paths on the calendar.
Recently, Twitter blew up again but this time, it was not because a celebrity said something stupid, cute, or funny. and it was not because Donald Trump said something that the left could never approve of.
Recently, Twitter blew up again but this time, it was not because a celebrity said something stupid, cute, or funny. and it was not because Donald Trump said something that the left could never approve of.
The constitutionalist and libertarian sector should be there for social conservatives who want to practice their beliefs and do no more harm than hurting some lefties' feelings.
The constitutionalist and libertarian sector should be there for social conservatives who want to practice their beliefs and do no more harm than hurting some lefties' feelings.
On August 4, a federal court in California struck down the gay marriage ban, popularly known as Proposition 8, and handed a victory to thousands of gays and lesbians.
On August 4, a federal court in California struck down the gay marriage ban, popularly known as Proposition 8, and handed a victory to thousands of gays and lesbians.


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