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122 Results found for parenting

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Over the past few weeks, the stories of how visibly Orthodox Jews have been getting physically assaulted with regularity on the streets of New York have finally broken through
Over the past few weeks, the stories of how visibly Orthodox Jews have been getting physically assaulted with regularity on the streets of New York have finally broken through
That’s the takeaway from a new survey of nearly 1,700 teens and tweens, conducted by Common Sense Media.
That’s the takeaway from a new survey of nearly 1,700 teens and tweens, conducted by Common Sense Media.
Some N.C. lawmakers are thinking about ways to deal with foster children whose birth parents are struggling with substance abuse.
Some N.C. lawmakers are thinking about ways to deal with foster children whose birth parents are struggling with substance abuse.
East Carolina University senior Irma Lappin does more each day than the typical college student.
East Carolina University senior Irma Lappin does more each day than the typical college student.
It is easier to raise strong children than to repair broken men and women. And it's a whole lot less expensive on society and on our pocketbooks as well.
It is easier to raise strong children than to repair broken men and women. And it's a whole lot less expensive on society and on our pocketbooks as well.
Marty Sampson, a songwriter for the popular Evangelical Christian band Hillsong United, has announced he is "genuinely losing" his faith.
Marty Sampson, a songwriter for the popular Evangelical Christian band Hillsong United, has announced he is "genuinely losing" his faith.
North Carolina families with young children can now take advantage of free online parenting support programs.
North Carolina families with young children can now take advantage of free online parenting support programs.
This fall a “We Are Teachers” blog post, lamenting an upsurge in over-involved parents, went viral, eliciting coverage from myriad media outlets and the national teachers’ union.
This fall a “We Are Teachers” blog post, lamenting an upsurge in over-involved parents, went viral, eliciting coverage from myriad media outlets and the national teachers’ union.
Last week I quoted glowing endorsements of Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh by seven legal experts from across the ideological spectrum
Last week I quoted glowing endorsements of Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh by seven legal experts from across the ideological spectrum
Teens are tethered to technology like never before. Almost all have smartphones; many are online constantly
Teens are tethered to technology like never before. Almost all have smartphones; many are online constantly
For many years, I have had a percolating theory hiding just below the surface of my mind.
For many years, I have had a percolating theory hiding just below the surface of my mind.
Republican incumbent Andy Wells was unopposed in his two previous Senate District 42 primaries, and was uncontested in the 2016 general election. But three challengers are seeking the seat in the May 8 GOP primary
Republican incumbent Andy Wells was unopposed in his two previous Senate District 42 primaries, and was uncontested in the 2016 general election. But three challengers are seeking the seat in the May 8 GOP primary
"Hurt people hurt people." That's how one middle school principal summed up the origins of bullying for me.
"Hurt people hurt people." That's how one middle school principal summed up the origins of bullying for me.
This week, the assembly in the state of California could vote on a bill that would legitimately ban books, shut down churches, and close psychiatric offices all over the state.
This week, the assembly in the state of California could vote on a bill that would legitimately ban books, shut down churches, and close psychiatric offices all over the state.
Half of me is reluctant to write something harshly critical about higher education in the United States because I'm such a true-blue believer in, beneficiary of, and insider to the system
Half of me is reluctant to write something harshly critical about higher education in the United States because I'm such a true-blue believer in, beneficiary of, and insider to the system
Members of our United States military are afforded very little input when it comes to decisions that significantly impact their lives and the lives of their family members
Members of our United States military are afforded very little input when it comes to decisions that significantly impact their lives and the lives of their family members
This article is to remind folks of the loss of freedom we suffered at the hands of President Obama and his administration with the unconstitutional and universal healthcare scheme he misrepresented and then forced on the American people.
This article is to remind folks of the loss of freedom we suffered at the hands of President Obama and his administration with the unconstitutional and universal healthcare scheme he misrepresented and then forced on the American people.
North Carolina is failing far too many children, especially those "at-risk."
Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a child? Mine was a cocker spaniel named Annabel.
Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a child? Mine was a cocker spaniel named Annabel.
The fact is that music has always been a major part of my family since I was born. My dad was a self taught musician. We always had instruments around the house.
The fact is that music has always been a major part of my family since I was born. My dad was a self taught musician. We always had instruments around the house.
When Representative Rob Bryan first proposed the idea of Achievement School Districts it seemed, at first, a pretty radical concept, but after a year of discussion we've not heard many alternatives put forward
When Representative Rob Bryan first proposed the idea of Achievement School Districts it seemed, at first, a pretty radical concept, but after a year of discussion we've not heard many alternatives put forward
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
As a liberal who grew up near California's Bible Belt in Orange County, I was brought up to believe that the enemies of reason were the Christian creationists who taught that the world is 6,000 years old and that biologists can't explain the evolution of complexity without invoking a divine creator
As a liberal who grew up near California's Bible Belt in Orange County, I was brought up to believe that the enemies of reason were the Christian creationists who taught that the world is 6,000 years old and that biologists can't explain the evolution of complexity without invoking a divine creator
The state Senate's big kahuna went in front of the biggest, most-prominent Common Core-loving, spend-more-and-more-and-more money crowd and told them a few things I am SURE they didn't want to hear.
The state Senate's big kahuna went in front of the biggest, most-prominent Common Core-loving, spend-more-and-more-and-more money crowd and told them a few things I am SURE they didn't want to hear.
Children in the preschool classroom of East Carolina University's Nancy Darden Child Development Center learned to make slime without a recipe.
Children in the preschool classroom of East Carolina University's Nancy Darden Child Development Center learned to make slime without a recipe.
The Vidant Health Foundation distributed more than $1.8 million through 132 grants for communities in eastern North Carolina for the 2015-2016 grant cycle. Grants were awarded for programs that focused on chronic disease prevention and management, access to care and nutrition and physical activity.
The Vidant Health Foundation distributed more than $1.8 million through 132 grants for communities in eastern North Carolina for the 2015-2016 grant cycle. Grants were awarded for programs that focused on chronic disease prevention and management, access to care and nutrition and physical activity.
The lead story alongside the Great Republican Debate is of a child being handcuffed with ADHD --- and now there is a lawsuit over it
The lead story alongside the Great Republican Debate is of a child being handcuffed with ADHD --- and now there is a lawsuit over it
North Carolina receives $7.8 million grant to aid people with substance use disorders
Whether U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan's keynote address at N.C. Central University's 125th commencement ceremony illustrated what is wrong with the liberal stranglehold on higher education, or properly embraces an emerging social paradigm, likely depends on your own politics.
Whether U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan's keynote address at N.C. Central University's 125th commencement ceremony illustrated what is wrong with the liberal stranglehold on higher education, or properly embraces an emerging social paradigm, likely depends on your own politics.
Before all of you education industry zealots consider that I don't care about "The Children" getting more free education, or something as equally ridiculous, just hear me out on this one: Free Community College for everyone is an incredibly bad idea.
Before all of you education industry zealots consider that I don't care about "The Children" getting more free education, or something as equally ridiculous, just hear me out on this one: Free Community College for everyone is an incredibly bad idea.
Cultural catchphrases for parenting styles abound. From the "tiger mom" to the newly coined "guerrilla dad," each purports to capture a distinct set of parenting behaviors. Even the micromanagerial methods of the "helicopter parent" have garnered a place in our pop culture vernacular.
Cultural catchphrases for parenting styles abound. From the "tiger mom" to the newly coined "guerrilla dad," each purports to capture a distinct set of parenting behaviors. Even the micromanagerial methods of the "helicopter parent" have garnered a place in our pop culture vernacular.
In honor of Healthcare Solutions Week, I wanted to share with you some information about North Carolina's Health and Human Services budget.
In honor of Healthcare Solutions Week, I wanted to share with you some information about North Carolina's Health and Human Services budget.
In the midst of receiving white coats and reciting pledges, another important message was delivered to medical students arriving at East Carolina University this fall: Diversity is valued at the Brody School of Medicine.
In the midst of receiving white coats and reciting pledges, another important message was delivered to medical students arriving at East Carolina University this fall: Diversity is valued at the Brody School of Medicine.
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