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A new horror movie featuring the “Steamboat Willie” version of Mickey Mouse is currently in the works, per a Variety report.
A new horror movie featuring the “Steamboat Willie” version of Mickey Mouse is currently in the works, per a Variety report.
A pet peeve of mine has long been how poorly we treat history in our school system, and, subsequently, the periodicals that represent who we are.
A pet peeve of mine has long been how poorly we treat history in our school system, and, subsequently, the periodicals that represent who we are.
A House committee investigating how social media companies restricted speech is putting Stanford University on notice.
A House committee investigating how social media companies restricted speech is putting Stanford University on notice.
The White House urged journalists not to report on what appears to be leaked Pentagon classified documents circulating online.
The White House urged journalists not to report on what appears to be leaked Pentagon classified documents circulating online.
I have long felt that Greg Lake / Pete Sinfield 's "I believe in Father Christmas" is one of the more creative modern Christmas songs created in my lifetime. I have never been a huge fan of Emerson, Lake and Palmer, but I am a big fan of Greg Lake's ode to the British Santa.
I have long felt that Greg Lake / Pete Sinfield 's "I believe in Father Christmas" is one of the more creative modern Christmas songs created in my lifetime. I have never been a huge fan of Emerson, Lake and Palmer, but I am a big fan of Greg Lake's ode to the British Santa.
A Catholic college in Wisconsin is defending an administrator who boasted about restricting a pro-life club on campus and supporting a pro-abortion one.
A Catholic college in Wisconsin is defending an administrator who boasted about restricting a pro-life club on campus and supporting a pro-abortion one.
The Hundred Acre Wood from the classic children’s book “Winnie the Pooh” is about to become a nightmare.
The Hundred Acre Wood from the classic children’s book “Winnie the Pooh” is about to become a nightmare.
U.S. — The advanced AI algorithm built into your phone's photo app has been studying you for years. It knows what you care about and what you think. It organizes all the people you take pictures of into categories and subcategories to help you find the best pictures exactly when you want to.
U.S. — The advanced AI algorithm built into your phone's photo app has been studying you for years. It knows what you care about and what you think. It organizes all the people you take pictures of into categories and subcategories to help you find the best pictures exactly when you want to.
Blasting actor Ben Affleck after his interview with radio shock jock Howard Stern in which Affleck linked his marriage to ex-wife Jennifer Garner regarding his drinking problems, Piers Morgan snapped
Blasting actor Ben Affleck after his interview with radio shock jock Howard Stern in which Affleck linked his marriage to ex-wife Jennifer Garner regarding his drinking problems, Piers Morgan snapped
John Randolph of Roanoke, Virginia, might be America’s most interesting personality, and is surely one of its wisest and noblest characters.
John Randolph of Roanoke, Virginia, might be America’s most interesting personality, and is surely one of its wisest and noblest characters.
When the University of Georgia announced that “student success” would be heavily weighted in future tenure decisions, it opened the door to the possibility of a long-overdue change in college curricula.
When the University of Georgia announced that “student success” would be heavily weighted in future tenure decisions, it opened the door to the possibility of a long-overdue change in college curricula.
Carl Sigman, the lyricist of many of America's most famous love songs, passed from this temporal plane in September of 2000; however, his music lives on, embodied in his beautiful songs of hope and heartbreak.
Carl Sigman, the lyricist of many of America's most famous love songs, passed from this temporal plane in September of 2000; however, his music lives on, embodied in his beautiful songs of hope and heartbreak.
A new documentary about the alleged government cover-up of Unidentified Flying Objects interviews several major political figures
A new documentary about the alleged government cover-up of Unidentified Flying Objects interviews several major political figures
As college textbook prices have increased 88 percent since 2006, education reformers wonder how universities can make books more affordable.
As college textbook prices have increased 88 percent since 2006, education reformers wonder how universities can make books more affordable.
Controversy over whether or not to reveal the name of the man widely believed to be the whistleblower ratcheted up even further on Wednesday
Controversy over whether or not to reveal the name of the man widely believed to be the whistleblower ratcheted up even further on Wednesday
It has begun. Or, probably more accurately, a local and statewide crusade to prevent privatization of North Carolina’s liquor business is intensifying.
It has begun. Or, probably more accurately, a local and statewide crusade to prevent privatization of North Carolina’s liquor business is intensifying.
On Friday, the political world stood still as Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) delivered a speech prior to announcing whether or not she would support SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
On Friday, the political world stood still as Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) delivered a speech prior to announcing whether or not she would support SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
It's popular these days to talk about the potential outbreak of a second Civil War. I've not been immune to that sentiment - I've probably used that language in the past.
It's popular these days to talk about the potential outbreak of a second Civil War. I've not been immune to that sentiment - I've probably used that language in the past.
Somewhere along the way we seem to have lost the idea that the individual is in charge over what they choose to believe or disbelieve. Nevertheless, is should come as no surprise the Russian's are trying to interfere with our elections, way of life and anything else they can disrupt for over 75 year
Somewhere along the way we seem to have lost the idea that the individual is in charge over what they choose to believe or disbelieve. Nevertheless, is should come as no surprise the Russian's are trying to interfere with our elections, way of life and anything else they can disrupt for over 75 year
The #MeToo movement began with accusations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein but rapidly became a rallying call for women everywhere to tell their own stories of sexual harassment
The #MeToo movement began with accusations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein but rapidly became a rallying call for women everywhere to tell their own stories of sexual harassment
On Friday, The New York Times did its level best to defend the bloated corpse of Senator Teddy Kennedy (D-MA), one of the worst human beings ever to occupy a seat in the Senate, from a recapitulation in film form of the night he left a woman to drown in a shallow river in Chappaquiddick.
On Friday, The New York Times did its level best to defend the bloated corpse of Senator Teddy Kennedy (D-MA), one of the worst human beings ever to occupy a seat in the Senate, from a recapitulation in film form of the night he left a woman to drown in a shallow river in Chappaquiddick.
One is a useful law enforcement tool, the other is an over simplification not necessarily based on reality.
One is a useful law enforcement tool, the other is an over simplification not necessarily based on reality.
Stan and Bobby Tony offer opinions on the similarity of two movies.
Stan and Bobby Tony offer opinions on the similarity of two movies.
Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
I borrow mightily from Don Mclean's resonate metaphor at the nexus of his classic anthem "American Pie", when I beg you to notice the abrupt change in the national wind, a noxious air; so foul that it may forever stain the fabric of our once mighty Republic.
I borrow mightily from Don Mclean's resonate metaphor at the nexus of his classic anthem "American Pie", when I beg you to notice the abrupt change in the national wind, a noxious air; so foul that it may forever stain the fabric of our once mighty Republic.
A short lesson about time and the things we should be doing
Many in academia bemoan the increasing and overwhelming focus on graduates’ job prospects.
As tuition costs climb, student loan debts accumulate, and recent graduates struggle to find jobs, more people are questioning whether the American system of higher education is working as well as it could. Kenneth Starr, president of Baylor University and well-known independent counsel for...
As tuition costs climb, student loan debts accumulate, and recent graduates struggle to find jobs, more people are questioning whether the American system of higher education is working as well as it could. Kenneth Starr, president of Baylor University and well-known independent counsel for...
While North Carolina's mainstream media was on its extended Labor Day vacation, The Heartland Institute decided to pick up the slack and do a little reporting about what's happening within our fair state's public education system
While North Carolina's mainstream media was on its extended Labor Day vacation, The Heartland Institute decided to pick up the slack and do a little reporting about what's happening within our fair state's public education system
As a professor in a business school, each semester I strive to make my courses relevant for students. For readers who are not well-versed in the ins-and-out of B-Schools, my admission may be a bit of a surprise. But politicized majors (e.g., gender studies) are not the only disciplines that...
As a professor in a business school, each semester I strive to make my courses relevant for students. For readers who are not well-versed in the ins-and-out of B-Schools, my admission may be a bit of a surprise. But politicized majors (e.g., gender studies) are not the only disciplines that...
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of honest, well-intentioned, patriotic Americans being called names, and especially racist ones.
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of honest, well-intentioned, patriotic Americans being called names, and especially racist ones.


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