Expressed, Exposed, and Running to Daylight: Volume II | Eastern North Carolina Now

Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.

Former County Commissioner, Conservative Stan Deatherage, seeks the opportunity to fight for the tax payers of Beaufort County, but first, we need to how Stan thinks, so, we need to know what he sometimes writes about.

    In the effort of full transparency, this exposition, beginning far in the past; going forward until the general election, 2018, begins and yet continues. All of these succeeding posts can be found here.

Furthermore, in perfect transparency, I have written precious little about Beaufort County Government and its commissioners; its administration in the last 3 years. There are two reasons: 1) I wanted to put some space between me and my county commissioner past; 2) I actively sought helping Beaufort County government with their online needs, which, for a very limited amount of county tax dollars, we, SNI, gave Beaufort County the best county government website that they have ever had, at the far greatest value possible. Now it is time to offer my help to Beaufort County's citizen taxpayers in a much wider perspective.

    In the initial volumes, I will expound on my Conservative leanings on issues less related to Beaufort County, and then, I shall delve into my thoughts on Beaufort County governance as we move closer to the 2018 general election.

    Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much. While I might possess clarion conscience on exactly the way I know a political /governing reality to be, it is most difficult to win a salient point when others have little knowledge of the issues. Sometimes remaining quiet is the better position, or just remaining in the shadows working on stuff for later - I've done much of this ... still do and probably will continue.

    I reckon the point here is initially two fold: 1) this post is about me and my many constant positions; 2) I am not the neophyte politician. I am, however, as of February 26, 2018, a politician once again. As a politician, I must espouse issues that I do hold deep in my clarion conscience. By these written posts, and with the duty to be completely forthcoming, I am seeking a seat on the Beaufort County Commission, and folks need to know who I am, and my dedication to the of my constituents, and how we can move this community forward; this nation to a far better place.

    To that end, I have written much about issues that involves politics on a national stage, and I tell the story as I see it; in fits of rants, some more developed musings, but always straight to the core of the subject. I don't often write about my views brick by brick, where I develop the explanation in depth (time is limited), but by a constant inference temperament, I adamantly let everyone know where I either stand or should stand as a Conservative /Libertarian. Mostly, the core of my writings and rants push a resolute position of what I know to be right stripped of all trapping of political correctness and perceived typical conventions. I just want to espouse there is often a profound difference as devised by the right from the wrong; when governing decisions are being made; that is all that essentially matters in almost all instances.

    If these deep assumptions appear intolerant, they are. I am intolerant of many vices, but chief among what I am intolerant of is: dishonesty, deception, sophistry and ignorance, which often to appear to be the only noticeable character traits in some politicians. It is those politicians, and their flimsy method of governing that I take unmitigated umbrage with, and by my abject protestations, I assert who I am, who I was, who I will continue to be.

    Here below are the second series of my posts, which I will share now, written by me signifying my often negative positions on American politics, governing, and, of late, profound scandals. Within my continual maxim you might notice a profound level of disgust ... still, I am optimistic; ergo, I take the time and make the opportunity to express myself ... in a complete manner.

    On Obama's lawless hypocrisy to transform America Socialist nation of dishonest people:

For Core Democrats: The Hits (and not in a good way) Just Keep on Coming

    After a series of demonstratively tough weeks, the hits just keep on coming, faster and faster as if a spinning top, reeling from the negative inertia. And yet the liberal core of the Democrat party, Democrats plunge their heads in the proverbial sand, doubling down on stupidity.

    And as bad as it has gotten recently for America's worst modern president, Barack Hussein Obama, his former secretary of state, and heir apparent to be anointed with the Democrat nomination for president in 2016, Hillary B. Clinton, has big systemic problems. Ms. Clinton is virtually not electable if America smartens up just a smidgen; but that would mean an Ostrich extraction from its Facebook mentality, and caring about real things. It could happen, and usually does when it all gets bad enough.

    You see, core Democrats have a naive streak a mile wide, where the vast majority of them just don't know stuff, and are generally managed as if in a herd, hence the "talking points", the "group think" Democrat poll tested analysis of complex problems reduced to slogans and cheers, and yet nothing ever changes. Core Democrats, as a bumbling group, have the intellectual acuity of the proverbial "fart in a skillet", which is reducing America minute by minute, until we are nothing more than a thinly skinned, feeble, creaking and crumbling Republic, weak and pathetic, lashing out in geriatric jabs as a very dangerous world closes in- a 'paper tiger' unable to defend itself. This is the eventual projection of the Democrat's America - weak at home, feeble abroad, and finally a one world government secured.     Read more ...

What an Atrocious Week for Democrats

No, America's golfing Neville Chamberlain of foreign policy, Hussein Obama, is not the only ineffective, incompetent, and patently dishonest Democrat on the national stage. It may well be a Democrat epidemic of grand sophistry all around.

    From top to bottom, it has been another incredibly bad week for Democrats. My analysis of this rash of so many impossible weeks is due to the fact that Democrat politicians are so easy to manipulate, that they are immune to the dictates of common sense. This wholly incorrect self-determinable status of immunity is a byproduct of the modern liberal Democrats' perception that they are somehow politically anointed, by God, to be bestowed the indelible police power to tax one to give to the other, and to buy thus political power to curry this divine favor to do such.

    That same misidentified sense of divine purpose to act as if immune to the dictates of real knowledge, is similarly imbued upon the liberal Main Stream Media that summarily morphed into a more viral strain of an even more liberal, without any basis in real principles, Obama Media Group (OMG) sometime in 2007. This co-dependent relationship between unprincipled, and poorly provisioned in intellect, journalists, who favor some Democrats over all others, is a similar construct of incompetence, where both would not exist without each other's support.     Read more ...

Obama Administration Continues to Aspire to Mediocrity ...

And yet, this may be an unattainable goal.

Jan Psaki promoted to be Josh Earnest's boss; a whole host of other Democrats saying silly stuff, doing silly stuff, all in the name of our once great nation.

    In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims. In is clear that Professor Hussein Obama may have a deep, and abiding misidentified sense of loyalty. Now that we, and the World, are in the thick of it, The Amateur shows his true colors as to where his sympathies lie.

    It is increasingly becoming a daily experience of vomitous incredulity for patriots to endure Amateur Obama, and his amateur administration, as they go through the insipid motions of doing their well overpaid jobs. Not one of these lackeys are doing their jobs - not one. If I am wrong here, please comment below and give me their name(s), explain why, and keep it real if do not wish to incur my sharpened tongue. You see, I despise stupidity in a man, or a women, where the truth is being trampled daily, and the safety, and risk of my Republic is at continual risk. Unlike, muddle-minded Liberals, I take this all very seriously.    Read more ...

After the Tragedy in Ferguson a 'National Discussion' is Long Overdue

    Michael Brown is dead, and nothing can change that. Cut down in the prime of his life by a hail of police bullets, denying this young man the opportunity to live a full productive life, bolstered by the accrued resounding wisdom of a life lived well. It is a tragedy of mammoth proportions.

    A tragedy so profound, Michael Brown's president, Barack Hussein Obama, sent 3 members of his administration to represent himself at Michael Brown's funeral, and to comfort the Brown family. It is a tragedy so noteworthy that Mr. Obama dispatched his publicly paid, personal lawyer, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, to Ferguson, Missouri to advise the Black Community of his intentions to use 40 FBI agents to conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether Mr. Brown's civil rights were violated in his shooting death by the White, 28 year old, police officer Darren Wilson.

    It is a tragedy, so national and international in scope, that Mr. Obama, in his most recent speech to the United Nations, thought it wise to direct world attention toward the tragedy in Ferguson, and away from the multiple terrorist acts of horrific violence, at home and abroad, that actually endanger the well being of all Americans. Additionally, Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder, have often discussed that tragedy on the national stage, on multiple occasions, so that a 'national discussion' on Race can be effected and continued. It is apparent, above all else, Race is a key issue for these two men.     Read more ...

Latest Flake Idea from Obama: Free Community College for Everyone

    Before all of you education industry zealots consider that I don't care about "The Children" getting more free education, or something as equally ridiculous, just hear me out on this one: Free Community College for everyone is an incredibly bad idea.

    First and foremost, the Federal government is broke; and secondly, local education is where the federal government makes some of the grandest of its many mistakes. My analysis here is simple: Why allow a government that is now over 18 trillion in debt to take on more debt to consider a subject that it regularly scores a D- or lower on? Furthermore, when the adults finally wrest control away from Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, with the charge of fixing the debt conundrum: Will you have the courage to grasp that they will dramatically reduce, or eliminate the federal education bureaucracy? Can you sense that the Community College initiative will quickly become moot?     Read more ...

In this New Year: Will Race be the Dominant Theme for Those Who Can't Grasp the Reality of these Times?

    I have often wondered why Race is such a large issue in these times. Many of us, who lived through the sixties and were well aware of the events of those turbulent days, have well considered why Race is such a dominant force for those who are interminably imbued with the subject. Times have certainly changed, but not for the 'Poverty Pimps' and the 'Race Hustlers' that have long had the ear of Democrat politicians and, most especially, their president. For them this is a subject of political gold; one to be mined for all its divisive worth.

    And one may ask: How does this work for them? All of America is not some self-identified racially exploited citizen, who is summarily stripped of their self, or group-identified humanity; we certainly know that.

    What everyone should know, but many never will, is that today's Democrat Party is the party of the disenfranchised, rightfully or not, and they provide a sturdy platform for the shiftless, the sorry, and the weak of mind and spirit, those of such great need, who are pledged to contribute so little. While this is not their total base vote, this is the group, from a pure political science reality, that can push them over the top in elections, when the Democrats can produce a Liberal enough, or Socialist enough face to lead the ticket.     Read more ...

Tough Week for The Amateur

    The Democrats' president, who just led them into a dark corner of dysfunction, had a tough week last week, especially when his golfing buddy Michael Jordan made demeaning remarks regarding Obama's golfing prowess. In his remarks, the former basketball great, from Wilmington, North Carolina, regarded Barry Obama as a 'hack as a golfer', which, in turn, inspired the requisite trash talk from the Amateur to put Michael back in his place as the 'co-owner of the losing Charlotte Bobcats of the NBA'.

    Maybe not so tough as an occupational situation to Amateur Obama, but most noteworthy nonetheless in real terms, is that the Democrats lost badly in the midterm elections. In this 'wave election' of real 'Hope and Change', where the Republicans won a majority of elections to wrest control of the U.S. Senate, and gained a super majority in the U.S. House, one that the Republican lawmakers have not enjoyed since the Harry Truman administration. You all remember Democrat "Give'm Hell Harry", right?     Read more ...

An Amateur President and a Lawless Attorney General 'Walk Into a Bar'

    Kind of sounds like the beginning of a funny joke; however, sadly, it is not.

    A joke, like any good narrative, has a beginning, a middle and an end. One group may suggest the punchline (the ending) should be: 'Yeah, because we're both Black.' Another alternate group may possibility suggest that the punchline should be: 'Yeah, because we are both unprincipled and egregiously stupid.'

    I, of course, would take the second punchline as their position of profound purpose; others may see it the other way. What does matter is that it is one big joke of an executive branch, with the 'Amateur' and his legal muscle, Eric Holder - at the taxpayer's expense - leading us into the abyss of a very unsafe, unstable future.     Read more ...

Hobby Lobby, "The Republican War on Women" and Hillary Misspeaks ... Again

While the feminists, who well believe they understand their one issue, re-initiates 'ginning up their base' with their "Republican War of Women" mantra, BCN begins its "War on Stupid" campaign.

    The United States Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 in favor of Hobby Lobby in the Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby religious freedom case to support this retail company's first amendment right to hold certain religious and ethical beliefs over the will of the federal government's police power directed by a poorly written, and inconsistently enforced law. That law in question is ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act), which denotes America's embarkation into full fledged socialism; the Hobby Lobby 'forced life-ending contraception case' is the second real push-back against this ill-conceived, unconstitutional law that all Democrat congresspeople love, and their president lied to the American public, repeatedly, to implement.     Read more ...

        Click here to access Stan Deatherage's press release announcing that he is running for a seat on the Beaufort County Commission.
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