Biden's migrants: rape, murder 11 y.o. girl and crack law officer's skull | Eastern North Carolina Now

illegal aliens Biden brought to America are causing havoc


Reported yesterday, there were two more examples of the crime that Biden is bringing to our country with his wave of illegal alien migrant invaders.

In Texas, an illegal alien from Guatamala who had been released into the US interior by Biden's DHS was arrested for the rape and murder of an 11 year old girl.

In Virginia, a law enforcement officer has a fractured skull and vertebrae and likely permanent disability, inflicted by a Nicaraguan woman who entered the US 7 months ago as part of Biden's "parole pipeline".

It is way past time to round them up and send them home.


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( August 28th, 2023 @ 8:41 am )
Rampant crime by illegal aliens is also rife in Europe. A. couple of weeks ago, there were rapes of a 12 year old girl and a 12 year old boy in different countries by Muslim illegal aliens. A few days later, a drunk 18 year old boy waas raped for hours on a Munich subway by a Muslim illegal alien. Strong measures need to be taken to stop this nonsense, and if the government doesn't do it, in all likelihood, private citizens will ultimately do so.

The latter happened in a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden recently, where increasing crime by Muslim illegal aliens upset a neighborhood so much and the police were no help, that young men of the neighborhood started beating up illegal aliens found there on a regular basis, which led the illegal aliens to go elsewhere.

When common sense conservatives regain control, there needs to be zero tolerance of any crime committed by an illegal alien. Jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk, and they get send home. There should be a total withdrawal of all federal funds from any sanctuary city, county, or state, welfare and everything to shut down sanctuary entities.

In Europe and America, there is a higher proportion of illegal aliens in prison than in the population. Illegal aliens who commit crimes, any crimes, need to be sent home.

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