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56 Results found for british

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Elizabeth Haigh, a British Singapore-born chef who rose to fame as a contestant on “MasterChef U.K.,” has been accused of plagiarizing her 2021 debut cookbook “Makan: Recipes from the Heart of Singapore.”
Elizabeth Haigh, a British Singapore-born chef who rose to fame as a contestant on “MasterChef U.K.,” has been accused of plagiarizing her 2021 debut cookbook “Makan: Recipes from the Heart of Singapore.”
British Airways has informed pilots and cabin crew that they must stop saying “ladies and gentleman” during onboard announcements in an effort to promote “diversity and inclusion.”
British Airways has informed pilots and cabin crew that they must stop saying “ladies and gentleman” during onboard announcements in an effort to promote “diversity and inclusion.”
On Monday, an English woman trying to transport her ailing 81-year-old mother to a hospital tearfully cried at a group of eco-activists that blocked streets in London for over four hours, “How can you be so selfish?”
On Monday, an English woman trying to transport her ailing 81-year-old mother to a hospital tearfully cried at a group of eco-activists that blocked streets in London for over four hours, “How can you be so selfish?”
British Supreme Court Justice Lord Sumpton has blasted the coronavirus lockdowns of the UK government as "totalitarian" in an op-ed he has written for a major British newspaper.
British Supreme Court Justice Lord Sumpton has blasted the coronavirus lockdowns of the UK government as "totalitarian" in an op-ed he has written for a major British newspaper.
A new poll for the Daily Express of London of likely American voters by the polling firm Democracy Institute shows President Trump winning the popular vote by one percentage point
A new poll for the Daily Express of London of likely American voters by the polling firm Democracy Institute shows President Trump winning the popular vote by one percentage point
Two recent British policy briefs on academic freedom and university reforms provide some broad suggestions applicable to colleges, British or otherwise.
Two recent British policy briefs on academic freedom and university reforms provide some broad suggestions applicable to colleges, British or otherwise.
Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of the British intelligence agency MI6, has told the British media that the coronavirus called COVID-19 likely escaped accidentally from a lab after it was created there by Chinese scientists.
Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of the British intelligence agency MI6, has told the British media that the coronavirus called COVID-19 likely escaped accidentally from a lab after it was created there by Chinese scientists.
"My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died; Land of the Pilgrims' pride, from ev'ry mountainside, Let freedom ring!"
"My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died; Land of the Pilgrims' pride, from ev'ry mountainside, Let freedom ring!"
The British Media apologized and rewarded the Professor with a large financial settlement.
The British Media apologized and rewarded the Professor with a large financial settlement.
Over the past several weeks, we've finally seen what the law enforcement priorities of British police look like.
Over the past several weeks, we've finally seen what the law enforcement priorities of British police look like.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
The British Parliament Is Interested In What's Going On In The British Parliament
The British Parliament Is Interested In What's Going On In The British Parliament
The United Kingdom's notorious female jihadist known as the White Widow has created an elite secret army comprised exclusively of female terrorists...
The United Kingdom's notorious female jihadist known as the White Widow has created an elite secret army comprised exclusively of female terrorists...
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
In 1651, Englishman Thomas Hobbes described the lives of men as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
In 1651, Englishman Thomas Hobbes described the lives of men as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
Lady Thatcher was a woman of honor, courage, high principled who endured ridicule and hatred for saving the British Empire.
Lady Thatcher was a woman of honor, courage, high principled who endured ridicule and hatred for saving the British Empire.
Susanne Grieve, director of conservation at ECU, lived and worked in Antarctica for eight months in 2012 through the Antarctic Heritage Trust, a non-profit organization based in New Zealand.
Susanne Grieve, director of conservation at ECU, lived and worked in Antarctica for eight months in 2012 through the Antarctic Heritage Trust, a non-profit organization based in New Zealand.
If the War of 1812 was, as some have described it, America's first Forgotten War, then the event that occurred 200 years ago today could well be described as a tragically forgotten episode of that war.
If the War of 1812 was, as some have described it, America's first Forgotten War, then the event that occurred 200 years ago today could well be described as a tragically forgotten episode of that war.
History is full of cases in which people subverted their own just causes by acting impulsively rather than carefully considering the costs and benefits.
History is full of cases in which people subverted their own just causes by acting impulsively rather than carefully considering the costs and benefits.
On this date in 1771, two large groups of armed North Carolinians were camped about six mile away from each other in what is now Alamance County.
On this date in 1771, two large groups of armed North Carolinians were camped about six mile away from each other in what is now Alamance County.
President Barack Obama cares more for his muddle-headed constituents than he does about the environment. He proves this daily with his sweeping inaction in the Gulf.
President Barack Obama cares more for his muddle-headed constituents than he does about the environment. He proves this daily with his sweeping inaction in the Gulf.
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