Results found for born-alive abortion survivors protection act | Eastern North Carolina Now

18 Results found for born-alive abortion survivors protection act

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In one of its first acts this session, the GOP-controlled House passed a bill Wednesday geared toward ensuring steps are taken by health providers to protect infants born alive after an attempted abortion.
In one of its first acts this session, the GOP-controlled House passed a bill Wednesday geared toward ensuring steps are taken by health providers to protect infants born alive after an attempted abortion.
Political experts say that Republicans don't necessarily need a supermajority in both chambers to override Gov. Roy Cooper's vetoes next year. A handful of moderate Democrats could be convinced to break ranks and side with the GOP.
Political experts say that Republicans don't necessarily need a supermajority in both chambers to override Gov. Roy Cooper's vetoes next year. A handful of moderate Democrats could be convinced to break ranks and side with the GOP.
It looks like the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot once again by putting up a radical leftist and a quitter as their candidates for North Carolina’s 13th District.
It looks like the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot once again by putting up a radical leftist and a quitter as their candidates for North Carolina’s 13th District.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is readying the Senate to vote on two powerful pro-life bills: South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is readying the Senate to vote on two powerful pro-life bills: South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
As N.C. legislators prepare to consider overriding Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of their 2019-21 budget deal, Republican senators are drawing attention to funding priorities threatened by the veto.
As N.C. legislators prepare to consider overriding Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of their 2019-21 budget deal, Republican senators are drawing attention to funding priorities threatened by the veto.
Today, Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund endorsed Senator Thom Tillis.
Today, Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund endorsed Senator Thom Tillis.
The N.C. House fell short Wednesday in its attempt to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of Senate Bill 359, the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act.
The N.C. House fell short Wednesday in its attempt to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of Senate Bill 359, the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act.
Lt. Governor Forest gave the following statement on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act:
Governor Cooper's spokesperson, Megan Thorpe, shared the following statement after the North Carolina House voted to sustain Governor Cooper's veto of SB359:
Governor Cooper's spokesperson, Megan Thorpe, shared the following statement after the North Carolina House voted to sustain Governor Cooper's veto of SB359:
Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, drew the wrath of pro-life supporters Thursday, April 18, when he vetoed Senate Bill 359, “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.”
Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, drew the wrath of pro-life supporters Thursday, April 18, when he vetoed Senate Bill 359, “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.”
Last night, Republicans in the N.C. Senate passed a bill to protect babies who are born alive after surviving an attempted abortion. All but two Democrats voted against it.
Last night, Republicans in the N.C. Senate passed a bill to protect babies who are born alive after surviving an attempted abortion. All but two Democrats voted against it.
North Carolina Republican Communications Director Jeff Hauser released the following statement:
Gov. Cooper shared the following statement on his veto of Senate Bill 359
Gov. Cooper shared the following statement on his veto of Senate Bill 359
This past Monday, February 25, US Senate Democrats blocked a Republican bill - The BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SURVIVORS PROTECTION ACT - that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't attempt to save the lives of infants born alive during failed abortions.
This past Monday, February 25, US Senate Democrats blocked a Republican bill - The BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SURVIVORS PROTECTION ACT - that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't attempt to save the lives of infants born alive during failed abortions.
President Donald Trump slammed Democrats on Monday evening for refusing to support legislation that would prevent innocent newborn babies from being killed if they were born alive after surviving an abortion.
President Donald Trump slammed Democrats on Monday evening for refusing to support legislation that would prevent innocent newborn babies from being killed if they were born alive after surviving an abortion.
Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would mandate doctors attempt to save born-alive infants instead of allowing them to die.
Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would mandate doctors attempt to save born-alive infants instead of allowing them to die.
Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) voted to support the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, legislation he co-sponsored that would protect infants born alive following attempted abortions by requiring that they be transported to a hospital and provided the same level of care
Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) voted to support the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, legislation he co-sponsored that would protect infants born alive following attempted abortions by requiring that they be transported to a hospital and provided the same level of care


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