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53 Results found for civic duty

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The Justice Department has asked a judge to order Hunter Biden’s former business partner, who is scheduled to testify about alleged past criminal business dealings involving President Joe Biden on Monday, to report to prison on previous charges.
The Justice Department has asked a judge to order Hunter Biden’s former business partner, who is scheduled to testify about alleged past criminal business dealings involving President Joe Biden on Monday, to report to prison on previous charges.
Hunter Biden's former business partner reportedly confirmed to the House Oversight Committee that President Joe Biden was on more than twenty calls with his son during a closed-door hearing on Monday;
Hunter Biden's former business partner reportedly confirmed to the House Oversight Committee that President Joe Biden was on more than twenty calls with his son during a closed-door hearing on Monday;
Raleigh unwittingly welcomed criminality, and homicides, rapes, assaults, and property crimes have all increased
Raleigh unwittingly welcomed criminality, and homicides, rapes, assaults, and property crimes have all increased
This Memorial Day week-end, we remember the greater than 1,448,900 servicemen who fought and died in our wars and battles over the many years.
This Memorial Day week-end, we remember the greater than 1,448,900 servicemen who fought and died in our wars and battles over the many years.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) grilled Alejandra Caraballo, a far-left transgender activist, during a House hearing on Tuesday over some of the past statements that the activist has made.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) grilled Alejandra Caraballo, a far-left transgender activist, during a House hearing on Tuesday over some of the past statements that the activist has made.
Joe Biden is the most popular president in history. You can't throw a rock without hitting someone who voted for him! So, the chances are high that someone you love is a Biden voter.
Joe Biden is the most popular president in history. You can't throw a rock without hitting someone who voted for him! So, the chances are high that someone you love is a Biden voter.
A North Carolina Superior Court judge ordered a prospective juror to spend 24 hours in jail after he refused to wear a mask in the courtroom.
A North Carolina Superior Court judge ordered a prospective juror to spend 24 hours in jail after he refused to wear a mask in the courtroom.
A Texas man accused of threatening Sen. Ted Cruz in a rambling phone call to his office last month is on the lam after failing to show up for a court appearance, authorities said.
A Texas man accused of threatening Sen. Ted Cruz in a rambling phone call to his office last month is on the lam after failing to show up for a court appearance, authorities said.
The Constitution established the United States as a democratic republic. It is democratic because the people govern themselves, and it is a republic because the government’s power is derived from its people.
The Constitution established the United States as a democratic republic. It is democratic because the people govern themselves, and it is a republic because the government’s power is derived from its people.
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments regarding a Mississippi abortion law that could change the abortion landscape in the United States, so naturally Democrats are out in force claiming certain Supreme Court justices are illegitimate and shouldn’t be allowed to decide the case.
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments regarding a Mississippi abortion law that could change the abortion landscape in the United States, so naturally Democrats are out in force claiming certain Supreme Court justices are illegitimate and shouldn’t be allowed to decide the case.
Sometimes I hate it when I’m right.
Born in China, Zhang warns that cultural trends in the United States appear ominously familiar.
Born in China, Zhang warns that cultural trends in the United States appear ominously familiar.
Voter Identification Assurances & Election Reforms
David Harsanyi explains at National Review Online why Republican policymakers should use caution when approaching infrastructure proposals.
David Harsanyi explains at National Review Online why Republican policymakers should use caution when approaching infrastructure proposals.
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
Today, Governor Roy Cooper visited Gilero, a medical device manufacturer in Morrisville and Pittsboro that began making personal protective equipment when COVID-19 reached the United States.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper visited Gilero, a medical device manufacturer in Morrisville and Pittsboro that began making personal protective equipment when COVID-19 reached the United States.
With a strong showing from mail-in and early voters, North Carolina on Friday eclipsed more than one million votes in the 2020 general election.
With a strong showing from mail-in and early voters, North Carolina on Friday eclipsed more than one million votes in the 2020 general election.
This was the most unusual July 4th holiday most of us ever experienced.
This was the most unusual July 4th holiday most of us ever experienced.
Modern universities are ignoring their civic duty to teach their students how to become engaged citizens.
As hospitals fight cost-cutting reforms to the State Health Plan, State Treasurer Dale Folwell remains undaunted.
As hospitals fight cost-cutting reforms to the State Health Plan, State Treasurer Dale Folwell remains undaunted.
It's been a frustrating special election season. Tempers have flared, ambitions have run high, and friends have turned on each other.

I Voted

It's been a frustrating special election season. Tempers have flared, ambitions have run high, and friends have turned on each other.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
Happy Anniversary America !! This year, 2011, celebrates 218 years since the British signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally abandoning any claims to the United States.
Christine Blasey Ford, a California woman who accused then-Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of decades-old sexual misconduct without a shred of corroborating evidence, collected nearly $650,000 from a GoFundMe account last week and released a rare statement post-Kavanaugh hearings.
Christine Blasey Ford, a California woman who accused then-Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of decades-old sexual misconduct without a shred of corroborating evidence, collected nearly $650,000 from a GoFundMe account last week and released a rare statement post-Kavanaugh hearings.
DC politicians make me sick. They are quite literally the most wretched of human beings. They (mostly Democrats, let's face it) refuse to act in the best interests of the country or of its citizens, but rather, act for pure political purposes only.
DC politicians make me sick. They are quite literally the most wretched of human beings. They (mostly Democrats, let's face it) refuse to act in the best interests of the country or of its citizens, but rather, act for pure political purposes only.
On May 25, Brandon Straka posted a video on Facebook explaining why he was finally rejecting and walking away from the Democratic Party. It has since gone viral and inspired a growing political movement.
On May 25, Brandon Straka posted a video on Facebook explaining why he was finally rejecting and walking away from the Democratic Party. It has since gone viral and inspired a growing political movement.
The latest Elon University Poll contains disturbing, but not surprising results. More people know the starting quarterback for the Carolina Panthers than the names of either of our U.S. Senators
The latest Elon University Poll contains disturbing, but not surprising results. More people know the starting quarterback for the Carolina Panthers than the names of either of our U.S. Senators
The President's Outstanding State of the Union Address:
Today was another excellent Sunday in Bible Study and at church. I am always grateful to learn about the Bible and its lessons.
Today was another excellent Sunday in Bible Study and at church. I am always grateful to learn about the Bible and its lessons.
Keep an Eye on the Political Coup that is brewing. It is coordinated at many levels.
What's the real problem with our federal government? That people in Congress serve too many terms? And if we get an Amendment to limit their terms, will our Land be healed
What's the real problem with our federal government? That people in Congress serve too many terms? And if we get an Amendment to limit their terms, will our Land be healed
The Burr campaign today released its latest TV ad, "Kelly," that features Kelly Lowe, a disabled Marine Corps veteran and rape survivor, speaking out against Deborah Ross' fight against the creation of the North Carolina Sex Offender Registry.
The Burr campaign today released its latest TV ad, "Kelly," that features Kelly Lowe, a disabled Marine Corps veteran and rape survivor, speaking out against Deborah Ross' fight against the creation of the North Carolina Sex Offender Registry.
By: jonah
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