Results found for non-binary | Eastern North Carolina Now

113 Results found for non-binary

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“Saturday Night Live” has added its first “non-binary” cast member, and no, it’s not just a return of Pat.
“Saturday Night Live” has added its first “non-binary” cast member, and no, it’s not just a return of Pat.
The Boston Marathon has added new guidelines for 2023 that will allow runners to register as “non-binary athletes.”
The Boston Marathon has added new guidelines for 2023 that will allow runners to register as “non-binary athletes.”
“Nonbinary” patients seeking "Ken doll" nullification surgery and other horrors may rely on state-sponsored health insurance.
“Nonbinary” patients seeking "Ken doll" nullification surgery and other horrors may rely on state-sponsored health insurance.
The Indie film Spirit Awards has announced it will follow other awards shows and start honoring “acting without reference” to gender in its upcoming ceremony being held in March 2023.
The Indie film Spirit Awards has announced it will follow other awards shows and start honoring “acting without reference” to gender in its upcoming ceremony being held in March 2023.
The school administrator for a devoutly Christian Florida school says he and his family have received numerous violent threats because of the school’s firm stand affirming Biblical morality.
The school administrator for a devoutly Christian Florida school says he and his family have received numerous violent threats because of the school’s firm stand affirming Biblical morality.
Critics swarmed Twitter following an announcement from Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre about a new play — “I, Joan” — that portrays the legendary martyr Joan of Arc as “a legendary leader, who in this production, uses the pronouns ‘they/them.'”
Critics swarmed Twitter following an announcement from Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre about a new play — “I, Joan” — that portrays the legendary martyr Joan of Arc as “a legendary leader, who in this production, uses the pronouns ‘they/them.'”
A new play about Joan of Arc will portray the patron saint of France as “gender neutral” and have her using “they/them” pronouns in a play that’s said to be “alive, queer and full of hope.”
A new play about Joan of Arc will portray the patron saint of France as “gender neutral” and have her using “they/them” pronouns in a play that’s said to be “alive, queer and full of hope.”
San Diego Unified School District is instructing teachers to “dismantle ‘heteronormativity’ and break the ‘gender binary'” in their classrooms, according to newly revealed training documents.
San Diego Unified School District is instructing teachers to “dismantle ‘heteronormativity’ and break the ‘gender binary'” in their classrooms, according to newly revealed training documents.
Fatima Goss Graves, president of the National Women’s Law Center, was ironically unable to define the word “woman” during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing held Wednesday.
Fatima Goss Graves, president of the National Women’s Law Center, was ironically unable to define the word “woman” during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing held Wednesday.
Amazon rejected The Daily Wire's ads for 'What Is A Woman'
A reputed first-grade teacher who said she has her students refer to her as “professor” because she eschews the terms “Mrs.” and “Mr” in her classroom also boasted that her “favorite moments are always when my students ask about my queerness.”
A reputed first-grade teacher who said she has her students refer to her as “professor” because she eschews the terms “Mrs.” and “Mr” in her classroom also boasted that her “favorite moments are always when my students ask about my queerness.”
University of California Los Angeles anthropology professor Joseph Manson revealed that he is leaving academia due to the “Woke takeover of higher education.”
University of California Los Angeles anthropology professor Joseph Manson revealed that he is leaving academia due to the “Woke takeover of higher education.”
So, you're working for a woke corporation. Sad! It's a hard life working for "the man," and it's even harder when "the man" is a non-binary pansexual neurodivergent transspecies disabled person who will fire you if you misgender them.
So, you're working for a woke corporation. Sad! It's a hard life working for "the man," and it's even harder when "the man" is a non-binary pansexual neurodivergent transspecies disabled person who will fire you if you misgender them.
Pride Month officially concludes June 30th with a series of explicit parades and orgies, but community activists have assured as many as would listen that they are not going anywhere.
Pride Month officially concludes June 30th with a series of explicit parades and orgies, but community activists have assured as many as would listen that they are not going anywhere.
Thousands of teachers who are out of work or on summer break are being forced to frequent playgrounds and shout their sexual preferences to random kids, as they no longer have a classroom full of captive listeners to discuss their queerness with.
Thousands of teachers who are out of work or on summer break are being forced to frequent playgrounds and shout their sexual preferences to random kids, as they no longer have a classroom full of captive listeners to discuss their queerness with.
Despite decades of research attempting to add additional genders, scientists have finally admitted there are still only two genders plus a growing list of 767 mental disorders.
Despite decades of research attempting to add additional genders, scientists have finally admitted there are still only two genders plus a growing list of 767 mental disorders.
Democrats have unveiled an official proposal to replace Memorial Day, which they are calling "a problematic holiday honoring white supremacist soldiers who died for the racist country of America," with a more inclusive day: Misgenderorial Day
Democrats have unveiled an official proposal to replace Memorial Day, which they are calling "a problematic holiday honoring white supremacist soldiers who died for the racist country of America," with a more inclusive day: Misgenderorial Day
A local progressive Christian confessed Monday that he was nervous about dying because he wasn't sure if St. Peter would call him by his preferred pronouns when his name is read at the final judgment.
A local progressive Christian confessed Monday that he was nervous about dying because he wasn't sure if St. Peter would call him by his preferred pronouns when his name is read at the final judgment.
A Florida teacher claims that she was fired after discussing her status as a “pansexual” with students earlier this Spring.
A Florida teacher claims that she was fired after discussing her status as a “pansexual” with students earlier this Spring.
Actor Eddie Redmayne, who won an Oscar for “The Theory of Everything” and played a biological man who believed he was a woman in 2015’s “The Danish Girl,” now believes it was a “mistake” to play the latter part because “there has been years of cisgender success on the back of trans stories.”
Actor Eddie Redmayne, who won an Oscar for “The Theory of Everything” and played a biological man who believed he was a woman in 2015’s “The Danish Girl,” now believes it was a “mistake” to play the latter part because “there has been years of cisgender success on the back of trans stories.”
Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union, which was founded on the principle of defending Americans’ civil liberties, filed an amicus brief arguing against Loudoun County Circuit Court teachers who have refused to use “gender-affirming” pronouns.
Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union, which was founded on the principle of defending Americans’ civil liberties, filed an amicus brief arguing against Loudoun County Circuit Court teachers who have refused to use “gender-affirming” pronouns.
Twitter will be going through some changes in the coming weeks as it transitions from a thought police enforcement zone to an actual social media platform.
Twitter will be going through some changes in the coming weeks as it transitions from a thought police enforcement zone to an actual social media platform.
LAGUNA HILLS, CA—Local zoomer Danerys Williams has embraced her nonconformist ideology and shed the shackles of gender identity to become nonconformist just like every single one of her friends.
LAGUNA HILLS, CA—Local zoomer Danerys Williams has embraced her nonconformist ideology and shed the shackles of gender identity to become nonconformist just like every single one of her friends.
Apple has finally come out in support of the woke movement, forcing the vast majority of the population, who haven't bought fully into transgender ideology, to have pregnant man emojis on their iPhones
Apple has finally come out in support of the woke movement, forcing the vast majority of the population, who haven't bought fully into transgender ideology, to have pregnant man emojis on their iPhones
A city in California has reportedly approved $200,000 in funding for “initial research and program design of a guaranteed income pilot program” proposed by DAP Health and Queer Works
A city in California has reportedly approved $200,000 in funding for “initial research and program design of a guaranteed income pilot program” proposed by DAP Health and Queer Works
Daily Wire podcast host and author Matt Walsh recently appeared on an episode of “Dr. Phil,” where the conservative battled leftist gender ideology.
Daily Wire podcast host and author Matt Walsh recently appeared on an episode of “Dr. Phil,” where the conservative battled leftist gender ideology.
A school nurse in Connecticut was suspended after she revealed on Facebook that an 11-year-old student at her school was on puberty blockers and that other students identified as non-binary without their parents being informed.
A school nurse in Connecticut was suspended after she revealed on Facebook that an 11-year-old student at her school was on puberty blockers and that other students identified as non-binary without their parents being informed.
An Orange County, California, school district organized a science camp for fifth-grade girls, where they stayed in cabins for three nights with what some of the girls’ parents said were men who “identified” as non-binary.
An Orange County, California, school district organized a science camp for fifth-grade girls, where they stayed in cabins for three nights with what some of the girls’ parents said were men who “identified” as non-binary.
In a remark that was interpreted by various British outlets as a swipe at famed author J.K. Rowling, whose Harry Potter books prompted the films that made her famous, actress Emma Watson took the stage at the BAFTA awards on Sunday and proclaimed, “I’m here for all the witches.”
In a remark that was interpreted by various British outlets as a swipe at famed author J.K. Rowling, whose Harry Potter books prompted the films that made her famous, actress Emma Watson took the stage at the BAFTA awards on Sunday and proclaimed, “I’m here for all the witches.”
In a video in which he spoke to Floridians, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis targeted Disney, whose CEO called DeSantis to criticize the Florida “Parental Rights In Education” bill.
In a video in which he spoke to Floridians, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis targeted Disney, whose CEO called DeSantis to criticize the Florida “Parental Rights In Education” bill.
A philosophy professor who defended pedophilia has been temporarily removed from campus to limit his interactions with students.
A philosophy professor who defended pedophilia has been temporarily removed from campus to limit his interactions with students.
North Carolina’s state constitution, in Article IX, section 1 (“Education Encouraged”), reads: “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools, libraries, and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”
North Carolina’s state constitution, in Article IX, section 1 (“Education Encouraged”), reads: “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools, libraries, and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”
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