Results found for postmodernist | Eastern North Carolina Now

18 Results found for postmodernist

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Hog farming is an integral part of the agricultural industry in North Carolina, contributing $10 billion in economic output a year
Hog farming is an integral part of the agricultural industry in North Carolina, contributing $10 billion in economic output a year
Hatched on college campuses, "critical pedagogies" have begun to leave the nest.
Hatched on college campuses, "critical pedagogies" have begun to leave the nest.
Collectivists of many stripes—but one aim—have been eating away at our free society for over one hundred years.
Collectivists of many stripes—but one aim—have been eating away at our free society for over one hundred years.
Holden Thorp is a very clever fellow. With a PhD in chemistry from Caltech and after some business ventures and a spell teaching at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, he ascended to the chancellorship of the university in 2007 at the young age of 43.
Holden Thorp is a very clever fellow. With a PhD in chemistry from Caltech and after some business ventures and a spell teaching at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, he ascended to the chancellorship of the university in 2007 at the young age of 43.
There are good citizens and concerned parents (of both races) across the state who are fanatically opposed to CRT being taught in the school system - a school system to which they pay taxes.
There are good citizens and concerned parents (of both races) across the state who are fanatically opposed to CRT being taught in the school system - a school system to which they pay taxes.
No room for dissenting opinions in the Space Force
No room for dissenting opinions in the Space Force
Many, perhaps most, Americans are just now waking up to the meaning of “woke.” What does “woke” have to do with looting, bricks, fires, and blood in Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis? One asks oneself, “Am I woke (good)? Or not woke (evil)? How woke is woke, how much wokeness is enough, and who dec
Many, perhaps most, Americans are just now waking up to the meaning of “woke.” What does “woke” have to do with looting, bricks, fires, and blood in Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis? One asks oneself, “Am I woke (good)? Or not woke (evil)? How woke is woke, how much wokeness is enough, and who dec
Stanley Kurtz ranks as one of this country’s most insightful critics of higher education.
Free speech is in trouble on college campuses. Social justice indoctrination is to blame.
Here’s why indoctrinating children makes perfect sense to postmodernists.
In recent years, the media has given us dire warnings about the "crisis of the humanities." In article after article, one reads about falling enrollments in college English departments and funding cuts
In recent years, the media has given us dire warnings about the "crisis of the humanities." In article after article, one reads about falling enrollments in college English departments and funding cuts
There are lots of people in our higher education system who claim that it is "the envy of the world" and just needs more money to graduate more young Americans with the degrees that are supposedly in great demand
There are lots of people in our higher education system who claim that it is "the envy of the world" and just needs more money to graduate more young Americans with the degrees that are supposedly in great demand
A recent book by Thomas L. Martin and Duke Pesta, The Renaissance and the Postmodern: A Study in Comparative Critical Values represents something of a critical cat among the contemporary theoretical pigeons
A recent book by Thomas L. Martin and Duke Pesta, The Renaissance and the Postmodern: A Study in Comparative Critical Values represents something of a critical cat among the contemporary theoretical pigeons
The chickens have come home to roost at Duke’s Divinity School. Protesting students claim the school is insufficiently diverse. More needs to be done, they say, to combat racism, transphobia, homophobia, and associated evils.
The chickens have come home to roost at Duke’s Divinity School. Protesting students claim the school is insufficiently diverse. More needs to be done, they say, to combat racism, transphobia, homophobia, and associated evils.
First, I would like to address conservative parents. Lately, I hear many of you questioning whether you should send your kids to college. Maybe they should just go to trade school or straight into the workforce
First, I would like to address conservative parents. Lately, I hear many of you questioning whether you should send your kids to college. Maybe they should just go to trade school or straight into the workforce
At the start of the fall semester, a freshman student at UNC-Chapel Hill gave the syllabus for ENG 72: Literature of 9/11 a cursory look and, perceiving an anti-American bias, brought it to the attention of the College Fix, a conservative website. It then received a considerable amount of...
At the start of the fall semester, a freshman student at UNC-Chapel Hill gave the syllabus for ENG 72: Literature of 9/11 a cursory look and, perceiving an anti-American bias, brought it to the attention of the College Fix, a conservative website. It then received a considerable amount of...
I have had the advantage of having degrees in both biology and English. I know how each is taught, and the requirements of each.
I have had the advantage of having degrees in both biology and English. I know how each is taught, and the requirements of each.
My title has two meanings. The first is that, since the 1980s at least, what calls itself literary criticism has consisted largely of abstract theory, less concerned with literature than with itself.
My title has two meanings. The first is that, since the 1980s at least, what calls itself literary criticism has consisted largely of abstract theory, less concerned with literature than with itself.


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